【中文名稱】K警小分隊 第一季
【英文名稱】K-Ville Season 1
Blake Shields - Jeff "Glue Boy" Gooden
Cole Hauser 科爾.豪澤- Trevor Cobb
Anthony Anderson 安東尼.安德森- Marlin Boulet
John Carroll Lynch 約翰.卡羅爾.林奇- Captain James Embry
Tawny Cypress - Ginger "Love Tap" LeBeau
【類型】都市 警匪
MARLIN BOULET (Anthony Anderson, "The Departed," "The Shield")是重案行動組一位性急的、滑稽的、總是喜歡當著別人的面嘮嘮叨叨指手劃腳的老警察。他的搭檔在颶風來臨之時拋下他獨自逃生去了,Boulet卻留下來堅持崗位,從洪水中搶救落難者,同時維持社會秩序。他對壞人從不心慈手軟,有時行動過激,他也從不低頭認錯。
Boulet 的新搭檔TREVOR COBB (Cole Hauser, "The Break-Up," "ER")在加入紐奧良警隊之前曾在阿富汗戰場服役。他作風強硬,為人忠誠,但是Boulet對他卻感到不太舒服,因為他隱藏著一個黑暗的秘密。 Cobb來到紐奧良是為了尋求救贖,但是這條救贖之路卻危機四伏。
重案行動組中的其他成員還包括:代號"K-9"的BILLY FAUST (Maximiliano Hernndez, "Law & Order," "Shark"),一個說話不用腦子的大老粗;代號"GLUE BOY"的JEFF GOODEN (Blake Shields, "Sleeper Cell," "Veronica M
ars"),小組裡的"定時炸彈",說不定什麼時候就會用他的搞笑天賦將嚴肅的氣氛一下子炸開……;代號"LOVE TAP"的GINGER LeBEAU (Tawny Cypress, "Heroes")是小組裡唯一的女性,一個典型的鐵娘子,什麼事情都不服輸、不示弱;組長JAMES EMBRY (John Carroll Lynch, "Zodiac," "The Drew Carey Show")是小組的頭兒,他用自己的幽默和堅韌而不是折衷主義來協調組內的關係。和卡特里娜颶風有關的電視劇這兩年層出不窮,這也是我意料之中的事情,畢竟這個事件對美國人的影響力不亞於"911"。
It's been two years since Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans and a select few still remain at the NOPD. These special cops are bound anddeterminedto bring back the life to New Orleans, otherwise known to most as K-Ville (Katrinaville), and clean up the crime and damage that still remains.
Marlin Boulet, a veteran of the NOPD'sfelonyAction Squad, was leftstrandedin the waters by his partner, but still attempted to keep some little bit of order to all the chaos that was going on during the hurricane. He now has a new partner withulteriormotives, Trevor Cobb, who is fresh back from a tour of duty in Afghanistan. Together the two work the streets of New Orleans, trying to make it a better place. Helping them on their crusade are fellow officers Jeff Gooden, Captain James Embry, Billy Faust, and the lone female officer, Ginger LeBeau.