Media Safe,保護你手機里私人照片、音頻、視頻、記事本檔案。保護你的重要媒體檔案!
這款S60軟體允許你將存儲的媒體檔案加密並設定密碼保護。你可以在手機上存儲保密圖片,音頻,視頻,記事本檔案。Media Safe採用先進的運算法則來保護你的媒體檔案。軟體提供了舒適友好的用戶界面。存儲數據的密碼採用256位BLOWFISH密碼(一種最安全,最快速的密碼算法)和SHA1安全算法。
第一次使用時,當你打開Media Safe程式,你必須設定密碼(密碼可以在以後改變)。然後,每次打開Media Safe,你都需要輸入密碼來進入程式。推薦設定10位以上的密碼。密碼不得是字典中的單詞。密碼越無序越好。在主界面中,有四種存儲:圖片,音頻,記事本和視頻。將每一個檔案正確儲存。在“選項”選單里選則“導入”選項可導入,加密檔案。使用“選項”選單中的“還原”選項可將檔案還原到原始位置。Media Safe提供了強大的瀏覽功能。圖片可選擇列表或縮略圖方式查看。同樣音頻和視頻也可設定。
Media Safe - Keeps photo/audio/video/note files secure and private on your mobile phone. Protect your important media files!
The Media Safe software for Series 60 mobile phones allows you to store media files Encrypted and password protected. You can store secret Photo, Audio, Video and Note files secure on your mobile phone. Media Safe uses the advanced cryptography methods to protect your media files. The program offers a comfortable and fully customizable user interface. The strong data encryption is done by the 256 bit BLOWFISH block cipher (one of the most secure and fastest encryption algorithm) and SHA1 secure hashing algorithm. See our expert notes about the current cryptography standards: http://www.epocnova.com/doc/crypto_notes.pdf
Main features of Media Safe:
Possibility to encrypt and store media files of the different type: Images, Sounds, Videos and Notes.
Strong and fast data encryption (BLOWFISH and SHA1)
Comfortable and customizable user interface.
MMC support.
Getting Started
First time, when you start the Media Safe program, you must set the password (the password can be changed later). After that, every time you start the Media Safe, you have to enter the password to access the program. It is recommended to set the password with more than 10 characters in length. Password should not be a dictionary word. Password character sequence should be as random as possible. On the main screen you have 4 different stores: Images, Sounds, Notes and Videos. Use the appropriate store for the Specific Media files. To import and encrypt the media file go to the ''Options'' menu and choose the ''Import'' command. To return the file to the original location use the ''Return'' command from the ''Options'' menu. Media Safe offers enhanced browsing capabilities. The images layout can be customized by choosing the List/Grid view from the menu or from the settings DIALOG. The sounds/videos layout is also customizable.