世界傑出醫師協會| World Outstanding Medical Doctors Association概述| Outline
世界傑出醫師協會是由國內外著名醫學專家聯合發起,依據香港法例於 2012 年 12 月 12 日在香港特別行政區登記成立。世界傑出醫師協會是由註冊醫師,經過認證的民間醫師和健保人士,健康領域的科學家和社會活動家個人會員及健康領域團體會員自願組成的世界性組織。世界傑出醫師協會以提高生命質量促進人類健康為宗旨,致力於加強中醫、西醫優勢互補,挖掘推廣創新人類自然療法,推動跨行業專家之間的學術交流與合作。
World Outstanding MedicalDoctors Association co-sponsored by well-known domestic and foreign medicalexperts, registered and established in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong on December 12, 2012 in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR). The World Outstanding Medical Doctors Association by a registeredphysician, after the certified private physicians and health care people, scientistsin the field of health and social activist individual members and health fieldgroup members voluntarily world organization. World Outstanding Medical DoctorsAssociation in order to improve the quality of life for the purpose ofpromoting human health, committed to strengthening the traditional Chinesemedicine, Western medicine complementary advantages, mining promotinginnovative the human natural therapies to promote academic exchanges andcooperation between the cross-industry experts.
會徽| Emblem成立大會
The inaugural meeting of World Outstanding Medical Doctors Association
And the First Energic Medicine · Natural Therapy InternationalAcademic Salon
Sponsor: World Outstanding Medical Doctors Association
Organizer: Beijing Global Outlook Institute ofMedical Technology
Time: 18-19 May 2013
Location:China· Beijing
近一百年來,中醫受到了現代西醫和現代科學的強烈衝擊。 “廢止中醫”、“告別中醫”的呼籲聲此起彼伏。有趣的是,當中醫的故鄉在高呼“廢止中醫”和“告別中醫”之時,在西醫的故鄉卻興起了一陣又一陣的“中醫熱”。然而,一些真正關心中醫命運的大夫開始驚呼:“中醫正在走向滅亡!”顯然,這不是指“中醫”這個名字會滅亡。也不是指“中醫”這個職業會滅亡。而是指“中醫”的實質、“中醫”的魂,“中醫”的靈,正在步步走向滅亡。真正“中醫”正在不斷地被破壞,被肢解,被雜交,被閹割,被人妖化。慢慢地,到了誰也說不清楚,到底什麼是“中醫”了。
從這兩個知識體系來看,“中醫學”顯然比“物理學”發展得早,也說明中華民族是一個早熟的民族。值得注意的是,“中醫學”在近兩千年前就達到了第五個階段,在理論上停止了發展;而 “物理學”在六十年前就達到了第五個階段,在理論上也停止了發展。
The President Address: InternationalManifesto of Naturopathy
Zhang Changlin 2013/05/18
A scientific way to restore and to maintainhealth, using various natural means to prevent and cure diseases. Naturopathy,or natural therapy, uses matters and methods directly related to human’s lives,such as food, air, water, sunshine, gymnastics, sleeping, hope, faith, andother physical and mental ways.
Philosophicalguiding theory of naturopathy:
A deep belief in the self-healing ability of thehuman body, trying to avoid any medical treatments that may weaken human body’sself-healing ability and certainly to avoid using only medicinal methods tocure diseases.
Guidingprinciple of naturopathy
Educating the patients to adopt healthy living habitsto increase the body’s self-healing power and to use natural and non-toxictherapies.
Naturopathy,Classical Chinese and Western School Medicine
Naturopathy focuses on improving health and enhancinglife quality, stresses the maintenance of health and prevention of diseases,thus appearing more like Classical Chinese medicine. On the other hand, westernmedicine focuses on diseases and stresses the diagnosis and prevention ofdiseases. Therefore, the two systems differ greatly in academic theories andtechnical methods and are thus mutually complementary.
