More Than

More Than

more than是英文詞組。譯為:超過,不僅僅;在...以上。



More than的用法

A. “More than+名詞”表示“不僅僅是”

1) Modern science is more than a large amount of information.

2) Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too.

3) We need more than material wealth to build our country.建設我們國家,不僅僅需要物質財富.

B. “More than+數詞”含“以上”或“不止”之意,如:

4) I have known David for more than 20 years.

5) Let's carry out the test with more than the sample copy.

6) More than one person has made this suggestion. 不止一人提過這個建議.

C. “More than+形容詞”等於“很”或“非常”的意思,如:

7) In doing scientific experiments, one must be more than careful with the instruments.

8) I assure you I am more than glad to help you.

D. more than + (that)從句,其基本意義是“超過(=over)”,但可譯成“簡直不”“遠非”. 難以,完全不能(其後通常連用情態動詞can)

9) That is more than I can understand . 那非我所能懂的.

10) That is more than I can tell. 那事我實在不明白。

11) The heat there was more than he could stand. 那兒的炎熱程度是他所不能忍受的

此外,“more than”也在一些慣用語中出現,如:

12) More often than not (經常),people tend to pay attention to what they can take rather than what they can give.

13) All of us are more than a little concerned about(非常關心)the current economic problems

more...than 的用法

1. 比……多,比……更

He has more books than mine. 他的書比我多。

He is more careful than the others. 他比其他人更仔細。

2. 與其……不如

He is more lucky than clever. 與其說他聰明,不如說他幸運。

He is more (a)scholar than (a)teacher. 與其說他是位教師,不如說他是位學者。

註:該句型主要用於同一個人或物在兩個不同性質或特徵等方面的比較,其中的比較級必須用加more 的形式,不能用加詞尾-er 的形式。

no/not more than

1. no more than 的意思是“僅僅”“只有”“最多不超過”,強調少。如:

--This test takes no more than thirty minutes. 這個測驗只要30分鐘。

--The pub was no more than half full. 該酒吧的上座率最多不超過五成。

- For thirty years,he had done no more than he (had)needed to. 30年來,他只幹了他需要乾的工作。

2. not more than 為more than (多於)的否定式,其意為“不多於”“不超過”。如:

Not more than 10 guests came to her birthday party. 來參加她的生日宴會的客人不超過十人。


She has no more than three hats. 她只有3頂帽子。(太少了)

She has not more than three hats. 她至多有3頂帽子。(也許不到3頂帽子)

I have no more than five yuan in my pocket. 我口袋裡的錢最多不過5元。(言其少)

I have not more than five yuan in my pocket. 我口袋裡的錢不多於5元。(也許不到5元)

no/not more...than

1. no more...than 表示對兩者都否定,意為“同……一樣不”(=neither...nor...)。如:

---He is no more a writer than a painter. 他既不是畫家,也不是作家。(=He is neither a painter nor a writer.)

--He’s no more able to read Spanish than I am. 他和我都讀不懂西班牙語。(=Neither he nor I am able to read Spanish.

---I know no more Spanish than I know Greek. 我對西班牙語和希臘語同樣都不懂。(=I know neither Spanish nor Greek.)

2. not more...than 指兩者都具有某種特徵,但是程度不同,意為“不如”“不及”(=not so... as)。如:(less…than…)

--She is not more clever than he is. 她不如他聰明。(=She is not so clever as he is.)

--This book is not more difficult than that one. 這本書不及那本書難。(This book is not so difficult as that one.)


1)no other........than...... ;;除...之外,不再.......

如:I have no other relative in Binzhou than my aunt. 在濱州除了姑媽之外我再無其它親戚了。

2)would rather ......than......;寧願......也不......

如:The soldier would rather die than give in. 那位士兵寧可死也不投降。

3)、no/none other than......;不是別的,正好是...

如:The man with a book in his hand is no/none other than our English teacher.


4)nothing else than.......;完全是........

如:What he said just now was nothing else than a joke. 他剛才說的簡直是笑話。

less than 的用法

1. (指數量)不到,不足

It’s less than half an hour’s drive from here. 開車到那裡不到半個鐘頭。

In less than an hour he finished the work. 沒要上一個小時,他就完成了工作。

2. 比……(小)少

She eats less than she should. 她吃得比她應該吃的少。

Half the group felt they spent less than average. 半數人覺得他們的花費低於平均水平。

3. 不太,一點也不

The boys were less than happy about having a party. 開晚會男孩子們並不很高興。

We were less than delighted to have company that day. 那天有客人我們並不太高興。

He was less than helpful when we arrived. 我們到達時他一點也不幫忙。

less...than 的用法

1. 不像(如)

He is less honest than his brother. 他不如他哥哥誠實。

2. 比……少,不如……多

We drink less coffee than tea. 我們喝咖啡不如喝茶多。

I got less money than the others did. 我比別人得到的錢少。

3. 與其……不如……

I regard him less as my teacher than as my friend. 與其說我把他當作老師,不如說我是把他當作朋友。

註:表示此義時可與more...than 結構替換(但要注意詞序的變化)。如:

He is less a teacher than an expert./He is more an expert than a teacher. 與其說他是老師,不如說他是專家。



