





Shojiro Nishio, 大阪大學, 日本
Takahiro Hara, 大阪大學, 日本
Manfred Hauswirth, 愛爾蘭國立大學, 愛爾蘭
Mohsen Guizani, 卡達大學, 卡達
Han-Chieh Chao, 國家宜蘭大學, 台灣


韓光潔教授, 河海大學,中國
彭岳星教授, 北京郵電大學,中國
吳曉鴒博士,廣州中國科學院先進技術研究所/智慧型控制研究中心 副研究員,中國
Dr. Trung Q. Duong,布萊金厄省理工大學,瑞典








林馨蕾,鬍子毅,茆邦宇, 劉澤許,周海鵬,李祥傑
林東城,楊敏靜,江帥,王彥春,陳惠平, 邱長江,張建,林華輝
張海銘, 陸建儉,龐木蘭,鄭岸雄,朱旭鋒,洪學標,謝逸俊,吳展鵬, 鄭少華,王迪


時間 主題 主持人
2007 Introduce and Download NetTopo 舒磊
2013.07 ~2014.08 以重點實驗室為載體的產學研運作模式研究 舒磊

2013.01 ~2015.12
無線感測器網路在大型石化企業的綜合研究 舒磊

2013.01 ~2013.03
基於振動聲音感測器對大型循環水換熱器線上監測初探 舒磊



  • Jianwei Niu, Long Cheng, Yu Gu, Lei Shu, Sajal K. Das. R3E: Reliable Reactive Routing Enhancement for Wireless Sensor Networks. In IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics.2013.(SCI)(Impact Factor: 2.99)
  • Sudip Misra, P. Venkata Krishna, V. Saritha, Harshit Agarwal, Lei Shu, Mohammad S. Obaidat, Efficient Medium Access Control for Cyber Physical Systems, IEEE System Journal, 2013. (SCI)
  • Jianwei Niu, Jing Peng, Lei Shu*, Chao Tong, Wanjiun Liao, Empirical Study of Renren – A Large-scale Online Social Network. InIEEE Computer Magazine. 2013. (corresponding author) (SCI)
  • Xu Du, Nguyen-Son Vo, Wenqing Cheng, Trung Q. Duong, Lei Shu, Jiaqing Huang, Joint Replication Density and Rate Allocation Optimization for VoD Systems over Wireless Mesh Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 2012. (SCI) (Impact factor 3.19)
  • Kyeong Jin Kim, Trung Q. Duong, Poor Vincent, Lei Shu, Performance Analysis of Cyclic Prefixed Single-Carrier Spectrum Sharing Relay Systems in Primary User Interference. In IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 2012. (SCI) (Impact factor 3.485)
  • Haklae Kim, John Breslin, Han-Chieh Chao, Lei Shu, Evolution of Social Networks based on Tagging Practices. In IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. No.99, November 01, 2011. (SCI)
  • Weiwei Fang, Feng Liu, Fangnan Yang, Lei Shu, Shojiro Nishio, Energy-Efficient Cooperative Communication for Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks. In IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics. 2010. (SCI) (Impact factor 0.985)
  • Liang Zhou, Naixue Xiong, Lei Shu, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Sang-Soo Yeo, Context-Aware Middleware for Multimedia Services in Heterogeneous Networks, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Issue: 99, 2009. (SCI Impact factor: 3.144)
  • Guangjie Han,Jinfang Jiang, Lei Shu, Jianwei Niu and Han-Chieh Chao, Management and Applications of Trust in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey. In Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 2013 (SCI indexed, Impact Factor: 1.157)
  • Delong Cui,Lei Shu*,Jianwei Niu, Lei Wang, Wireless Sensor Networks Based Research Issues in Large-Scale Petrochemical Industries, Sensor Letters. 2013. (corresponding author)(SCI)
  • Yuanfang Chen, Mingchu Li, Lei Shu*, Lei Wang, Takahiro Hara, A Proportional Fairness Backoff Scheme for Funeling Effect in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Wiley, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies. 2012. (corresponding author) (SCI Impact factor: 0.448)
  • Lei Shu, Manfred Hauswirth, Han-Chieh Chao, Min Chen, Yan Zhang, NetTopo: A Framework of Simulation and Visualization for Wireless Sensor Networks. In Elservier, Ad Hoc Networks, Vol.9, No.5, pp.799-820, 2011. (SCI Impact factor: 1.592)
  • Zhangbing Zhou, Walid Gaaloul, Lei Shu*, Samir Tata, Sami Bhiri, Assessing the Replaceability of Service Protocols in Mediated Service Interactions. In Elservier, Future Generation Computer Systems. 2011. (corresponding author) (SCI Impact factor: 2.365)
  • Chuan Zhu, Chunlin Zheng, Lei Shu*, Guangjie Han, A Survey on Coverage and Connectivity Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Elservier, Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 2012. (corresponding author) (SCI Impact factor: 0.945)
  • Yazhi Liu, Jianwei Niu, Jian Ma, Lei Shu, Takahiro Hara, The Insights of Message Delivery Delay in VANETs with a Bidirectional Traffic Model. In Elservier, Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 2012. (SCI Impact factor: 0.945)
  • Lei Shu, Yan Zhang, Zhangbing Zhou, Manfred Hauswirth, Zhiwen Yu, Gearoid Hynes, Transmitting and Gathering Streaming Data in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks within Expected Network Lifetime. ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), 13(3-4): 306-322, 2008. (SCI Impact factor: 1.013)
