she's the one[SHE音樂專輯]

she's the one[SHE音樂專輯]

《S.H.E2006年移動城堡演唱會》專輯完整收錄了S.H.E五周年最精華的22首主打曲及5首特別演唱曲,合唱廣東歌《情人》,獨唱《還是會寂寞》、《She’s The one》、《天陰》、《愛很簡單》,特別來賓TANK獨唱及與SELINA合唱 《獨唱情歌》,大秀舞藝的Selina、展現鼓技的Hebe、自彈自唱的Ella等多個展示S.H.E個人才華的精彩片段,也是對他們以往表演的一種顛覆。



歌曲:she's the one





發行公司: 華研國際




I was her she was me

We were one we were free

And if there's somebody calling me on

She's the one

If there's somebody calling me on

She's the one

We were young we were wrong

We were fine all along

If there's somebody calling me on

She's the one

When you get to where you wanna go

And you know the things you wanna know

You're smiling

When you said what you wanna say

And you know the way you wanna play

You'll be so high you'll be flying

I was her she was me

We were one we were free

And if there's somebody calling me on

She's the one

If there's somebody calling me on

She's the one

We were young we were wrong

We were fine all along

If there's somebody calling me on

She's the one

When you get to where you wanna go

And you know the things you wanna know

You're smiling

When you said what you wanna say

And you know the way you wanna play

You'll be so high you'll be flying

I was her she was me

We were one we were free

If there's somebody calling me on

She's the one

If there's somebody calling me on

She's the one

If there's somebody calling me on

She's the one

Yeah she's the one

If there's somebody calling me on

She's the one

She's the one

If there's somebody calling me on

She's the one

If there's somebody calling me on

She's the one

She's the one


S.H.E(SHE 代表青春、活力、勇氣)



S是SELINA 任家萱,代表溫柔。

H是HEBE 田馥甄,代表自信。

E是ELLA 陳嘉樺,代表勇氣。

