
中國風物(英文版) 本書前言

前言There must be a reason behind the writing of a book.In this case, the idea for writing Things Chinese wasinspired by a French friend visiting China.Our job enabled us to take many foreign friends ontours in China. During such tours they asked a lot of questions, such as why the Chinese eat dumplings, postportraits of the Gate Guardian God on their doors and Iet off firecrackers on New Year's Day. Why should the tiles that cover roofs in Beijing come in yellow, green or black? What do the animal figurines that perch on roof ridges symbolize? Why the stone turtles are burdened with stone tablets?What's the purpose of the ceremonial columns in front of Tian'anmen Gate. Twenty years ago, a French friend told us that during his travel in China he Was keenlyon traditional Chinese ulture but found it difficult to understand. He suggested that we write a book on Chi-nese culture.In1994,theEnglish edition of Things Chinese were published. It soon became a hit with our readers,and that was why the book was reprinted twice. Howeve,occupied by work, we did not have time to come up with a rcyised edtion of the book.Entering the new century the China Travel & Tourism Press decided to a revised edtion with more illustra-tions to give the book an entirely new look. Taking this opportonity we introduced 70 more Chinese cultural things in this book. So abundant is the Chinese culture and folk-lore that a single book like this can hardly cover both the width and depth of it. Given more opportunities, we willwriting about it so as to do our humble bit for the dissemination of the Chinese Culture.We would like you to give us your valuable Suggestions, so that we can make changes in the future. Du Feibao and Du Bai 杜飛豹 杜白 June2001 Beijing

中國風物(英文版) 本書目錄

Ancient Relics(古代遺物)
The Bronze Tripod or Cauldron
Musical Bells and China Stones
The Bronze Drum
"As You Wish"
Ancient Figutines
The Chinese Grandfather Chair
Tht Sacred Way and Stone Statues
stele on the Back of Stone Tortoise
tombstone and Buried Tablet
pictue of the Uitimate and the Enght Digrams
Sealing Clay
Bi and Cong_Ancient jade Carvings
Jade Clothes sewn with Gold Thtead
Bronze Ware
Ancient Coins
Hitching post
Folk Arts(民間工藝)
Calligraphy and Painting(書畫)
Articles of Everyday Use(日用品)
Drnks and Snacks(飲食)
Lucky Things(吉祥物)

中國風物(英文版) 作者介紹

Du Feibao,born in1941 in Baoshan ,Shanghai,joined the National Tourism Administration upon graduation from the French Department of the ShangShai Institute of Foreign Languages in 1964,since 1985 ,he has worked successirely for china International Travel Service Headquarters ,The International Hotel of Beijing ,and the China minzu Travel Service.


