Someone Make Me Cry

Someone Make Me Cry

《Someone Make Me Cry》是挪威歌手Frida Waage Amundsen演唱英文歌曲。


Frida Amundsen,全名Frida Waage Amundsen,1992年出生於挪威瓦克斯達爾,挪威歌手。2009年於EMI簽約,2011年5月推出首支單曲Closer,並順利登上挪威榜。2012年將推出自己的首張專輯。


I want to lie wake at night in a pool of tears

I want to feel my heart breaking, so I know it’s there

I want photos of you that I can tear

I sure to burn that I lie to urn

But I have nothing to trade

So I’m ready to make a deal

Some sorrow just to feel

Someone make me cry, send a flower for each lie

You say you’re sorry, but you never apologize

You tell me you love me a million times

Send a card and say goodby

I’ve freed my heart from dry

Someone make me cry

I want to see you walking by in the arm of someone else

I hope it hurts me just enough to remember how love felt

But I have nothing to trade

So I’m ready t make a deal

Some sorrow just to feel

Someone make me cry, send a flower for each lie

You say you’re sorry, but you never apologize

You tell me you love me a million times

But send a card and say goodbye

I’ve freed my heart from dry

Everything that makes it hard

To survive all the pain, it’s gonna make it easy

Someone make me cry, send a flower for each lie

You say you’re sorry, but you never apologize

You tell me you love me a million times

But send a card and say goodbye

I’ve freed my heart from dry

Someone make me cry

Someone make me cry

Someone make me cry


