公司介紹: 瑞士奇石樂儀器公司是世界著名的壓電測量儀器廠家。在美國,德國,英國,法國,義大利,奧地利,日本,新加坡,中國和南韓都有子公司。奇石樂公司主要從事開發生產和銷售壓電式,壓阻式和電容式測量壓力,力,應變,加速度和聲發射的感測器,相關的儀器和數據採集分析系統。產品廣泛地套用於發動機開發研究,車輛工程,注塑加工控制,內彈道壓力測量,金屬切削過程研究和監測,無次品生產過程控制,振動和衝擊測量,模態試驗,體育和醫學生物力學測量。 Kistler is known Throughout the world for his leadership in development, manufacture and sale of piezoelectric measuring equipment and has subsidiaries worldwide in USA, Germany, UK, France, Italy, Austria, Japan, Singapore, china and South Korean, Kistler designs, produces and sells piezoelectric, piezoresistive and capacitive sensors for strain, force, pressure and acceleration measurements, related electronics and data acquisition and analysis systems. |
套用領域: 典型套用: |