Collisionof Classical Chinese Medicine and Modern physics
In the recent hundred of years, Chinese medicinehas been drastically challenged by modern western medicine and modern science.People hear various voices that advocate “abolishing Chinese medicine” or “sayinggoodbye to Chinese medicine”. Ironically, while the acclaims to depart from Chinesemedicine get louder and louder in its origin country, it has becomeincreasingly popular in the western countries. At the same time, some medicaldoctors who truly care about the destiny of Chinese medicine lament that “it isdying”. Obviously, the “dying” here doesn’t mean that the name “Chinesemedicine” is going to parish, nor does it mean that the profession of Chinesemedical doctors is disappearing. The true meaning of “dying” here refers to thedecaying process of the essence, soul, and anima of Chinese medicine. As it isgetting sabotaged, dismembered, hybridized and demonized by its opponents, the Chinesemedicine can become less and less understood to the world.
By contrast, western medicine and other modernsciences are absorbing and digesting many aspects of the essential theories,namely the soul and anima, of Chinese medicine, such as “holism”,“correspondence of heaven and man”, “midnight-noon and ebb-flow doctrine”,regarding the channels and collaterals system as “Spirit Pivot”, regarding herb medicineas music, and regarding everything as alive. At the same time, Chinese medicineitself has been withering and voiding, turning into a non-Chinese andnon-western discipline. In other words, it is converting into a powerless andimpotent although extremely charming shemale.
Actually, the popularity of Chinese medicine inthe western world reflects a dilemma faced by the western medicine as well asthe exploration of western medical doctors. In times of poverty and war, thesurgical knives and antibiotics saved millions of people’s lives, thus givingthe doctor’s nickname of “angel in white”. However, in times of peace andaffluence, the western medical doctors have difficulty dealing with chronicdiseases and functional disorders. What is worse, what people are discoveringis that an increasing number of patients are dying not of diseases but of wrongmedical treatment mindset, not to mention the increased expenditure resultingfrom by it. All these have proved that western medicine has serious cognitivedeficit about the essential law of life activities. From the discipline ofanatomy in ancient Greece, western medicine has been walking on the road ofreductionism and mechanism. In the past two hundred years, reductionism hasbeen exhausted of its potential developing from anatomy to histology and from cytology to molecular biology.As a result, the western medical doctors have to learn the holistic way ofthinking from Chinese medicine and accept the theory of the combination of mindand body.
In the recent century, the biggest accusation ofChinese medicine is its “unscientificness”. Actually, this is an ignorantunderstanding of science. In the dictionary, “science” is defined as aknowledge system reflecting the objective rules of nature, society and thinking.Therefore, Chinese medicine and western physics are both sciences as they bothagree with the definition.
A scientific system requires scientific spiritand scientific methods. Copernicus said that “the spirit of science is thepursuit of truth”. So, the development of both physics and traditional Chinesemedicine require the pursuing spirit. Otherwise, there would not have beenMoses’Genesis, Lao Tzu’sTao Te Chingor Qu Yuan’sQuestions to the Heaven. Consequently,the oriental traditional Chinese medicine and the western physics are alike inthe spirit of science.
Talking about “scientific methods”, the orientaltraditional Chinese medicine and western physics truly adopt differentapproaches. However, since the spirit of science is unique, there should bevarious approaches of scientific methods. Starting from different historicaland social backgrounds, the oriental traditional Chinese medicine and westernphysics have developed different knowledge systems.
Both can be divided into six developing stagesfor the sake of comparison:
Oriental: “Developmentof the knowledge system of traditional Chinese medicine”
Stage 1:Hetuand Luoshu(Mystic signs and markings revealed to Fu Xi and Yu the Greatthousands of years ago, the preliminary record of the universal life rules)
Stage 2:TheEight Diagrams, andThe Tai ChiDiagram(the secondary record of the universal life rules)
Stage 3:TheBook of Changes(qualitative, quantitative and locative study of universallife rules)
Stage 4:TaoTe Ching(thought and study on the world origin and human’s cognitiveability)
Stage 5:The Yellow Emperor's Canonof Internal Medicine(annotation of life, a studyon the interactions between the macro-universe in nature and the micro-universein human body, the foundation of Classical Chinese Medicine theory)
Stage 6:Synopsisof Golden Chamber,Treatise on Febrile Diseases,Compendium ofMateria Medica,A-BClassic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion(the theoretical development has not increased much although the medicaltreatment methods have developed greatly over the past two thousand years).
