Élysée Treaty

Élysée Treaty

"Elysee Treaty" by former French President Charles de Gaulle and the former West German chancellor Konrad Adenauer in 1963 signed by the two warring and join hands to build a greater Europe."Elysee Treaty" not only reshaped the Franco - German relations after the war, but also for the European integration development laid a solid foundation.


Jan. 22, 1963, the Elysee Palace in Paris, Murat Office signed the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation is also called "Elysee Treaty", which was the most successful reconciliation process, "and laid the groundwork for a German - French friendship and cooperation in a pragmatic basis for early post - war, French President Charles de Gaulle in order to prevent the restoration of fascist, beginning to adhere to the dismemberment of Germany's hardline stance;on the end of 1950s, in order to achieve a united Europe of peace and development of the strategic concept, de Gaulle finally recognize that only with nearest neighbor Germany to achieve reconciliation, the process of European integration can happen especially early post - war, French President Charles de Gaulle in order to prevent the restoration of fascist, beginning to adhere to the dismemberment of Germany's hardline stance;on the end of 1950s, in order to achieve a united Europe of peace and development of the strategic concept, de Gaulle finally recognize that only with nearest neighbor Germany to achieve reconciliation, the process of European integration can happen especially .
treat its history of aggression in Germany, were shown to have great courage to treat its history of aggression in Germany, were shown to have great courage to . German war crimes of profound introspection, obtained by the French people and understanding German war crimes of profound introspection, obtained by the French people and understanding .
a senior French diplomat: "It's hard to imagine," the Elysee Treaty were signed, if Germany continues to appear on the history of the Nazi defences, the French people but also to the European Union's strategy to convince yourself of that to maintain its support for the Franco - German friendship a senior French diplomat: "It's hard to imagine," the Elysee Treaty were signed, if Germany continues to appear on the history of the Nazi defences, the French people but also to the European Union's strategy to convince yourself of that to maintain its support for the Franco - German friendship . " ".
Élysée Treaty     

Background Of The Sign

Civil Society Initiatives

From the end of World War II began, and throughout the 1950s and 1960s, intellectuals, journalists, writers, officials, trade unionists, church representatives, engaged in youth work and ex - soldier or was imprisoned in concentration camps or prisoners of war of the people who would do anything to make the Germans and the French are close to each other From the end of World War II began, and throughout the 1950s and 1960s, intellectuals, journalists, writers, officials, trade unionists, church representatives, engaged in youth work and ex - soldier or was imprisoned in concentration camps or prisoners of war of the people who would do anything to make the Germans and the French are close to each other . these people thought did not direct political influence, "promoted the idea of further development these people thought did not direct political influence, "promoted the idea of further development .

Fusion Of Start

In the 1950s, the Franco - German reconciliation and the Cold War and beginning of European integration is inextricably linked to the In the 1950s, the Franco - German reconciliation and the Cold War and beginning of European integration is inextricably linked to the . All this happened in 1950 was incredibly brave proposal: merge the coal and steel production which means All this happened in 1950 was incredibly brave proposal: merge the coal and steel production which means .
make a Franco - German war impossible between make a Franco - German war impossible between . has a federal spirit of idea originating from Jean Monnet European thinking on the future of the has a federal spirit of idea originating from Jean Monnet European thinking on the future of the .
in 1951, the European Coal and Steel Community (set up), laid the cornerstone of European integration in 1951, the European Coal and Steel Community (set up), laid the cornerstone of European integration .

The Establishment Of Co - Operation

In 1962, de Gaulle and Adenauer's visit reflects the relationship of the In 1962, de Gaulle and Adenauer's visit reflects the relationship of the . appears more and more a symbolic gesture and a solemn declaration, for example, in the Cathedral of Reims held a Mass of reconciliation and, later, de Gaulle's speech at the start of the appears more and more a symbolic gesture and a solemn declaration, for example, in the Cathedral of Reims held a Mass of reconciliation and, later, de Gaulle's speech at the start of the .
In his speech he invited Germans modeled on a German - French friendship and the future of Europe In his speech he invited Germans modeled on a German - French friendship and the future of Europe . General de Gaulle wanted to bring in 1962 and Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer in Germany and Reims, to reach a settlement with the decision of the persistent General de Gaulle wanted to bring in 1962 and Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer in Germany and Reims, to reach a settlement with the decision of the persistent .
becomes established in 1962 by September 14,French General Charles de Gaulle and Chancellor Adenauer at the presidential palace and private conversations as political cooperation has given fresh impetus to becomes established in 1962 by September 14,French General Charles de Gaulle and Chancellor Adenauer at the presidential palace and private conversations as political cooperation has given fresh impetus to .


less a target than less a target than . method in addition to the exchange programs give youth the core role, is the first treaty of Paris and Bonn (Berlin) and later as a regular coordination between the treaty provision method in addition to the exchange programs give youth the core role, is the first treaty of Paris and Bonn (Berlin) and later as a regular coordination between the treaty provision .
: - as the Heads of State and Government as long as there is a need and meet at least twice a year in principle "foreign minister", at least every three months. "The two countries met once the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for political, economic and cultural affairs of senior officials to" monthly rotation in Bonn (later Paris and Berlin) "meeting", and finds the existent problems and prepare meetings of Ministers";Furthermore, the diplomatic missions and consulates should be "issues of common concern and" establishment "contacted" The Minister of Defence, the Minister for Education and Culture's policy director, "at least every three months." The two countries met once chief of general staff of the "at least every two months," a meeting when a youth and family policy; Head of "at least every two months" meeting on the cooperation provided for regular assessment of 1 1.
Élysée Treaty     

Berlin Celebration

On 21 January 2013, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the signing of On 21 January 2013, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the signing of . Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande (François Hollande in the chancellery jointly interviewed the students and trainees and their talks, the celebration of the prologue from this Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande (François Hollande in the chancellery jointly interviewed the students and trainees and their talks, the celebration of the prologue from this .
, on 22 January, "the Elysee Treaty" 50th anniversary of the signing of , on 22 January, "the Elysee Treaty" 50th anniversary of the signing of . in Berlin to celebrate the atmosphere prevails, and culminate with a joint meeting between the parliaments of the in Berlin to celebrate the atmosphere prevails, and culminate with a joint meeting between the parliaments of the .
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