  • Wei Cai, Min Chen, Takahiro Hara, Lei Shu, Taekyoung Kwon, A Genetic Approach to Mutiple Agents Itinerary Planning in Wireless Sensor Networks. In ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), 2010. (SCI) (SCI Impact factor: 1.013)
  • Lei Shu, Chun Wu, Yan Zhang, Jiming Chen, Lei Wang, Manfred Hauswirth, NetTopo: beyond simulator and visualizer for wireless sensor networks, ACM SIGBED Review, Vol. 5, No. 3, October, 2008.
  • Lei Shu, Jie Yang, Lin Zhang, Hui Xu, Xiaoling Wu, Manfred Hauswirth, Reward Oriented Packet Filtering Algorithm for Heterogeneous Sensor Networks. Wiley, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC), 9(3): 369-382, 2009. (SCI Impact factor: 1.225)
  • Chunsheng Zhu, Lei Shu*, Takahiro Hara, Lei Wang, Shojiro Nishio, Laurence T. Yang, A Survey on Communication and Data Management Issues in Mobile Sensor Networks. In Wiley, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC). 2011. (corresponding author) (SCI Impact factor: 1.225)
  • Guangjie Han, Huihui Xu, Jinfang Jiang, Lei Shu*, Takahiro Hara, Shojiro Nishio, Path Planning Using a Mobile Anchor Node based on Trilateration in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Wiley, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC). 2011. (corresponding author) (SCI Impact factor: 1.225)
  • Jine Tang, Zhangbing Zhou, Lei Shu*, Jianwei Niu, Jin Liu, Qiping Hu, Qun Wang, Skewness-Aware Clustering Tree for Unevenly Distributed Spatial Sensor Nodes in Smart City. In Wiley, International Journal of Communication Systems. 2012. (SCI) (Impact factor: 0.317)
  • Long Cheng, Canfeng Chen, Jian Ma, Lei Shu, Contention-based Geographic Forwarding in Asynchronous Duty-Cycled Wireless Sensor Networks. In Wiley, International Journal of Communication Systems. 2011. (SCI) (Impact factor: 0.317)
  • AI-Sakib Khan Pathan, Muhammad Mostafa Monowar, Jinfang Jiang, Lei Shu, Guangjie Han, An Efficient Approach of Secure Group Association Management in Densely Deployed Heterogeneous Distributed Sensor Networks. In Wiley, Security and Communication Networks. 2010. (SCI)
  • Lei Wang, Zhuxiu Yuan, Yuanfang Chen, Lei Shu, Xiangyang Li, Zhenquan Qin, A Backoff Differentiation Scheme for Contention Resolution in Wireless Converge-Cast Networks. In Wiley, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 2012. (SCI Impact factor: 0.907)
  • Guangjie Han, Jinfang Jiang, Lei Shu, Yongjun Xu, Tongqing Liu, Localization Algorithms of Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey. In Sensors. 2011 (SCI) (Impact factor 1.903)
  • Fei Tong, Rong Xie, Lei Shu, Young-Chon Kim, A Cross-Layer Duty-Cycle MAC Protocol Supporting a Pipeline Feature for Wireless Sensor Networks. In Sensors. 2011 (SCI) (Impact factor 1.903)
  • Jin Wang, Jeong-Uk Kim, Lei Shu, Yu Niu, Sungyoung Lee, A Distance-based Energy Aware Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks. In Sensors. 2010. (SCI) (Impact factor 1.903)
  • Guangjie Han, Jinfang Jiang, Lei Shu*, Mohsen Guizani, Shojiro Nishio, A Two-Step Secure Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks. In Oxford, The Computer Journal. 2012. (SCI Impact factor: 1.327)
  • Lei Shu, Manfred Hauswirth, Yan Zhang, Jianhua Ma, Geyong Min, Yu Wang, Cross Layer Optimization on Data Gathering in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks within Expected Network Lifetime. Springer Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS), Vol. 16, Issue 10, 2010. (SCI Impact factor: 0.788)
  • Yuexing Peng, Yonghui Li, Lei Shu, Wenbo Wang, An Energy-efficient Clustered Distributed Coding for Large-scale Wireless Sensor Networks. Springer Journal of Supercomputing (JoS), 2013. (SCI Impact factor: 0.687)
  • Lei Shu, Yan Zhang, Zhiwen Yu, Laurence T. Yang, Manfred Hauswirth, Naixue Xiong, Context Aware Cross Layer Optimized Video Streaming in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. Springer Journal of Supercomputing (JoS), Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 94-121, 2010. (SCI Impact factor: 0.687)
  • Lei Shu, Yan Zhang, Laurence T. Yang, Yu Wang, Manfred Hauswirth, Naixue Xiong, TPGF: Geographic Routing in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. Springer Journal of Telecommunication Systems (JTS), Vol. 44(1-2), pp.79-95, 2010. (SCI Impact factor: 0.67)