Western: “Development ofthe knowledge system of physics”
Stage 1: Euclidean geometry (foundation of the structure of modernphysics)
Stage 2: Classical physics(study on the stars and macro-world rules)
Stage 3: Electric physics (study on the electromagneticwaves and magnetic field rules)
Stage 4: Statistical physics (study on the group movementrules)
Stage 5: Quantum physics(study on the micro-world movement rules)
Stage 6: Application ofatomic energy, invention of the semiconductor,space technology, Radiocommunication technology (in the recent 60 years, the theoretical system hasnot developed much, although the applied technology has developed drastically).
From the two knowledge systems, it can be seenthat the Chinese medicine developed much earlier than physics, meaning the Chineseis a precocious nationality. What is worth paying attention is that Chinesemedicine stopped theoretical development at stage 5 nearly two thousand yearsago, while the western physics stopped theoretical development also at stage 5sixty years ago.
So, both the eastern and western medicines havelost directions for development.
Nowadays, in the process of globalization, thetwo knowledge systems are colliding with each other, and the argument of whichone is the correct knowledge system has become a hotly debated issue. Becausethe western modern science has contributed greatly to people’s lives inmilitary, technical and economic fields, western knowledge system has beenidolized and become the spokesperson of truth.
What is worse, “science” has become an evilspirit step by step, intolerant of any challenge or criticism. Any product,once labeled “scientific”, automatically becomes a “truth” intolerant of anychallenge or criticism.
Therefore, it is a huge misunderstanding andignorance to view modern science as absolute truth. This misunderstanding andignorance is more serious in China, which is not the birth place of modernscience. Just because of this misunderstanding and ignorance, traditionalChinese medicine is criticized in China as unscientific, anti-scientific,metaphysical, witchcraft, “good medicine but bad doctor”, and so on.
Actually, Chinese medicine and modern physicsare both sciences pursuing truth, although being developed under differentknowledge system, using different methods and not compatible with each other.Nowadays, it is still not possible to put the two knowledge systems togetherand form a larger and wider knowledge system.
However, this incompatibility is not necessarilya bad thing; or rather, it can be a good thing, because pursuing thecomprehensiveness of knowledge is a kind of human nature and a powerful forceto promote scientific development.
Presently, the collision of eastern and westernknowledge systems has exposed the limitation of themselves which is the verybeginning of development. We need to form a higher and more comprehensivetheoretical system to cover the current two incompatible systems. So science isfacing a new development opportunity.
FormingLife physics
From the outside, classical Chinese medicine andmodern physics are incompatible. However, they are complementary to each other.Right now, we are going to form the fifth floor of the physics building, namelylife physics.
Floor 5: Life physics (study on the lifemovement rules)
Floor 4: Quantum physics (study on the micro-world movement rules)
Floor 3: Statistical physics (study on the group movement rules)
Floor 2: Electric physics (study on the electromagnetic waves andmagnetic field rules)
Floor 1: Classical physics (study on the stars and macro-worldrules)
Now, the formation of life physics has alreadystarted. The main research object of life physics is highly dynamic, undividablecomplex system. The structure which life physics studies is dissipativestructure that could only exist in an open system with constant energy support.And life physics emphasizes that the objectivity and the subjectivity areindivisible
The medicine that corresponds to life physics iswave medicine, instead of particle medicine. The particle medicine is based onthe anatomical structure is a kind of static structure which could be called “chemicalbody” and exists even after a person died. In western school medicine, the “chemicalbody” has been well studied. But the wave medicine is based on an anatomicalstructure which will soon disappear after death. The anatomical structure inwave medicine is highly dynamic and called dissipative structure in physics, orcalled “electromagnetic body”.
