california girls

《California Girls》是Katy Perry與Snoop Dogg合作的單曲,是Katy Perry受JAY-Z啟發向加利福尼亞致敬的作品,使用親切的感覺帶給讓我們走進女孩世界,享受這美麗的音樂。Katy Perry這支單曲連續多周蟬聯iTunes下載排行榜榜首。專輯的宣傳照中凱蒂全裸俯臥在粉紅色的毛毯上,性感十足,又有少女的甜美感。


California Gurls為 美國加州加利福尼亞的女孩們。使用親切的感覺帶給我們一種女孩們的活力,


Katy Perry



她擁有今年夏天最熱單曲《California Gurls》,並且這支單曲連續四周蟬聯iTunes下載排行榜榜首。


這首歌發行後在 Billboard Hot 100Billboard Pop Songs登頂。下為Billboard Hot 100歌曲走勢: 在榜27周,冠軍6周,2010年年榜第4


美國: 四白金

澳大利亞: 四白金







2010年MTV歐洲音樂大獎(EMA)最佳音樂錄音帶 Katy Perry - California Gurls

2010年美國青少年選擇獎(TCA)鄉村單曲選擇獎 Katy Perry - California Gurls


最受歡迎歌曲Katy Perry - California Gurls


Song:California Gurls

[Snoop Dogg]

Greetings loved ones, let’s take a journey 唷!漂亮美眉,來場華麗的冒險吧

[Katy Perry]

I know a place where the grass is really greener我知道有個神奇地方綠草如茵

Warm, wet and wild, there must be something in the water、溫暖飽滿、自然朝氣,就連水都有神奇的味道

Sipping gin and juice, laying underneath the palm trees/啜點琴酒、調些果汁,慵懶躺在棕櫚樹下(解開身上束縛吧)

The boys break their necks trying to creep a little sneak peek/讓男孩們凍未條,忍不住偷看我們

You could travel the world你可以走遍世界

But nothing comes close to the golden coast但是最愛這片黃金海岸

Once you party with us, you’ll be falling in love/跟著我們開聚會找樂,你將愛上這加州陽光

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

California girls, we’re unforgettable加州女孩,總讓男孩過目不忘

Daisy Dukes,bikinis on top 俏皮短褲、迷你比基尼

Sun-kissed skin, so hot will melt your popsicle就讓陽光親吻肌膚,融化你嘴邊的冰棒

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

California girls, we’re undeniable加州女孩,總讓男孩神魂顛倒

Fine, fresh, fierce, we got it on lock熱情、自信、火辣辣,我們渾身是勁

West coast represent, now put your hands up西岸小伙子們,高舉雙手一起舞動吧

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Sex on a beach we get sand in our stilettos

We freak in my jeep, Snoop Doggy dog on the stereo,在海灘上**,別怕細沙跑進細跟高跟鞋裡,在我吉普車上盡情使壞,收音機傳出史努比狗狗的嘻哈王道

You could travel the world你可以走遍世界

But nothing comes close to the golden coast但是最愛這片黃金海岸

Once you party with us, you’ll be falling in love/跟著我們開聚會找樂,你將愛上這加州陽光

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

California girls, we’re unforgettable加州女孩,總讓男孩過目不忘

Daisy Dukes,bikinis on top 俏皮短褲、迷你比基尼

Sun-kissed skin, so hot will melt your popsicle就讓陽光親吻肌膚,融化你嘴邊的冰棒

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

California girls, we’re undeniable加州女孩,總讓男孩神魂顛倒

Fine, fresh, fierce, we got it on lock熱情、自信、火辣辣,我們渾身是勁

West coast represent, now put your hands up西岸小伙子們,高舉雙手一起舞動吧

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh


[Snoop Dogg]

Toned, tan, fit and ready古銅色寶貝,準備好

Turn it up cause its gettin’ heavy音量開到大,喇叭催下去

Wild wild west coast西岸嘻哈帶你開趴

These are the girls I love the most我最愛的最迷人的女孩都在此

I mean the ones, I mean like she’s the one,她是我的真命天女

Kiss her, touch her, squeeze her buns 親吻她,撫摸她,緊抓她的小屁股

The girls a freak, she drives a jeep這女孩不簡單,開吉普車、把海灘當作家

The men on the beach,海灘上的男人

I’m okay, I won’t play, I love the bay 我很好,我不玩,我愛這海灣

Just like I love LA 就像我愛LA

Venice Beach and Palm Springs威尼斯海灘和棕櫚泉

Summer time is everything夏天就是一切

Come on boys, hanging out帥哥四處跑

All that ass hanging out電動馬達也跟著跳

Bikinis, tankinis, martinis, no weenies比基尼、黃瓜泥、馬丁尼,沒有小新和妮妮

Just to get in betweeny、只有國王和皇后

Katy my lady (yeah)/凱蒂是我的女人

You looking here baby (uh huh)看過來,寶貝

I’m all up on you我已經屬於你

Cause you representing California因為你是加州皇后


California girls, we’re unforgettable加州女孩,總讓男孩過目不忘

Daisy Dukes,bikinis on top 俏皮短褲、迷你比基尼

Sun-kissed skin, so hot will melt your popsicle就讓陽光親吻肌膚,融化你嘴邊的冰棒

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

California girls, we’re undeniable加州女孩,總讓男孩神魂顛倒

Fine, fresh, fierce, we got it on lock熱情、自信、火辣辣,我們渾身是勁

West coast represent, now put your hands up西岸小伙子們,高舉雙手一起舞動吧

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

[Snoop Dogg]

California girls man 加州女孩 夥計

I really wish you all could be California girls (x2)希望你們都是最迷人的加州女孩


