
英文單詞:manage 的釋義、形式、例句、用法




英 [ˈmænɪdʒ]美 [ˈmænɪdʒ]


經營; 使用; 完成(困難的事); 明智地使用(金錢、時間、信息等)

vt.& vi.



能解決(問題); 應付(困難局面等); 湊合著活下去; 支撐


第三人稱單數: manages

現在分詞: managing

過去式: managed

過去分詞: managed

形近詞: panage menage


• 1

• Within two years she was managing the store.

• 不出兩年她就開始管理這家店了。

• 2

• In a busy world,managing your time is increasingly important.

• 在忙碌的世界裡,善於利用時間變得越來越重要。

• 3

• Somehow,he'd managed to persuade Kay to buy one for him.

• 不知用了什麼方法,他成功說服凱給他買了一個。


1. 作及物動詞,意為"管理;經營;負責"。如:

Your mother has a genius for managing such things. 你母親有管理此類事情的才能。

I don't think it's altogether her shop; I think she just manages it. 我認為這不完全是她的商店,她只是負責管理而已。
2. 作及物動詞,意為"控制;對付;照管"。如:
The girl is good at managing her money. 這個女孩善於理財。
You couldn't manage the demanding case; you'd better ask your parents for help. 你對付不了這件難辦的事,你最好叫你的父母幫助你。
3. 作及物動詞,意為"達到;做成(某事)",常與can, could, be able to連用。如:
I haven't been learning French for long, so I can only manage a few words. 我學法語的時間不長,所以只能湊合著說幾句。
Despite his disappointment, he was able to manage a smile. 儘管他很失望,可還是強顏歡笑。
4. 作不及物動詞,意為"設法(終於)完成(某件困難的事)",其後通常接不定式。如:
Do you suppose you can manage to get me a passport?你認為你能給我弄到護照嗎?
We managed to get what we wanted, anyhow. 無論如何,我們最終得到了我們想要的。
The shirt was very dirty, but he managed to clean it. 這件襯衫很髒,但他設法把它弄乾淨了。
注意:如果指"設法"做某事,但不知是否成功,通常用try to do sth. 結構。如:
The hunter tried to escape from the forest, but he lost his way. 獵人設法逃出森林,但他迷路了。
5. 作不及物動詞,意為"能辦到;設法解決;勉強維持"。如:
We have a little food, but we can manage. 我們只有一點兒食物,但我們能應付過去。
How will you manage without a job? 沒有工作你怎么生活?
6. 作及物動詞,意為"設法得到;拿得動;吃得下",後接名詞或代詞。如:
I couldn't manage two weeks' holiday this year, only one. 今年我無法得到兩周的假期,只能是一周。
Without her help I should not have managed it. 沒有她的幫忙,我是辦不到的。
7. 構成manage for習慣短語,意為"設法得到"。如:
How did you manage for money? 你是怎樣弄到錢的?
She managed for Mr Li's help and passed the driving test.她得到了李先生的關照,通過了駕駛考試。
8. manage的名詞一是不可數的 management,意為"經營;管理";二是可數的manager,意為"經理;管理人"。如:
The failure was caused by bad management. 失敗是經營不善所致。
She's not a very good manager-she always spends more money than she earns. 她不大會理財--總是入不敷出。