The foundation of life physics and wave medicinewill provide clinical guidance to various naturopathies in the fields of lifelevel and life property. Therefore, here we put forward the two new concepts oflife physics and wave medicine as a joint effort direction and goal to explore togetherto construct the life physics and wave medicine in order to lay a solidfoundation for naturopathy.。
The nomination of Life Science Explore Outstanding ContributionAward
編號 No. | 姓名 Name | 性別 Gender | 國籍 Nationality | 工作單位及主要貢獻 Institute and Contribution |
1 | 張長琳 Zhang,Changlin | 男 Male | 中國 China | 德國西根大學教授 代表著作:《人體的彩虹》 出版時間:2010年05月 ISBN: 9789866362156 主要貢獻:發現“電磁場人體解剖結構”,為提高生命質量促進人類健康做出貢獻。(生命物理學專家) Professor of Universit?t Siegen(Germany), Magnum opus:<Human Body Rainbow> Publish date:2010/May Contribution:discover “Electromagnetic Field in the Human Anatomy” In order to contribute to improving the quality of life andpromote human health. |
2 | 王唯工 Wang, Weikung | 男 Male | 中國台灣 Tai Wan | 台灣清華大學物理研究所教授 代表著作:《氣的樂章》 出版時間:2006年09月 IS B N:9787300075778 主要貢獻:發現“氣血循環生理機制”,為提高生命質量促進人類健康做出貢獻。(生命物理學專家) Professor ofInstitute of physics, Tsinghua University, Taiwan Magnum opus:<The moment of breath> Publish date:2006/Sep. Contribution:discover Qi-Blood circulation physiologicalmechanism In order to contribute to improving the quality of life andpromote human health. |
3 | 王錫寧 Wang, Xining | 男 Male | 中國 China | 北京大學CHQIS課題組副組長研究員 代表著作:《頸上人·頸下人》 出版時間:2013年01月 ISBN:9787502376703 主要貢獻:發現腹腦,創立“生命結構自組織理論體系” ,為提高生命質量促進人類健康做出貢獻。(生命物理學專家) Vice Director/Researcher of Peking University CHQIS research group ; Magnum opus:< Superior cervical people , inferiorcervical people> Publish date:2013/Jan. Contribution:discover Abdominal brain, established “life structure self-organizing system” Inorder to contribute to improving the quality of life and promote humanhealth. |
4 | 鄒紀平 Zou, Jiping | 男 Male | 中國 China | 北京枸櫞生物技術研究所副所長 代表著作:《生命誰做主》 出版時間:2010年03月 ISBN:978-7-89452-122-4 主要貢獻:創立“生命境理論體系” ,為提高生命質量促進人類健康做出貢獻。(生命物理學專家) Beijing GouyuanBiotechnology Institute Vice president. Magnum opus:<Who determines Life > Publish date:2010/March Contribution:establish “The theoretical system of life” Inorder to contribute to improving the quality of life and promote humanhealth. |
5 | 徐榮祥 Xu,Rongxiang | 男 Male | 中國 China | 美寶國際集團董事局主席首席科學家 代表著作:《人體再生復原科學》 出版時間:2009年09月 ISBN:9787500481898 主要貢獻:創立“人體再生醫學”,為提高生命質量促進人類健康做出貢獻。(生命物理學專家) MeboInternational Group. President Magnum opus:<Human Body Regeneration Restoration Science> Publish date:2009/Sep. Contribution: establish“Human Body Regeneration Inorder to contribute to improving the quality of life and promote humanhealth. |
6 | 蕭宏慈 Xiao,Hongchi | 男 Male | 美國 USA | 美國獨立學者 代表著作:《醫行天下》 出版時間:2009年01月 ISBN:9787218060873 主要貢獻:創立“拍打拉筋自愈法” ,為提高生命質量促進人類健康做出貢獻。(中醫革新專家) The United StateIndependent Scholar Magnum opus:<Practicing Medicine all over the world> Publish date:2009/Jan. Contribution: establish“Tapping Stretching Self-healing Method” In order to contribute to improving the quality of life andpromote human health. Inorder to contribute to improving the quality of life and promote humanhealth. |