  • Weiwei Fang, Jiming Chen, Lei Shu, Tianshu Chu, Depei Qian, Congestion Avoidance, Detection and Alleviation in Wireless Sensor Networks. Springer Journal of Zhejiang University, 2009. (SCI Impact factor: 0.301)
  • Lei Shu, Yuanfang Chen, Zhangbing Zhou, Watermarking Technologies in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks, IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter, 2013.
  • Lei Shu, Takahiro Hara, Shojiro Nishio, Multimedia Streaming in Mobile Sensor Networks with Duty-cycle and Environment Energy Harvesting. IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter, September 2011.
  • Lei Shu, Min Chen, Multimedia over Sensor Networks. IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter, September 2010.
  • Min Chen, Lei Shu, Context-aware Multimedia Services in Ambient Intelligent Environments. IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter, December 2009.
  • Guangjie Han, Huihui Xu, Jinfang Jiang, Lei Shu, Naveen Chilamkurti, The Insights of Localization Through Mobile Anchor Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks with Irregular Radio. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2012. (SCI)
  • Kai Lin, Lei Wang, Keqiu Li, Lei Shu, Multi-Attribute Data Fusion for Energy Equilibrium Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 2010. (SCI)
  • Longhui Ma, Lei Wang, Lei Shu, Jing Zhao, Visualizing Wireless Sensor Networks with NetVierwer. In International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC), 2010. (SCI)
  • Min Chen, Victor C.M. Leung, Lei Shu, Han-Chieh Chao, On Multipath Balancing and Expanding for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC), 2009. (SCI)
  • Guangjie Han, Jinfang Jiang, Wen Shen, Lei Shu, Joel Rodrigues. IDSEP: A Novel Intrusion Detection Scheme based on Energy Prediction in Cluster-based Wireless Sensor Networks. IET Information Security. 2012. (SCI Impact factor: 0.892).
  • Yiying Zhang, Myong-Soon Park, Han-Chieh Chao, Min Chen, Lei Shu, Chul-hyun Park, Outlier Detection and Countermeasure for Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks. IET Information Security, 2009. (SCI Impact factor: 0.892)
  • Lei Shu, Jinsung Cho, Sungyoung Lee, Manfred Hauswirth, Lin Zhang, VIP Bridge: Leading Ubiquitous Sensor Networks to the Next Generation. Journal of Internet Technology (JIT), 8(3), 2007.
  • Yiying Zhang, Lei Shu, Myong-Soon Park, Lei Wang, En-Mook Lee, An Intelligent and Reliable Data Transmission Mechanism for Highly Destructible Wireless Sensor Networks. Journal of Internet Technology (JIT), 2009. (SCI) (SCI Impact factor: 0.448)
  • Zhangbing Zhou, Lei Shu*, Service Protocol Adaptability Assessment for Supporting Mediated Service Interactions. In Journal of Internet Technology (JIT). 2011. (SCI) (corresponding author) (SCI Impact factor: 0.448)
  • Guangjie Han, Lei Shu, Jianhua Ma, Jong Hyuk Park, Jianjun Ni, Power-Aware and Reliable Sensor Selection Based on Trust for Wireless Sensor Networks. Journal of Communications, 2009.
  • Lei Shu, Takahiro Hara, Shojiro Nishio, Yuanfang Chen, Manfred Hauswirth, The New Challenge: Mobile Multimedia Sensor Networks. In Indersicence, International Journal of Multimedia Intelligence and Security. 2011.
  • Taye Mulugeta, Lei Shu*, Manfred Hauswirth, Zhangbing Zhou, Shojiro Nishio, Secure Two Phase Geographic Forwarding Routing Protocol in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. In Journal of Information Processing. 2011. (corresponding author)
  • Lei Wang, Zhuxiu Yuan, Lei Shu*, Liang Shi, Zhenquan Qin, An Energy-efficient CKN Algorithm for Duty-cycled Wireless Sensor Networks. In International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2012. (SCI) (corresponding author)
  • Yunlu Liu, Juhua Pu, Lei Shu, Zhang Xiong, A Hierarchical Congestion Avoidance Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks. In International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control. 2012. (SCI)
  • Zhenquan Qin, Jianing Zhang, Liang Shi, Lei Wang, Lei Shu, Yuquan Guo, Agile Networking in Smart Grids. In IEEK Transactions on Smart Processing & Computing. 2012. (Invited)
  • Lei Shu, Xuanhung Lee, Jin Wang, Sungyoung Lee, Jinsung Cho, G-IP Approach: Integrating Grid Based Wireless IP Sensor Networks with Internet for Next Generation. In Journal of Multimedia Technology, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2005.
  • 會議論文

