新浪 搜狐 網易 騰訊,四大入口網站考研英語頻道的長期特邀名師,多年來致力於考研英語語言測試學研究,功力深厚,其創始和推廣的“閱讀超精讀”·“辭彙超連結”·“作文閃光點”·“外刊精講”等學習輔導理念和教學內容方法已成為考驗必勝的法寶。
國著名四六級輔導專家,恩波特聘優秀核心教師, “閱讀超精讀”和“ 辭彙超連結”學習理念的創始人,四六級輔導實力派領軍人物。是全國 第一個,也是 唯一的周末班和一三晚班總人數超過 兩千人的老師,所到之處,無不掀起了四六級輔導班的報班高潮,被業界人士驚呼為“奇蹟”、“不可能完成的任務”。其編著的多本四六級輔導書均進入了暢銷書行列,並擔任多家網站的輔導老師和顧問, 恩波, 滬江英語) , 使不能親自上丁老師輔導班的同學同樣能接受丁老師的指導和教誨。聽過丁老師講課的同行和同學無不感慨:“ 全國六級輔導第一人”果然名不虛傳。

A vivid picture jumps into my sight when I take a look at the test paper. In this cartoon, a lady in her golden years is holding a board in her hand which reads, “Please don’t spit in public places, litter and jump the queue.” In sharp contrast, a young adult in his high teens or low twenties, losing sight of the aged lady, is spitting and throwing banana skins.
Clearly, the picture presented here carries more profound implications behind the surface. It mirrors a prevailing trend raging across the Chinese landscape: a myriad of uncivilized behaviors have found their way into our lives and have the potential to run out of control. Put in another way, far too many folks behave indecently in their daily lives.

A couple of driving forces are behind the trend. To name only one: as an ancient land enjoying a splendid civilization spanning over 5,000 years, the Middle Kingdom is witnessing the loss of some traditional core values because we don’t put a high value on moral education. In my eyes, prompt attention is supposed to be centered on this problem. As a college student on the point of stepping out into society, I should do all in my power to contribute to turning back this evil tide. I am firmly convinced that a brighter future is on the horizon if folks from different corners of the country drive joint efforts to combat it.


#外刊點睛#Next week, Apple's chief executive will announce iCloud, a service expected to allow access to music, photos and videos over the Internet on multiple devices. (本句昨晚發布後,不少同學參與了翻譯,但有很多理解不準確或者錯誤。點擊圖片可看翻譯和詳細解析。歡迎轉發。)