7 | 馬悅凌 Ma, Yueling | 女 Female | 中國 China | 中國獨立學者 代表著作:《不生病的智慧》 出版時間:2007年08月 ISBN:7539926678 /9787539926674 主要貢獻:以多年的親身實踐為代價,創立以食療、經絡療法為核心的“馬悅凌養生法” ,為提高生命質量促進人類健康做出貢獻。(中醫革新專家) ChinaIndependent Scholar Magnum opus: <Wisdom forno illness> Publish date: 2007/August Contribution: establish“Ma,Yueling Regimen ”based on diet therapy and Practical Chinese meridian therapy Inorder to contribute to improving the quality of life and promote humanhealth. |
8 | 馬合生 Ma, Hesheng | 男 Male | 中國 China | 中國發明家 代表專利:多功能遠紅外線調溫保健器 申請日期:2008年03月20日 專利號:2008/10049419.0 2008/20069734.5 主要貢獻:發明“QKMS-中醫康復機器人” ,為提高生命質量促進人類健康做出貢獻。(中醫革新專家) Chinese Investor Magnum opus: Multifunction Far infrared temperature Healthdevice. Applied patent date: 2008/March 20th Contribution: invest QKMS Traditional Chinese MedicineRehabilitation Robot. Inorder to contribute to improving the quality of life and promote humanhealth. |
9 | 江本勝 Jiang, Bensheng | 男 Male | 日本 Japan | 日本I.H.M波動醫學研究所所長 代表著作:《水知道答案》 出版日期:2009年05月 ISBN:9787544244343 主要貢獻:發明“信息-水結晶實驗法” ,為提高生命質量促進人類健康做出貢獻。(生命物理學專家) Japan I.H.M Energetic Medicine Institute President Magnum opus: <Water knows the answer> Publish date: 2009/May Contribution: invest “information-water crystallizationexperimentation method ” Inorder to contribute to improving the quality of life and promote humanhealth. |
10 | 迪帕克·杜德曼德 DeepakDudhmande | 男 Male | 印度 India | 印度著名身心靈整體治療專家。 代表著作:CCTV《禪醫》劇本 發布日期:2011年03月 播出電視頻道:中央電視台新科動漫頻道 主要貢獻:致力於整合印度傳統醫學阿育吠陀、順勢療法、中醫、自然醫學、心理學等不同醫學體系,治療不同健康問題,以保持良好的健康及生命質量為主旨。為提高生命質量促進人類健康做出貢獻。(整合醫學專家) India Famous Body-mind therapy expert Magnum opus: CCTV <Buddhist Medicine>script Publish date:2011/March Contribution: focus on combination of Traditional IndianMedicine ,Taditional Chinese Medicine, natural medicine, phycology; heal manydifferent health issues , aim keep good health and better life. Inorder to contribute to improving the quality of life and promote humanhealth. |
11 | 馬謝民 Ma,Xiemin | 男 Male | 中國 China | 北京大學醫學部教授 代表成果:衛生部科學基金編號98-1-272課題研究和衛生部CHQIS課題研究,課題成果均已轉化為國家標準。 主要貢獻:創立中國式臨床路徑管理模式,創立中國醫療質量指標體系。為提高生命質量促進人類健康做出貢獻。(西醫革新專家) Professor of Health Science Centerin Peking University Representative results: Ministry of health science fund number98-1-272 research and the Ministry of health CHQIS research, research resultshave been transformed into national standards. Main contribution: the creation of Chinese clinical pathmanagement mode, create quality index system of Chinese medical. In order tocontribute to improving the quality of life and promote human health. |
