靈魂歌手/作曲者/鋼琴演奏家 Jared Lee 作為一個才華橫溢的土生土長的Boston在NYC的音樂界嶄露頭角,儘管他在商業音樂界摸爬滾打的時間還不長。Jared Lee在高中時期就展現出傑出的音樂才華。他對音樂的熱愛是如此的赤誠,他的能力是如此的具有說服力。當他以優異的成績畢業於Vanderbilt University後,他毫不猶豫的投身於音樂創作表演的絢麗旅程中。過去的幾年中,Jared Lee的生活奇妙且令人興奮。由於參與到在NYC, LA,London, Ibiza等世界各地的錄音,Jared在與許許多多優秀的音樂人的接觸中探尋屬於他自己的音樂特色。贏得了一批忠實樂迷的心。 2008年12月,Jared Lee與 世界著名音樂發行商Chrysalis Music Group簽下一紙獨家全球音樂發行契約。Jared Lee為能名列知名的音樂人Outkast, Ray Lamontagne, Gnarls Barkley, Kylie Minogue, Paul Oakenfold, Velvet Revolver等其中而感到驕傲。各種具有創造性的經歷使得Jared成為一個歌如其人的,清新專業的歌手與作曲家。他令人稱奇的寬廣聲域與他新奇卻又舒緩旋律,感人至深的歌詞奇妙的結合在一起,使得他成為一位不可多得歌手。他的歌向我們描繪激情,平淡生活與個人情感,傳遞著痛苦,恐懼,希望與愛。Jared現在定居於LA,專心於他的第一張個人專輯,以及為與其他歌手的合作。在表演方面,Jared已經有了在National Anthem LA Dodger(棒球隊) 以及 Galaxy(彗星)的比賽中有了愉快的表演經歷,並且進而將他的才華帶進了Hollywood的Hotel Café和Green Door。
Soulful singer/songwriter/piano player Jared Lee emerged on New York Citys music scene as a bright-eyed Boston native with incredible talent but limited experience and exposure in the music industry. A standout in various a capella and other musical groups in high school and college, Jared's love for music was always apparent and his abilities always undeniable. Shortly after graduating from Vanderbilt University from the top of his class, without fear or hesitation, Jared sacrificed a scripted life in favor of a colorful journey following his passion for creating and performing music. The past few years have taken Jared on wild ride filled with a variety of unique and stirring experiences. Recording in studios all over the world, including New York City, Los Angeles, London and Ibiza, Jared has had the opportunity to cultivate his sound and identity through working with a variety of talented and established writers, producers and musicians. Some of these successful professionals include Shawn Stockman(Boyz II Men), Mark Hill(Craig David, Artful Dodger), Mike Mangini(Joss Stone, Bruce Hornsby), Track and Field(Nelly Furtado), Cliff Magness(Avril Lavigne, Kelly Clarkson) and newcomer Francois-Paul Aiche. In addition to writing and recording, Jared has been able to develop a local fan base through performing at many well known New York City venues such as the Canal Room, Coda, the Delancey Lounge and the Bitter End. Recently, Jared had the privilege of performing for over 40,000 people when he sang the national anthem at Dodger stadium in Los Angeles. The culmination of these experiences has resulted in a fresh, rehearsed singer/ songwriter who looks as good as he sounds. Jared Lee is the type of rare singer who combines an astounding vocal range with innovative yet soothing melodies, and inspirational lyrics. His songs depict passionate, personal life experiences and feelings, encompassing messages of pain, love, fear and hope. Jared is currently living in NYC writing and recording new material for his debut album with various writers and producers as well as writing for and working with other established and up and coming artists. Listeners have a great deal to look forward to and anyone who has ever heard Jareds voice will agree, it has always been just a matter of time.
R&B的全名是Rhythm&Blues,一般譯作"節奏怨曲"廣義上,R&B可視為“黑人的流行音樂”,它源於黑人的Blues音樂,是現今西行流行來和搖滾來的基礎,Billboard雜誌曾介定R&B為所有黑人音樂,除了Jazz和Blues之外,都可列作R&B,可見R&B的範圍是多么的廣泛。近年黑人音樂圈大為盛行的HipHop和Rap都源於R&B,並且同時保存著不少R&B成分。 節奏布魯斯(R&B)的誕生可以追溯到40年代中期,早期的R&B被被稱為跳躍布魯斯(Jumpblues)。
在音樂圈中,對於一個沒有經驗,甚至極少在媒體面前露面的人,卻能在紐約音樂會現場演出的機會微乎其微。Jared Lee是例外的一個。Jared Lee,一個聰慧,極賦音樂才能的土著波士頓男孩。作為一個歌手/作曲/鋼琴演奏者,他的音樂充滿了靈魂深處的純真。無論是在高中還是大學的各個音樂組合中,Jared Lee對音樂的熱愛就象星星般的強烈而耀眼,而他的才能也是無可爭辯的一直受到大家肯定。從Vanderbilt University畢業後不久,Jared Lee 毫無猶豫地踏上了他多彩的旅途,追隨著自己的情感,開始了他生命版圖裡的音樂創作與演出旅途。過去的這幾年的旅途帶給Jared Lee很多獨特而強烈的感受。
在紐約、洛杉磯、倫敦和Ibiza等世界各地的錄音工作室製作的時間裡, Jared Lee與Shawn Stockman(Boyz ii Men), Mark Hill( Craig David, Artful Dodger), Joshua Thompson( Alicia Keys, Joe), Camus Celli( Gavin Degraw)等許多有才能的曲作家、製作人和音樂人一起工作,對Jared Lee來說這樣的經歷讓他受益匪淺。除了寫作與錄製音樂,Jared Lee在紐約許多著名的地方表演,如the Canal Room, Coda, the Delancey Lounge 和the Bitter End。這讓他在當地擁有許多歌迷。Jared的音樂譜寫的是熱情洋溢的個人生活經歷和感受——哀傷、愛、恐懼、或者希望。他嗓音清新繞亮,曲調優美,讓聽著心靈有被撫慰的寧靜。Jared現生活在紐約,與許多作曲人與製片人包括格萊美作曲家/製片人得獎者Mike Manginni(Joss Stone,Bruce Hornsby)合作為自己的首張專輯創作與錄製,其中還與其他有才華的新進音樂人。相信這張讓歌迷急切期待的專輯不會讓大家失望!
專輯專輯名稱 | 發行時間 |
Beautiful World 2011-02-24 英語 |