軟體類別: 國外軟體 / 共享版 /遠程監控
套用平台: Win9x/NT/2000/XP/2003
開 發 商:001
Remote Control Pro 是一個功能強大的網路遠程管理工具,程式可以遠處連線網路伺服器,在本機顯示伺服器的程式運行桌面,你可以在本機操作遠程伺服器進行啟動程式,檔案管理,重新啟動/關機等操作!程式執行效率高,安全可靠,CPU資源占用小!

41900-42000 in disk,event,groups,open-files,properties... (NT Utilities)
4550-4600 DWRCC (Mini Remote Control Client)
300-400 DWRCS (Mini Remote Control Server)
用戶使用本軟體必須遵守國家的有關法律法規; 如刑法、國家安全法、保密法、計算機信息系統安全保護條例等,不得有損害他人(國家)利益的任何行為。
您必須同意此條款方可使用此軟體,一旦安裝、複製或以其它方式使用本軟體, 即表示您接受了本協定各項條款的約束。否則,您將不能成功安裝並套用此軟體。
This software is a suitable for any individuals, companies and families for remote maintenance and remote assistance and remote management of computer applications. Users may not use this software for illegal purposes, such as: for theft, destruction of Pi Kongduan computer data, the theft of another's privacy, and other illegal acts, any violations will be punished by law.
Use of this software users must comply with relevant state laws and regulations such as criminal law, national security, privacy law, computer information system security protection regulations, etc., should not harm others (countries) the interests of any of the acts.
You must agree to the terms of this order to use this software, once installed, copy or otherwise use the software, you accept the terms of this agreement bound. Otherwise, you will not be able to successfully install and use the software.