

大學英語作文語言與技巧 本書目錄

第一章 大學作文寫作概覽
第二章 準確用詞的技能與技巧
第三章 句子寫作的技能與技巧
第四章 段落的設計與寫作
第五章 作文的整體構思

大學英語作文語言與技巧 文章節選

1.1 作文範文總覽範文 1 下面這篇題為A Vote Against Computers 的作文是一篇較有代表性的大學作文。該文在論點的組織、句子的遞進、段落的設計和整體的構思四個方面成功地論述了作文的主題並圓滿結束了全文的討論。請注意每段後面的中文提示,認真體會文中劃線部分的語句在全文中各自發揮的作用。 A Vote Against Computers 【開篇段】 I was excited when my English composition instructor announced that computers would be a major part of our writing course. I was even thrilled while touring the new computer lab to see all the magical-looking machines with their glowing green screens. The machines hummed as if they were alive. I thought to myself excitedly, " Were living in the middle of the computer revolution, and heres my chance to get on board." But three months later, Ive had some second thoughts. I now believe that computers are by no means a good idea in the writing classroom. It does not help me plan a paper, it requires too much time and trouble to use, and it has changed our instructor from a teacher to a mere technician. (注意此段中的But three months later...一句在全段中的作用以及在該句之前和之後的語言內容。特別注意該段結尾的三句話並體會這三句話與下面正文段的關係。)


