With A Love Like You Sweetbox

With A Love Like You Sweetbox

out out then


糖果盒子成立以來第七張大碟“The Next Generation”。Jade走了,單飛了和GEO
成雙人團體繼續延續Sweetbox擅長的古典與流行的奇妙碰撞,組合保持原名,迎來了嶄新的主音歌手接替Jade,她就是美麗+實力的Jamie Pineda小姐!糖果盒子新主唱將以往的古典流行融入了更加前衛的音樂元素----RNB節奏。古典音樂配上RNB會是什麼樣子呢?答案是無比超級的好聽。實質上,糖果盒子歌迷都應該明白,現在的組合實際上已經名存實亡,沒有Jade就無法是完整的她們了。不過換了新風格依然是耐聽至極,Jamie的聲音有種濃濃的暖意,甜甜的,美美的,柔柔的,就像一顆融化在嘴裡的朱古力糖那么貼心。喜歡旋律那樣一抹哀愁,如雨絲一點點流進心窩裡,悲傷的音符在四處跳躍配合著古典音樂獨特的色彩。


I remember the day when we first got close 我猶記得我們第一次靠近的那一天
It was out on the beach under the warm sun 那是在溫暖陽光下的沙灘上
Just breathing the air there was never a care 只是單純地呼吸著空氣,沒有任何的掛念
Wishing our dreams could be a reality 期望我們的夢想能夠成真
Now I notice when you touch me it don't feel the same no more 現在我注意到,當你撫摸我時我的感覺已不再相同
I feel the cold of winter in your hands 在你的手心裡我卻是感到冬日的刺骨
How I wish that I could say it 我多么希望我能說出這些
But I don't wanna fall apart 但是我不願打碎這些羈絆
I wish that you could see the true reality 我期望你能看見這些真切的現實
I'm over your eyes 我浮在你的眼眶中
I'm over your touch 我依在你的撫摸下
And I'm over the promises that you've broken 我也還守在你的那些破碎的約定中
When you call me at night With the sound in your voice 在夜晚當你用你的聲音大聲喊我的名字時
And undo the reasons I had for leaving 我便放下了我要離開的這些理由
When I'm out of "I love you"s and I'm out of "Goodbye"s 當我還未說出“我愛你”和“再見”時
You know how to hold me and dry my eyes 你就知道怎么抱緊我然後拭乾我的淚
What should I do with a love like you? 我應怎樣愛上這樣的你?
So I keep holding on the best that I can 所以我一直在用盡我的全力
I'm hoping you'll see the situation 我希望你能看見這的景況
But I don't know how long I can handle the pain 但我卻不知道我到底要用多久來應付這些傷痛
I think it's time to face reality 現在是正視現實的時候了
Cause I notice when you touch me it don't feel the same no more 因為我注意到,當你撫摸我時我的感覺已不再相同
I felt the cold of winter in your hands 在你的手心裡我卻是感到冬日的刺骨
I try to say the words but I can't get to the core 我嘗試著去說出來這些但我卻只能欲言又止
And I wish you could see the true reality 我是如此希望你能看見這些真切的現實
I'm over your eyes 我浮在你的眼眶中
I'm over your touch 我依在你的撫摸下
And I'm over the promises that you've broken 我也還守在你的那些破碎的約定中
When you call me at night With the sound in your voice 在夜晚當你用你的聲音大聲喊我的名字時
And undo the reasons I had for leaving 我便放下了我要離開的這些理由
When I'm out of "I love you"s and I'm out of "Goodbye"s 當我還未說出“我愛你”和“再見”時
You know how to hold me and dry my eyes 你就知道怎么抱緊我然後拭乾我的淚
What should I do with a love like you? (love like you) 我應怎樣愛上這樣的你?
First it hurts then it don't 第一次受傷之時它不要…
Though my heart says it won't 儘管我的心說 它不會…
With a love like you ——愛上這樣的你
Boy it's wrong when it's right 對與錯只是在一線之間
I'm stuck in this fight 我仍在這場鬥爭中堅持
With myself over you 和我自己,和你
What am I supposed to do? 我到底應該做什麼
I'm over your eyes 我浮在你的眼眶中
I'm over your touch 我依在你的撫摸下
And I'm over the promises that you've broken 我也還守在你的那些破碎的約定中
(When you call me at night) With the sound in your voice 在夜晚當你用你的聲音大聲喊我的名字時
And undo the reasons I had for leaving 我便放下了我要離開的這些理由
When I'm out of "I love you"s and I'm out of "Goodbye"s 當我還未說出“我愛你”和“再見”時
You know how to hold me and dry my eyes 你就知道怎么抱緊我然後拭乾我的淚
What should I do with a love like you?我到底應怎樣愛上這樣的你 。?


