《Pull up》是蔡徐坤首張EP《1》的主打曲,蔡徐坤參與了歌曲的作詞、作曲和製作,創作靈感來源於他對愛情的感悟 。在創作該曲時,蔡徐坤特別注重旋律和詞的融合性,以求歌詞里的每一個字唱出來時都能貼合旋律 。在錄製該曲時,蔡徐坤加入了許多即興的演唱 ,並且用了許多小表情和特別的語氣 。
英文歌詞 | 中文譯詞 |
Whoa, oh oh oh oh Whoa, oh oh oh oh Whoa, oh oh oh oh Whoa, oh oh oh oh Didn't think I'd be here, Lost my way but can you help me? Wasn't always so clear, down this road Now I'm trying to break free I've been losing my my mind I've been drifting down, down, down I can't sleep at night Been going around, round, round Ay, I was so lost, confused, Didn't know why, who, how to pull through In a world I thought I knew, though was too hard But I was a fool I've been going nowhere Need to know if you care Are you gonna save me Cos I've been acting crazy Pull Up There's nothing to gain, and I'm feeling the pain Pull Up Don't say anymore, cos I'm losing control Pull Up Cos I'm running low Pull Up But I can't let go Baby, telling me all the time Got me saying what's on my mind I can't tell what's up or down I don't know my left from right Think I'll start it again (Again and again) Second chances don't come easily I'm not gonna pretend, Never thought that things would be the same, Will it ever end? Holding out for something new, I'm making a stand, and I'm gonna make it through I've been going nowhere Need to know if you care Are you gonna save me Cos I've been acting crazy Pull Up There's nothing to gain, and I'm feeling the pain Pull Up Don't say anymore, cos I'm losing control Pull Up Cos I'm running low Pull Up But I can't let go Need a little honesty Tell me what you need from me Show me that you're ready Cos I'm ready too I don't care, I'm in control Gotta let go, oh-ohhhh Pull Up There's nothing to gain, and I'm feeling the pain Pull Up Don't say anymore, cos I'm losing control Pull Up Cos I'm running low Pull Up But I can't let go Pull Up There's nothing to gain, and I'm feeling the pain Pull Up Don't say anymore, cos I'm losing control Pull Up Cos I'm running low Pull Up But I can't let go | 沒想到我會在這 迷失了的方向,你能幫我嗎 這條路前途不明 現在我想掙脫 我失去了理智 不斷墜落 墜落 墜落 我在夜裡失眠 不斷來回,踱步 踱步 踱步 是啊 我是如此迷茫 困惑 不明白為何 為誰 如何渡過難關 我自以為理解的世界裡 以為一切太難 但我錯了 我一直原地打轉 需要知道你是否在乎 你可以拯救我嗎? 因為我快要瘋了 暫停 這只會徒勞無功 讓我感到痛苦 暫停 別再說了 因為我快失去控制了 暫停 因為我筋疲力竭 暫停 但我無法放手 寶貝 老是給我說 要我說出心裡話 我已經分不清上下 也分不清左右了 想重頭再來一次 重來 重來 第二次機會得來不易 這我很清楚 從沒想過事物依舊 會有結束的一天嗎? 等待改變來臨 我堅定不移 我一定會撐過去的 我一直原地打轉 需要知道你是否在乎 |
《Pull up》是一首旋律里充滿憧憬的R&B中速節奏單曲,蔡徐坤充分運用聲音的技巧鋪墊情緒,展現了少年在戀愛初期時對新的關係懷著無限希望的狀態,以及少年為了愛情寧願接受冒險的美好心境 。歌詞與主體旋律相得益彰,令這首歌充滿了戀愛中慵懶的小情緒 ,有著一種未經修飾的性感,裡面有回憶中的茫然無奈,也有眼前的釋懷感性 。

《Pull up》MV是蔡徐坤個人首支MV,他在錄製過程中事無巨細地全程參與,不僅對MV的創意提出建議,還通宵剪輯MV 。最開始,MV拍攝出了一個版本,但蔡徐坤認為和他預想的不太一樣,於是決定親自剪輯,加入了一個Intro的創意,加入了一個類似監控器的畫面,以求勾起聽眾的好奇心 。此外,蔡徐坤還加入了躺水的設計,以貼合歌曲的氛圍 。
時間 | 獎方 | 獎項 | 獲獎者 | 結果 |
2018年12月18日 | BILLBOARD RADIO | 華語年度十大金曲 | 《Pull up》 | 獲獎 |
時間 | 名稱 | 地點 |
2018年10月31日 | 電影幕後英雄盛典 | 北京電視台大劇院 |