This Little Girl

This Little Girl

This Little Girl,歌曲,歌手Cady Groves。


【姓 名】: Cady Groves

【出 生 地】:Oklahoma City, OK, U.S.

【藝術風格】:Acoustic / Folk / Pop

【職 業】:Singer

【唱片標籤】:RCA Records

Cady Groves生長於一個音樂家庭,他的父親是名樂隊的鼓手,母親也從事音樂方面的工作。

Cady Groves共有7個兄弟姐妹。

而Cady Groves從小就喜歡音樂,當她七歲那年有了第一個CD Player,而她經常躲在在家裡聽

”Christina Aguilera and Mariah Carey“的歌曲。

在2009年Cady Groves開始在”MySpace“和“Youtube”上發布自己的音樂和Video,並開始讓人所了解。

2010年10月份正式簽約於“RCA Records”音樂公司。

而這是Cady Groves的第二張EP,主打歌“This Little Girl”,講述了一個女孩的奮鬥歷程和對生活的期待!


You got your keys, but where you going?

The third degree just isn't working

'Coz you walked out without asking me go

And if I followed you home, would you be alone?

I checked your phone, 'coz it was beeping

Are you alone?

I know you're creepin'

'Coz you walked out without asking me to go

But if I followed you home, I hope you're alone

I'm three steps from the edge


Don't push me over it

Don't you know, don't you know

Every girl is capable of murder if you hurt her

Watch out you, don't push me any further, any further

You're not the only one walkin' 'round with a loaded gun

This little girl is capable of murder 'coz you hurt her

My hands are clean, not yet a killer

Ain't I your queen

And did you tell her?

'Coz you broke down all my shoulda known betters

And then I followed you home, throwing sticks and stones

I'm two steps from the edge


Don't push me over it

Don't you know, don't you know

Every girl is capable of murder if you hurt her

Watch out you, don't push me any further, any further

You're not the only one walkin' 'round with a loaded gun

This little girl is capable of murder 'coz you hurt her

Don't you know you should never treat a girl like that?

Got a good alibi, and my bag's all packed

Don't you know you should never treat a girl like that?

'Coz the next one's gonna have the hammer pulled back

Every girl is capable of murder

So watch out you don't push me any further

But you F****** hurt her

Every girl is capable of murder, if you hurt her

Watch out you, don't push me any further, any further

You're not the only one walkin' 'round with a loaded gun

This little girl is capable of murder,

This little girl is capable of murder 'coz you hurt her!


專輯英文名: This Little Girl

歌手: Cady Groves

音樂風格: 流行

資源格式: MP3

版本: [EP]

發行時間: 2012年02月03日

地區: 美國

語言: 英語


01. This Little Girl

02. We're The Sh!t

03. Ugly

04. Someone Like You


