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After I read paragraph 1 to 8, I have many questions and problem.In paragraph 1, there are many new words as “immunity, dumb, sophisticated” and I look them in the dictionary. So I understand the main meaning of this paragraph. But in this paragraph I still have a problem. The last sentence why put “they think” between “their own purchases” and “are made purely on the basis of value and desire”?In paragraph 2, the second sentence is a long sentence and in this sentence the word “dramatic”. I have not seen before, from the whole sentence I guess “dramatic effects” means “good effects”. In the last sentence in this paragraph “and all but ignored” I do not understand the phrase “all but” and I discuss with my classmates, they tell me it means “all expect” here.In paragraph 3, the first sentence confused me. I do not know the meaning of “the one most” I know “the most” or “one of the most”. It stops me to understand the meaning of this paragraph. And the word “attack” in this sentence means “a vigorous attempt to persuade consumers to buy their products.”In paragraph 4 I know in some advertisement claims are downright lies. In our normal life, we always can watch the advertisements are not truth or balance on the narrow live between truth and falsehood by a careful choice of words.The words in paragraph 5 is easy and I know these words when I was in the middle school, so I can understand this paragraph clearly and can easily get the meaning of this paragraph.Paragraph 6 is one of the largest paragraphs in this article. In the first sentence “Atice-in-wonderland” I do not know the meaning. And in the book the notes explain that here reference is made to this children’s book because it is full of words which have absurd meanings. In the paragraph the use of “better” for “best” and “best” for “equal to” is equally absurd. In the paragraph “something other than competing brands” it means “something that is not in that product category.”Paragraph 7 also is a long paragraph in this article. I do not know the meaning “the competition” clearly in second sentence. From the book I know the meaning. It means “it used to refer to the goods that arrival company is selling.” In the last sentence there have two dashes and I can not understand these dashes mean.Paragraph 8 is the shortest paragraph in this article. It is first summery and then interdiction.

