Linux in a Nutshell


"This is one desktop companion which confident Linux users simply cannot be without." Linux User, November 2003 "The best way to sum this book up is with the original reviewer's words: "If you don't lock your office, this will be the first thing that a techie colleague will steal!"." Linux Format, September "...anyone serious about Linux programming and administration needs this book...The authors are to be congratulated for the scope of coverage, as here's enough here about both the vi and Emacs editing systems, desktop set-ups and packages, as well as a nod to multimedia use. " - Gary Flood, IT Training, October 2004


Ellen Siever is a writer and editor specializing in Linux and other open source topics. In addition to Linux in a Nutshell, she coauthored Perl in a Nutshell. She is a long-time Linux and Unix user, and was a programmer for many years until she decided that writing about computers was more fun. Stephen Figgins honed many of his computer skills while working as O'Reilly's book answer guy. A life long learner with many interests, Stephen draws on many resources to make difficult topics understandable and accessible. Now living in Lawrence, Kansas, he administrates Linux servers for Sunflower Broadband, a cable company. When not found working with computers, writing, or spending time with his family, you will likely find him outdoors. Stephen teaches wilderness awareness and living skills. Robert Love has been a Linux user and hacker since the early days. He is active in--and passionate about--the Linux kernel and GNOME desktop communities. His recent contributions to the Linux kernel include work on the kernel event layer and inotify. GNOME-related contributions include Beagle, GNOME Volume Manager, NetworkManager, and Project Utopia. Currently, Robert works in the Open Source Program Office at Google. Robert is the author of Linux Kernel Development (SAMS 2005) and the co-author of Linux in a Nutshell (2006 O'Reilly). He is also a Contributing Editor at Linux Journal. He is currently working on a new work for O'Reilly that will be the greatest book ever written, give or take. Robert holds a B.A. in Mathematics and a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Florida. A proud Gator, Robert was born in South Florida but currently calls home Cambridge, MA. Arnold Robbins, an Atlanta native, is a professional programmer and technical author. He has worked with Unix systems since 1980, when he was introduced to a PDP-11 running a version of Sixth Edition Unix. He has been a heavy AWK user since 1987, when he became involved with gawk, the GNU project's version of AWK. As a member of the POSIX 1003.2 balloting group, he helped shape the POSIX standard for AWK. He is currently the maintainer of gawk and its documentation. He is also coauthor of the sixth edition of O'Reilly's Learning the vi Editor. Since late 1997, he and his family have been living happily in Israel.


Preface 1. Introduction The Excitement of Linux Distribution and Support Commands on Linux What This Book Offers Sources and Licenses Beginner's Guide 2. System and Network Administration Overview Common Commands Overview of Networking Overview of TCP/IP Overview of Firewalls and Masquerading Overview of NFS Overview of NIS Administering NIS RPC and XDR 3. Linux Commands Alphabetical Summary of Commands 4. Boot Methods The Boot Process LILO: The Linux Loader GRUB: The Grand Unified Bootloader GRUB Commands Loadlin: Booting from MS-DOS Dual-Booting Linux and Windows NT/2000/XP Boot-Time Kernel Options initrd: Using a RAM Disk 5. Red Hat and Debian Package Managers The Red Hat Package Manager The Debian Package Manager 6. The Linux Shells: An Overview Purpose of the Shell Shell Flavors Common Features Differing Features 7. bash: The Bourne-Again Shell Invoking the Shell Syntax Variables Arithmetic Expressions Command History Job Control Built-in Commands 8. tcsh: An Extended C Shell Overview of Features Invoking the Shell Syntax Variables Expressions Command History Command-Line Manipulation Job Control Built-in Commands 9. Pattern Matching Filenames Versus Patterns Metacharacters, Listed by Linux Program Metacharacters Examples of Searching 10. The Emacs Editor Emacs Concepts Typical Problems Notes on the Tables Summary of Commands by Group Summary of Commands by Key Summary of Commands by Name 11. The vi Editor Review of vi Operations vi Command-Line Options ex Command-Line Options Movement Commands Edit Commands Saving and Exiting Accessing Multiple Files Window Commands Interacting with the Shell Macros Miscellaneous Commands Alphabetical List of Keys in Command Mode Syntax of ex Commands Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands vi Configuration 12. The sed Editor Command-Line Syntax Syntax of sed Commands Group Summary of sed Commands Alphabetical Summary of sed Commands 13. The gawk Scripting Language Command-Line Syntax Patterns and Procedures gawk System Variables PROCINFO Array Operators Variable and Array Assignments Group Listing of gawk Commands Alphabetical Summary of Commands 14. RCS Overview of RCS Commands Basic RCS Operations General RCS Specifications Alphabetical Summary of RCS Commands 15. CVS Basic Concepts CVS Command Format Common Global Options Gotchas CVS Administrator Reference CVS User Reference 16. Graphical Desktop Overview Desktop Environments and Window Managers Desktop Differences: Development 17. GNOME Desktop Overview The Panel The GNOME Menu and the Menu Panel Menus The GNOME Control Center History and Changes in GNOME 2 18. KDE Desktop Overview The Panel The KDE Control Center 19. An Alternative Window Manager: fvwm2 Running fvwm2 Implementing Window Manager Customizations Adding Keyboard Shortcuts Customizing Menus The WinList: Switching the Focus Index


