Neon tetra
eyes and olive - green back, blue... the black eyes and olive - green back, blue... into the shank, has a pale blue neon...
Speciology Shi Habitat Environment -
Tropical fish
, such as 40 watt fluorescent lamp of 60 watts..., such as 40 watt fluorescent lamp...
Content Summary Feeder Apparatus -
Huadu District
Overview Huadu District is located in the south in Guangdong Pro...
Overview Geographic Location -
鈴蘭[日本動漫家庭教師Hitman Reborn人物]
角色設定 能力設定 角色經歷 名字解析 -
早年經歷德克·博加德是家中的長子。父親烏爾里克/Ulric Van Den Bogaerde(1892-1972),出生於伯明罕...
早年經歷 二戰經歷 演藝經歷 主要作品 獲獎履歷