Titanium Pendant ----
Titanium pendant is aworn around the neck of the ornament, but Titanium is characterized by: light, stylish, does not change color. Titanium pendant will be the first choice for young men and women!
History of Titanium ----
titanium found in the 18th century, in 1791 the British chemical lovers W. Gregor (Gregor) in an unknown mineral found in the new element.
1795 German chemist MH 克拉普魯斯 (Klaproth) in the study rutile (TiO2) discovered the element children of the Earth in Greek mythology he Titan (Titan) named after (according to its original name in Chinese transliteration, named Titanium).
In ancient Greece, "Titan Spirit" is synonymous with courage, to use the name to name, said titanium metal titanium has natural strength.
silver metallic, the proportion of 4.5, melting point 1668 ° C. Titanium is a very special metal, texture is very lightweight, yet extremely tough and corrosion-resistant, it does not like the silver will turn black, at room temperature for life to maintain their color.
Titanium Pendant - ---
Simple, elegant. Beautiful. Fashion.
Modeling fashion, dazzling. Creative individual life!
Popular in Europe and the United States on to lead the new trend. Bi is king style!
Titanium Love Language----
Love is the daily thing, everyone is in a wonderful moment, fall in love with love, love, share the love and commitment. Once you are a busy men and women in the city, look in the season of love in bloom
Never expected, a bustling city, could experience life.
I love your commitment, pleasant moments.