lullaby[Tynisha Keli Soares演唱歌曲]

Tynisha Keli Soares演唱歌曲。


This is your

You're my baby

And I sing this just to show your mine

I'm a hold you til you

Sleepin in the middle of the night

This is your

Closer than you think you are

Always there inside my heart

Miss you when you are far away

LIke the stars in outerspace

And no one could become between us

If you're the sun then baby I'm your venus

Wanna be the one you always dreamed of

This is your

You're my baby

And I sing this just to show your mine

I'm a hold you til you

Sleepin in the middle of the night

This is your

When you're here inside my arms

I feel safe from any harm

You're like my comfort zone

When you're here I'm so at home

And no one would become between us

And you're the one I always wanna be with

Wanna be the love you always dreamed of

This is yourYou're my baby

And I sing this just to show your mine

I'm a hold you til you

Sleepin in the middle of the night

This is your

This is a song to show you a kiss

To let you know I'll always be there

This melody I give it to you

Every word is true baby

This is your lulllabye

This is your

You're my baby

And I sing this just to show your mine

I'm a hold you til you

Sleepin in the middle of the night

This is your


Tynisha Keli Soares 是一位十分可人的美國R&B、POP個性歌手,兼作曲人。TK的聲音除了其特有的甜膩嫵媚之外,時而亦悠揚婉轉,每一次滑音轉音都顯得絲絲入扣,時而溫婉中透出些成熟大氣,魅力中透著感性,特別是到後面部分,很多細節都美輪美奐,如此貫穿全首歌,細細品味,將是一次不錯的聽覺體驗。TKForever K Michael代言同樣擁有著無比精緻的甜美臉蛋,看這樣的歌手,聽這樣的歌手唱歌,一雙藍色如的明眸如星般的純淨無暇,絲毫看不出小時候困頓的家境以及充滿磨礪的經歷。挺翹的鼻子嬌巧可愛,飄逸清秀的纖細彎眉。目前她的音樂在日本取得了最大的成功。首張個人專輯《The Chronicles of TK 》於2009年04月22日在日本發行,並且得了60萬的銷售量。第二張專輯《The 5th Element 》於2010年8月25日在日本發行。歌曲《The Right Way》和《Love hurts》在排行榜都保持了一周的NO.1,又一次在日本引起了轟動。



