The Show Must Go On[皇后樂隊演唱歌曲]

《The Show Must Go On》是英國搖滾樂樂隊皇后樂隊演唱的一首英文歌曲,收錄於1991年2月5日發布的專輯《Innuendo》中 。


Empty spaces what are we waiting for(空曠的舞台我們為了什麼而存在)
Abandoned places I guess we know the score(被遺忘之地我想我們已猜到了結果)
On and on(一次又一次)
Does anybody know what we are looking for(有沒有人告訴我我們到底在尋找什麼)
Another hero another mindless crime(又一個英雄又一次無意的犯罪)
Behind the curtain in the pantomime(華幕之後默劇靜靜上演)
Hold the line does anybody want to take it anymore(明哲保身還有誰願轟轟烈烈)
The show must go on(戲還得演下去)
The show must go on(戲還得演下去)
Inside my heart is breaking(我心已潰)
My makeup may be flaking(殘妝漸褪)
But my smile still stays on(但淺笑依舊)
Whatever happens I'll leave it all to chance(無論發生什麼我將把一切交給運氣)
Another heartache another failed romance(又一次心痛又一次失敗的愛情)
On and on(一次又一次)
Does anybody know what we are living for(有沒有人知道我們到底為什麼而生存)
I guess I'm learning(也許我該學習適應)
I must be warmer now(我一定要變得更加溫暖)
I'll soon be turning round the corner now(我很快就能迎來轉機)
Outside the dawn is breaking(外面的天空黎明正在破曉 )
But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free(但在黑暗中我為得到自由而痛苦不已)
The show must go on(戲還得演下去)
The show must go on Yeah(戲還得演下去)
Ooh inside my heart is breaking(我心已潰)
My makeup may be flaking(殘妝漸褪)
But my smile still stays on(但淺笑依舊)
Yeah oh oh on(一次又一次)
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies(我的靈魂已被上色如蝶翅般絢麗)
Fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die(昨日的童話繼續卻永遠不會消失)
I can fly my friends(我能夠飛翔我的朋友們)
The show must go on Yeah(戲還得演下去)
The show must go on(戲還得演下去)
I'll face it with a grin(我將微笑面對)
I'm never giving in(我永遠不會放棄)
On with the show(和好戲一起繼續)
I'll top the bill(我會主宰一切)
I'll over kill(我將所向披靡)
I have to find the will to carry on(我必須找到前進的決心)
On with the On with the show和好戲一起繼續
The show must go on( 戲還得演下去 )



