日本四單《Tell me goodbye》
Release Date:2010.06.09
01、 Tell me goodbye
02、 Hands up
03、Tell me goodbye(remix)
<Tell me goodbye>是韓國超人氣組合BigBang發行的一首日文歌。
作曲/編曲 :Mohombi,Jimmy
韓國超人氣五人組偶像團體BIGBANG,在日本的音樂活動再次受到了矚目。根據日本最權威的唱片銷量排行榜ORICON公信榜所屬公司宣布,BIGBANG本月9日發行的新單曲《Tell Me Goodbye》,發行當天就打入了ORICON單曲類日榜第五名。
BIGBANG日前在日本的2010WS VMAJ音樂獎上,更一口氣拿下了包括最佳新人MV大獎在內的總共三項大獎,足證該團體在日本的受歡迎程度。
新浪娛樂訊 台北時間6月10日上午訊息,據韓國媒體報導,韓國偶像組合BigBang6月9日在日本推出最新單曲《Tell me goodbye》,在當日的公信榜日銷量榜上取得了第五名的好成績。
Letting you go...(here's somebody...)
Letting you go...(here's somebody...)
Yo I got this' yeah
still thinking about this thing alot
you got me shaken up
(Please tell me there's a way)
And it got my head just
spinnin' round round round round
(Please tell me there's a way)
Don't wanna take a fall
It's best to break it up
It's gonna be better for you' move on
(Please tell me there's a way)
Uh huh we break it break it
Or thought we make it make it
And now we cover it up
Girl I swear きみのことを一秒でも
悲しませない 約束
and I've got nothing' nothing to say
Tell me goodbye' tell me goodbye
Tell me goodbye' tell me goodbye
仆を忘れることに自由になるなら Baby
Tell me goodbye' tell me goodbye
Girl you know
Baby この唇が離れた瞬間に
I'll never find better' better than you
Tell me goodbye' tell me goodbye
Tell me goodbye' tell me goodbye
Tell me goodbye' tell me goodbye
and it's so' so
Sad it just ain't happening
Wish could be better
Sorry to scrapping
But I just can't let ya
Shouldn't be less than happy
I said look at me
I couldn't live with myself seeing you lacking
The things you deserve
Baby you was a part?
Must believe that it hurts
that lead this world
I feel the aching through my body
it just takes a bigger part of me
to be let you go
I wish that one soul
きみの聲 切なく fade away...away-ay-ay-ay
これ以上は I can't take it'
その涙 don't cry for me
きみのため never look back again
Tell me goodbye' tell me goodbye
Tell me goodbye' tell me goodbye
Tell me goodbye' tell me goodbye
Tell me goodbye

Letting you go...(here's somebody...)Letting you go...(here's somebody...)
[GD]Yo I got this, yeah
still thinking about this thing a lot
you got me shaken up
(Please tell me there's a way)
And it got my head just spinnin' round round round round
(Please tell me there's a way)
Don't wanna take a fall
It's best to break it up
It's gonna be better for you, move on
(Please tell me there's a way)
Uh huh we break it break it
Or thought we make it make it
And now we cover it up
[太陽]Girl I swear 為了一秒也不讓你悲傷的 和你的約定
也是為了守護你 所以只能選擇這條路
[大成]Baby 也許愛只能是傷害 and I've got nothing, nothing to say
[合聲]Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
[合聲]Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
如果能夠自由的忘記我的話 Baby
[合聲]Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
[勝利]Girl you know 你失去了笑容的樣子
安慰的話語 甚至是希望
[太陽]Baby 嘴唇離開的那一瞬間
I'll never find better, better than you
[合聲]Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
[合聲]Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
說只是待在身邊並不是容易的事 Baby
[合聲]Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
[TOP]Yo and it's so, so
Sad it just ain't happening
Wish it could be better
Sorry to scrapping
But I just can't let ya
Shouldn't be less than happy
I said look at me
I couldn't live with myself seeing you lacking

The things you deserveBaby you was a part?
Must believe that it hurts
that lead this world
I feel the aching through my body
it just takes a bigger part of me
to be let you go
I wish that one soul
[大成]你的聲音 痛苦的 fade away...away-ay-ay-ay
[勝利]被風抹去 stay...stay-ay-ay-ay
[太陽]這樣下去 I can't take it, 那滴淚水 don't cry for me
[大成]為了你 never look back again
[合聲]Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
[合聲]Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
說只是待在身邊並不是容易的事 Baby
[合聲]Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
[大成]Tell me goodbye
Letting you go…(here’s somebody…)
Letting you go…(here’s somebody…)
Yo I got this, yeah
still thinking about this thing a lot
you got me shaken up
(Please tell me there’s a way)
And it got my head just spinnin’ round round round round
(Please tell me there’s a way)
Don’t wanna take a fall
It’s best to break it up
It’s gonna be better for you, move on
(Please tell me there’s a way)
Uh huh we break it break it
Or thought we make it make it
And now we cover it up
Girl I swear 起米 諾 括脫 喔~ 依氣啵 跌莫
卡吶西嗎se吶 依呀哭嗦~
嗎摸如他咩妮挖摸~ 摸孤跌兮噶
e啦布米起挖 吶依噶啦~啦~
Baby阿伊細碟 木 那跌起子 主ki跌兮瑪露
And I’ve got nothing, nothing to say
Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
噠起兮嗎踏跌 喔
Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
波谷喔挖蘇捏怒 括脫 你機U 你吶奴吶啦 Baby
Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
Girl you know起米 噶 e噶 哪哭兮跌惑諾
啵哭 挖機甭 諾se跌露喲
捏夠 桑咩露括戳幫摸 hi咔哩撒e摸
吶妮摸咔摸 米呼兮噠呼~
Baby 括諾肯機(劈哩嗯)噶 啊吶(咧跌兮)嗎妮
I’ll never find better, better than you~~~~~
Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
噠起兮嗎踏跌 喔
Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
嗦吧妮 奴括脫吶機 哪呀薩薩家 吶妮哆 Baby
Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
Yo and it’s so, so
Sad it just ain’t happening
Wish it could be better
Sorry to be scrapping
But I just can’t let ya
Shouldn’t be less than happy
I said look at me
I couldn’t live with myself seeing you lacking
The things you deserve
Baby you was a part?
Must believe that it hurts
that lead this world
I feel the aching through my body
it just takes a bigger part of me
to be lettin’ you go
I wish that one soul
起咪諾哭誒 se出捏夠fe Away away-ay-ay-ay
咔se妮噶ge ge撒啦U(ku) Stay stay-ay-ay-ay
括嘞依jo挖I can’t take it,
嗦諾吶妮噠don’t cry for me
起咪諾踏咩never look back again
Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
噠起兮嗎踏跌 喔
Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
嗦吧妮 奴括脫吶機 哪呀薩薩家 吶妮哆 Baby
Tell me goodbye, tell me goodbye
Tell me goodbye