盧修斯·馬爾福的扮演者是Jason Isaacs,他是一名英國演員,大學時學習的是演講,Isaacs的聲音比較低沉,但是對台詞的處理很有獨到之處。
1.Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix AS …… Lucius Malfoy (attached) (2007)
2.《老友有錢》Friends with Money AS …… David (2006)
3."Brotherhood" AS …… Michael Caffee (2006)
4.Good AS …… Maurice (2006)
5.《哈利·波特與火焰杯》Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire AS …… Lucius Malfoy (2005)
6.《九條命》Nine Lives AS …… Damian (2005)
7.《我行我素》The Chumscrubber AS …… Mr. Parker (2005)
8.《艾麗卡》Elektra AS …… DeMarco (uncredited) (2005)
9."Avatar: The Last Airbender" AS …… Zhao (2005)
10.Tennis, Anyone...? AS …… Johnnie Green (2005)
11. Nouvelle-France AS …… Gen. Wolfe (2004)
12.《小飛俠彼得潘》Peter Pan AS …… Mr. Darling/Captain Hook (2003)
13.《真愛賭局》Passionada AS …… Charles Beck (2002)
14.《最後一分鐘》The Last Minute AS …… Percy (2002)
15.《哈利·波特與密室》Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets AS …… Lucius Malfoy (2002)
16.《燕尾服》The Tuxedo AS …… Clark Devlin (2002)
17.《生化危機》Resident Evil AS …… Dr. William Birkin/Narrator (uncredited) (2002)
18.《追風戰士》Windtalkers AS …… Maj. Mellitz (2002)
19.High Times Potluck AS …… Arneau (2002)
20.《噩宴旅店》Hotel AS …… Australian Actor (2001)
21.《甜蜜的十一月》Sweet November AS …… Chaz (2001)
22.The Tag AS …… Robert (2001)
23.2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards AS …… Himself (2000)
24.《愛到盡頭》The End of the Affair AS …… Father Richard Smythe (1999)
25.《傑克離婚》Divorcing Jack AS …… Cow Pat Keegan (1998)
26.《兵人》Soldier AS …… Col. Mekum (1998)
27.《絕世天劫》Armageddon AS …… Dr. Ronald Quincy, Research (1998)
28.《情在深秋》St. Ives AS …… Alain de Keroual de Saint-Yves (1998)
29.《黑洞表面》Event Horizon AS …… D.J., Trauma (1997)
30.《龍之心》Dragonheart AS …… Lord Felton (1996)
31.Guardians AS …… Jim Reid (1996)
32.Burn Your Phone AS …… The Killer (1996)
33.Solitaire for 2 AS …… Harry (1995)
34.Dangerous Lady AS …… Michael Ryan (1995)
35.《瘋狂追緝令》Shopping AS …… Market Trader (1994)
36.Aruslân senki AS …… Lajendra (voice: English version) (1991)
37.《高個子》The Tall Guy AS …… Doctor #2 (1989)
38."Capital City" AS …… Chas Ewell (1989)