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年輕氣旺的小伙子,充滿陽光的朝氣、像似用不完的旺盛精力、展現出過人的創作才華與炫耀十足的舞台表演,這就是轟炸全英國,快速竄起的飛行部隊McFly/小飛俠!在盛產偶像的英國樂壇,曾締造出一組組令人驕傲、站上國際音樂舞台上的優質團體,不斷薪火相傳到2004年。還記得穿著垮褲、玩著滑板、肆無忌憚的飆奏流暢龐克聲浪而造成騷動的Busted/霸子,接連兩張成功的專輯,為偶像框框譜入更具搖滾興味的正點節拍;而曾參與霸子第二張專輯「A Present For Everyone」裡頭數首暢銷單曲創作的McFly 樂團主腦Tom Flechtcher(湯姆),也決定自己跳上台前,跟他的好兄弟們:Danny Jones(丹尼)、Dougie Poynter(道基)及Harry Judd(哈利)四位平均年齡才17歲的小男生組合成--McFly


McFly are a new band who play there own instruments and can sing live. Some say they sound like a new, improved and updated version of the Beach Boys. They are supporting BUSTED on their tour this year in Febuary and March .
There are Four members:
Tom - Guitars and vocals
Dougie - Bass
Danny - Guitar and vocals
Harry - Drummer
Tom was originally going to be the fourth member of BUSTED but then decided to make his own band, which he succeded in doing very well, leaving us with an amazing band - McFly. Their first single is called Five Colours In Her Hair and is released 29th March 2004.
姓名: Tom Fletcher
生日和出生地: 17/07/1985, Harrow
星座: Cancer
司職: Guitars and vocals
特點: Dimple… only got 1!
家庭成員: little sister
寵物: Dog and cat
愛物: Plectrum
喜歡的藝人: Tom Hanks
喜歡的女藝人: Katie Holmes!!!!
喜歡的電影: The Beach / Vanilla Sky / Almost Famous / Shawshank Redemption / Back to the Future / Ghostbusters!
喜歡的電視: Friends, Dawsons Creek (no I’m not gay!)
喜歡的歌曲: Fun Fun Fun / Superman (Five For Fighting)
喜歡的樂隊: The Beachboys
喜歡的男歌手: Tom Delonge / Justin Timberlake
喜歡的女歌手: Avril
FIRST GIG: Bryan Adams
BEST GIG: Limp Bizkit
MY MOTTO IS: *Blank*
喜歡的飲料: Grape and melon high juice
喜歡的食物: Pizza, pop tarts
壞習慣: Pissing in swimming pool
自述: Honest
最喜歡: Katie Holmes!!!!
最討厭: Harry’s feet!
FAVE SUBJECT AT SCHOOL, AND WHY: Art, music and science … don’t know why!
WHO INSPIRES YOU: Beach boys and dad
MOST EMBARRASING MOMENT: Fell over a massive sign outside a packed pub at lunchtime with all my friends
FAVE CHAT UP LINE: Don’t use them … might explain why I am single!
愛好: Guitar, hate football!
其他: *Blank*
姓名: Harry Mark Christopher Judd (Nick姓名: Juddy Harold!)
生日和出生地: 23/12/85, Chelmsford
星座: Capricorn
司職: Drummer
特點: Blue eyes?!
家庭成員: Mum, Dad, 1 Brother (19) and 1 Sister (21)
寵物: 2 dogs, cat and 4 chickens
愛物: Drum sticks! You never know when
喜歡的藝人: Jim Carrey
喜歡的女藝人: Jennifer Aniston
喜歡的電影: Ace Ventura Pet Detective
喜歡的電視: Friends / Office
喜歡的歌曲: Hey Jude
喜歡的樂隊: The Used / Blink 182 / Beatles
喜歡的男歌手: Chris Cornel
喜歡的女歌手: Alannis Morisette
FIRST GIG: Doors tribute bands
BEST GIG: The Used
MY MOTTO IS: Live fast die fun
喜歡的飲料: Apple juice
喜歡的食物: Spaghetti (my mum’s)
壞習慣: I click my fingers and I like pussing spots!
