Say Ok

Say Ok




唱片公司:Hollywood Records

Vanessa Anne Hudgens 是電影《歌舞青春》中女主角Gabriella 的扮演者


You are fine 你人很好

You are sweet 很甜蜜

But I'm still a bit naive with my heart 但是我的心仍舊有些羞澀

When you're close I don't breathe 當你靠近我不敢呼吸

I can't find the words to speak 我不能找到合適的詞語跟你溝通

I feel sparks 我只是感到心花怒放

But I don't wanna be into you

If you are not looking for true love 但如果你不是在尋找真愛,我不想與你在一起

No I don't wanna start seeing you 恐怕我不想看清你

If I can't be your only one 除非我可以成為你的唯一

So tell me when it's not alright 所以請告訴我 當情況不好時

When it's not ok 當我感覺糟糕時

Will you try to make me feel better? 你會努力安慰我嗎?

Will you say alright? (say alright) 你會說這沒關係嗎?

Will you say ok? (Say ok) 你會(安慰我)說這很安全嗎?

Will you stick with me through whatever?你會堅持與我共渡難關嗎?

Or run away又或者是離開?

(Say that it's gonna be alright. 請你(安慰我)說這很好,很安全

That it's gonna be ok)

Say Ok.

When you call I don't know 當你來電我不知道

if I should pick up the phone every time 是不是每次都該接聽

I'm not like all my friends who keep cal ling up the boys, 我不像我那些朋友 天天和男孩一起約會

I'm so shy我很害羞

But I don't wanna be into you但我不想愛上你

If you don't treat me the right way如果你不好好對待我

See I can only start seeing you

If you can make my heart feel safe (feel safe)你要讓我的心有安全感

When it's not alright當事情不對頭的時候

When it's not ok 當我感覺糟糕時

Will you try to make me feel better? 你會努力安慰我嗎?

Will you say alright? (say alright) 你會說這沒關係嗎?

Will you say ok? (Say ok) 你會(安慰我)說一切有你嗎?

Will you stick with me through whatever?你會堅持與我共渡難關嗎?

Or run away又或者是離開?

(Say that it's gonna be alright.that is gon' be ok 請你(安慰我)說這很好,很安全

Don't run away, don't run away)(不要離開,不要離開)

Let me know if it's gonna be you來讓我知道你就是那個人

Boy, you've gotten some things to prove 你需要證明一些事

Let me know that you'll keep me safe 讓我知道你會給我安全感

I don't want you to run away so 我不想看到你離開所以

Let me know that you'll call on time讓我知道你會準時來電

Let me know that you won't be shy讓我知道你不會害怕

Will you wipe my tears away你會拂去我的淚痕嗎?

Will you hold me closer你會擁我入懷嗎?

When it's not alright

When it's not ok

Will you try to make me feel better你會讓我感覺欣慰嗎?

Will you say alright? (say alright)你會說一切有你嗎?

Will you say ok? (Say ok) 你會說這很好很安全嗎?

Will you stick with me through whatever? 你會堅持與我共渡難關嗎?

Or run away 或者是離開

(Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be ok)請告訴我一切平安一切有你

Say OK

(Don't run away, don't run away) 不要離開不要逃跑

(Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be ok, don't run away)請告訴我一切平安一切有你


Will you say OK 你會說很好很安全嗎?

(Say that it's gonna be alright. That it's gonna be ok) 請告訴我一切平安一切有你