12 | 武廣華 Wu,Guanghua | 男 Male | 中國 China | 濟寧醫學院附屬醫院院長 代表著作:《病種質量管理與病種付費方式》 出版日期: 2006年06月 ISBN:9787117076944 主要貢獻:心繫民眾,執醫為民。率先在全國衛生系統實行病種付費改革,推出了128個病種的單病種限價,為提高生命質量促進人類健康做出貢獻。(西醫革新專家) Dean of JiNing Medical College,Affiliated Hospital Representative works: The representative works:<The quality of disease management andPayment mode> Publication date: 2006/June ISBN:9787117076944 Main contribution: With the heart of the masses, and Work forthe people. Take the lead payment reform in the national health system,launched single price of 128 diseases, In order to contribute to improvingthe quality of life and promote human health. |
13 | 俞汝龍 Yu,Rulong | 男 Male | 中國 China | 衛生部醫院管理研究所研究員 代表專利:一種治療惡性腫瘤的中藥製劑及製備方法 申請日:2000年08月03日 申請號:00120974 主要貢獻:用自己的身體做實驗,運用中草藥等自然療法戰勝癌症。創立“反習慣自然療法”。為提高生命質量促進人類健康做出貢獻。(中西醫革新專家) Hospital Management Research Institutein the Ministry of Health, Researcher Representative patent:Traditional Chinese medicine preparation and preparation method for treatingmalignant tumor Application date: 2000/August03 Application No.: 00120974 Main contribution: Experimentwith his own body, use of herbal and other natural therapy against cancer. Tocreate "Anti-habit and Natural Therapy", in order to improve thequality of life and promote human health. |
14 | 劉明友 Liu,Mingyou | 男 Male | 中國 China | 2004-2009年劉明友患股骨頭壞死生活不能自理,2010年學習運用拉筋拍打自愈法治好股骨頭壞死,打破醫學界股骨頭壞死是治不好的定論。開創自然療法治癒股骨頭壞死新途徑。為提高生命質量促進人類健康做出貢獻。 From 2004 to 2009, Liu Mingyouis suffering from ONFH (osteonecrosis of the femoralhead)and he cannot take care of himself.In 2010,hestudy using lajin Paida therapy to cure himself, which breaking the medical profession conclusion of that ONFH (osteonecrosis of the femoral head) cannot been cured. Make contributions to improving the quality of lifeand promote human health. |
15 | 李興華 Li, Xinghua | 男 Male | 中國 China | 2008年5月10日,33歲的李興華因外傷導致胸12椎體骨折前脫位並脊髓橫斷導致截癱,通過手術及自然療法治療,脊髓橫斷一年兩個月,重新站立、行走。打破醫學界脊髓神經損傷不能再生的定論。創造醫學奇蹟!為提高生命質量促進人類健康做出貢獻。 In May 10, 2008, Li Xinghua of 33years old due to trauma caused 12 thoracic vertebral fracture and spinal cordtransaction of anterior dislocation of paraplegia, through the operation andnatural therapy in the treatment of spinal cord transaction, during one yearand two months, become to stand and walk. Break the medical profession ofspinal cord injury cannot be regenerated. To create the miracle of medicine! Make contributions to improving thequality of life and promote human health. |

The medal: is the composition ofChinese characters of World Outstanding Medical Association and Englishabbreviation letter
WOMDA; double-line letters stand for the life structurepolymerization and decomposition expressing the law of interval in series ;three lines represent: the international influence, regional influence, the industryinfluence; the combination represents the sidewalk, meaning the association’score belief is scientific research and natural therapies, make great efforts tobring global medicine back to humanity .

2013年5月18日 世界傑出醫師協會成立大會暨首屆波動醫學·自然療法國際學術沙龍在京召開。來自中國、法國、德國、美國、澳大利亞、奧地利等25個國家和地區的90餘名專家齊聚一堂,審議並通過了《世界傑出醫師協會章程(議案)》、《會長、副會長(提名)》、《獲獎人名單(提名)》等。

“最為令我興奮的發現是拍打拉筋技術。”本次國際學術沙龍上,來自南非的專家Mr.Axel von Gerlach,表示,“我們將會創立一個拍打拉筋基金會,並申請南非國家青年開發機構的大量贊助。我為能減除非洲人民的病痛有了大好前景而興奮。”