自述: Lazy and sly
最喜歡: Sexy smile, eyes
最討厭: Danny! Bad breath
DREAM CAR: Ford Capri
FAVE SUBJECT AT SCHOOL, AND WHY: Art, because it was something I could do! I got A* GCSE and A AS Level
WHO INSPIRES YOU: Travis Barker and my mum and dad
ANY CELEBRITY ENCOUNTERS: I met Blink 182 when we were rehearsing, it was amazing!
FAVE CHAT UP LINE: Don’t have one, they don’t work
愛好: Any sport, love it! Mainly cricket
其他: I love spending time with my friends
姓名: Dougie Poynter
生日和出生地: 30/11/87, Orset Hospital
星座: Sagittarius
司職: I play the bass and the throat and lungs
特點: Bleached hair? Cool clothes!!
家庭成員: Mum, sister
寵物: 2 lizards, 2 cats, 2 dogs, 1 hamster and 1 frog
愛物: Plectrum
喜歡的藝人: Brad pitt
喜歡的女藝人: Anyone fit! Hillary Duff
喜歡的電影: urethra Chronicals – Blink 182
喜歡的電視: Anything on MTV (Diary, Cribs, Making of)
喜歡的歌曲: “Don’t tell me it’s over”- Blink 182
喜歡的樂隊: Blink 182
喜歡的男歌手: Tom Delonge
喜歡的女歌手: That bird from Evenescence
FIRST GIG: Wet Wet Wet at Wembley
BEST GIG: New Found Glory, Finch, Starting Line
MY MOTTO IS: What’s a motto?
喜歡的飲料: Lucozade
喜歡的食物: Greek, seafood
壞習慣: Eating other people’s dead skin
自述: A dark horse
最喜歡: Girls in thongs
最討厭: Cammel toe, Richard
DREAM CAR: I don’t like cars
FAVE SUBJECT AT SCHOOL, AND WHY: Anyone that you didn’t have to do much
MOST EMBARRASING MOMENT: When I blocked up the toilet with a monster poo which we later named Jeff
ANY CELEBRITY ENCOUNTERS: Met Blink 182 at Juon Henry’s
FAVE CHAT UP LINE: I aint got one, that’s why I haven’t got a girlfriend
愛好: Spying on Harry at night
其他: *Blank*
姓名: Danny Alan David Jones
生日和出生地: 12/03/86, Bolton
星座: Pisces
司職: Guitar and vocals
特點: Freckles, blue eyes, straight teeth
家庭成員: Mum, dad and sister (19 years old)
寵物: 2 police dogs
愛物: Plectrum
喜歡的藝人: Adam Sandler
喜歡的女藝人: ???
喜歡的電影: E.T.
喜歡的電視: Police Camera Action
喜歡的歌曲: Born in the USA or 'Born to Run'
喜歡的樂隊: Bruce Springsteen & The E-Street Band or The Who
喜歡的男歌手: Kelly Joe Phelps & Bruce & John Mayor
喜歡的女歌手: Eva Cassidy or Alanis Morisette
FIRST GIG: Bruce Springsteen MEN Arena 91’92
BEST GIG: Bruce Springsteen & The E-Street Band or The Who
MY MOTTO IS: Treat others as you would like to be treated
喜歡的飲料: Grape and melon high juice
喜歡的食物: Spag boll, warm cookies, cake, chocolate eclairs
壞習慣: Bite my nails
自述: Innocent, never stressed, chatty, don’t get embarressed a lot
最喜歡: Girls
最討厭: Harry’s feet and spots
DREAM CAR: Lamborghini, American pick-up, muscle car
FAVE SUBJECT AT SCHOOL, AND WHY: PE coz I was good at it
WHO INSPIRES YOU: My uncle Andy, mum & dad and Bruce
MOST EMBARRASING MOMENT: Was in exam & sneezed and farted
FAVE CHAT UP LINE: Being myself
愛好: Football, guitar
其他: Favourite word: Homodom & rat leg & in a bit you smelly shit



