紙張的表面塗布物質為固態混合物與染料並排列為一個合適的矩陣-是無色螢光黃母體和十八烷基膦酸的組合。當加熱溫度達到矩陣熔點時,染料與酸反應,形成顯色,顯色後會在矩陣回歸原態前以一個相對穩定的狀態保存下來 。

Thermal paper is paper that is impregnated with a chemical that changes color when exposed to heat. It is used in thermal printers and particularly in cheap, lightweight devices such as adding machines, cash registers, and credit card terminals.
The surface of the paper is impregnated with a solid-state mixture of a dye and a suitable matrix; a combination of a fluoran leuco dye, octadecylphosphonic acids as an example. When the matrix is heated above its melting point, the dye reacts with the acid, shifts to its colored form, and the changed form is then conserved in metastable state when the matrix solidifies back quickly enough.
Typically the coating will turn black when heated. But coatings that turn blue or red are sometimes used.
Most direct thermal papers require a protective topcoating to:
* reduce fading of the thermal image caused by exposure to UV light, water, oils, grease, lard, fats, plasticizers, and similar causes
* provide improved printhead wear
* reduce or eliminate residue from the thermal coating on the thermal printheads
* provide better anchorage of flexographic printing inks applied to the thermal paper
* focus the heat from the thermal printhead on the active coating.