Nobel Prize in Physics
此詞條暫無內容,歡迎您參與編輯,享受分享貢獻知識的樂趣。 建議您在編輯詞條之前,可先參考幫助中心文檔,了解更多關於詞條規範的信息。 線上提問:幫助小組聯...
Marie Curie
of Physics at the University of Paris (i.e... of the university physics professor Joseph... of the university physics professor Joseph...
Biographies Related Research Personal Life -
Chen-Ning Yang
theory won the Nobel Prize while... theory won the Nobel Prize while they were the very first . two Nobel Prize...
Character Experience Main Achievements -
獎項沿革獎項介紹阿爾弗雷德·貝恩哈德·諾貝爾(Alfred Bernhard Nobel)生於瑞典的斯德哥爾摩,是傑出的化學家、工程師、發明家、企業家。 他一生共獲得技術發明專利355項,其中以硝化甘油製作炸藥...
獎項沿革 獎項設定 評選規則 獎金獎品 歷屆得主 -
Max Planck
: physics, quantum field theory of death: 4...: physics, quantum field theory... in theoretical physics he decided...
Introduction Family Background -
Steven Chu
, Stanford completed the Nobel - prize... of Rochester in Stoddard, the Physics... in Stoddard, the Physics and a Woodrow...
Character Experience Honor Record -
)、物理學(Physics)、生物醫學工程(Biomedical...(Pulitzer Prize)文學獎,和20名Guggenheim Fellows...
榮譽評價 學校規模 院系設定 專業設定 學校排名 -
)、物理學(Physics)、生物醫學工程(Biomedical...(Pulitzer Prize)文學獎,和20名Guggenheim Fellows...
榮譽評價 學校規模 院系設定 專業設定 學校排名 -
Leon M. Lederman
Graduate School of Physics and Professor of Physics at in 1943 after... School of Physics and Professor...
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