My People[Yusuf Islam歌曲]

My People[Yusuf Islam歌曲]
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《My People》是Yusuf Islam演唱的一首歌曲。


2011年英國著名民謠歌手Yusuf Islam(Cat Stevens)創作了一首公益歌曲《My People》,號召世界各地歌迷支持埃及的和平運動。


My People 單曲封面 My People 單曲封面

談起這首新歌的主創,Yusuf Islam表示:“這首歌曲是基於埃及的動盪政局而創作的。當我們在埃及看到那些悲壯的場景,就會感到有一種無形的力量推動我們去幫助那些和平變革的人們,我希望我的這首歌可以給他們帶來更多的勇氣,我非常欽佩這些為了和平而站起來捍衛的勇士們。這首象徵著追求自由,反抗壓迫的歌曲將鼓舞仍被專制政權壓迫的人民奮起反抗。 ”目前,公益新歌《我的人民》已經錄製完畢。


My People
When you gonna leave
My People
Give them room to breathe
My People
Stop oppressing
My People
All they want is bread and clothes
Space to rest – and left alone

My People
When you gonna free
My People
Let them live in peace
My People
Stop killing
My People
All they need is dignity
A chance to be free

My People
Stop making scared
My People
Let them out of jail
My People
Stop building walls around
My People
When you going to show you care
Join people in the square
My People, My People
My People, My People

My People:
See them coming now
My People
Can’t you hear them shout?
My People
Everyday, everywhere
My People
Stop running from
My People
Stop stealing from
My People
Stop pointing guns at
My People
Oh, Come on
My People
Come on, come on

My People
Come on, come on
My People
God show them the way
My People
God show them the way
My People
See them pray
My People,

My People
Come on, come on
My People
Oh, (come on)
My People
Come on
Keep on keeping on 



