然後因為T-70坦克的投產,防空坦克就採用了T-70的底盤。後來因為軍方更傾向於ZSU-37自行防空炮。ZSU-37自行防空炮採用了SU-76的底盤,當然SU-76的底盤是也是用T-70輕型坦克底盤改造的。另外ZSU-37採用了M1939 61K 37mm防空炮改造的火炮,比T-90的雙聯裝的DshK更有威力,所以T-90的計畫就被終止了。

- Army name: zjenitnyj Tank T-90 (зенитный танк Т-90)
- Year of manufacture: 1942
- Manufactured: 1 piece prototype
- Combat weight: 9.3 Mg (tons)
- Curb weight: 8.64 Mg (tons)
- Crew: 2 people
- Hull length: 4285 mm
- Width: 2420 mm
- Height: 1925 mm
- Ground clearance: 300 mm
- Separation belt axis: 2120 mm
- Length of track on ground: not found
- Belt width: Not applicable
- Type, number: 2 GAZ
- Description: Four-stroke, gasoline, inline, water cooled
- Number of cylinders: 2 x 6
- Power: 103 kW (2 x 70 = 140) at 3400 fig per minute
- MG, number and type 2x DŠKT
- Machine gun, caliber: 12,7 mm
- Tower, delivery: 360
- Kanon, elevation: 6 ° to +85 °
- Anti-pointers: K-8T
- Sight: TMFP
- Ammunition, the round-section: 12.7 mm x108
- Supply of ammunition: 480 cartridges (16 boxes)
- Hull, the front driver 35 and 45 mm
- Hull, sides: 15 mm
- Hull, rear: 25 and 45 mm
- Hull, top: 10 mm
- Hull, bottom: 10 mm
- Tower: 35 mm
- Max speed on road: 45 km / h
- Velocity field: up to 30 km / h
- Range: 330 km
- Range: 250 km
- Gradient: up to 34 °
- Tilt: up to 35 °
- Výstupnost, step: 0.65 m
- Překročitelnost, trench: 1.8 m
- Ford: 0.9m