  • Yuanfang Chen, Noel Crespi, Lin Lv, Mingchu Li, Antonio M. Ortiz, Lei Shu, Locating Using Prior Information: Wireless Indoor Localization Algorithm. In the flagship annual conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM 2013), Hong Kong, China, August 12-16, 2013.
  • Haiming Zhang, Lei Shu*, Joel Rodrigues, Han-Chieh Chao, Solving Network Isolation Problem in Duty-cycled Wireless Sensor Networks. In the 11th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services (MobiSys 2013), Taipei, Taiwan, June 25th-28th, 2013.
  • Lei Shu, Jianbin Xiong, Lei Wang, Jianwei Niu, Qinruo Wang, Studied Wind Sensor Nodes Deployment Towards Accurate Data Fusion for Ship Movement Controlling. In the 12th ACM/IEEE Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2013), Philadelphia, USA, April 8-11, 2013.
  • Can Ma, Lei Wang, Lei Shu*, Ming Zhu, Zhenquan Qin, Weifeng Ying, Jiaqi Xu, Canfeng Chen, Improving the Throughput of Smart Phone Audio-Jack based Gateway for Sensor Networks. In the 32th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (Infocom 2013), Turin, Italy, April 14-19, 2013.
  • Xiao Han, Lei Shu, Yuanfang Chen, Hairui Zhou, WX-MAC: An Energy Efficient MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks. In
    Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems (MASS 2013), Hangzhou,
    China, October, 14-16, 2013.
  • Yuanfang Chen, Lei Shu, Xiao Han, Lin Lv, Xuemin Cheng, Reality Mining: Digging the Impact of Friendship and Localization on Crowd Behavior. In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS 2013),Hangzhou,China,October,14-16,2013.
  • Yuhui Dong, Lei Shu*, Guangjie Han, Mohsen Guizani, Takahiro Hara, Geographic Multipath Routing in Duty-cycled Wireless Sensor Networks: One-hop or Two-hop? In the 17th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom 2011), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, September 19-23, 2011. (corresponding author)
  • Wenlong Yue, Lei Wang, Ming Zhu, Zhenquan Qin, Lei Shu, Canfeng Chen, A Green Solution for Intelligent Metropolitan Heating System with uSDCard. In the 9th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys 2011), Washington, DC, USA, June 28th – July 1st, 2011.
  • Yuanfang Chen, Lei Wang, Zhuxiu Yuan, Chunsheng Zhu, Xiang-yang Li, Lei Shu, Simulation and Testbed Experiments of a Backoff Differentiation Scheme for Sensor Networks, in the 15th ACM Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom 2009), Beijing, China, September 20-25, 2009.
  • Zhuxiu Yuan, Cuiyao Xue, Weiping Sun, Yuanfang Chen, Lei Wang, Lei Shu, A Backoff Copying Scheme for Contention Resolution in Wireless Sensor Networks, in the 4th ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental Evaluation and Characterization (WiNTECH 2009) in conjunction with the 15th ACM Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom 2009), Beijing, China, September 20-25, 2009.
  • Lei Shu, Manfred Hauswirth, Lei Wang, Zhuxiu Yuan, Yuanfang Chen, Visualizing Simulation and Testbed of Wireless Sensor Networks with NetTopo, in the 4th ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental Evaluation and Characterization (WiNTECH 2009) in conjunction with the 15th ACM Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom 2009), Beijing, China, September 20-25, 2009.
  • Ziqi Fan, Yuanfang Chen, Lei Shu*, Lei Wang, Takahiro Hara, Shojiro Nishio, Impacts of Duty-Cycle and Radio Irregularity on HCRL Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Network Protocols(ICNP 2010), Kyoto, Japan, October 5-8, 2010. (corresponding author)
  • Chunsheng Zhu, Laurence T. Yang, Lei Shu, Lei Wang, Takahiro Hara, Sleep Scheduling Towards Geographic Routing in Duty-Cycled Sensor Networks with A Mobile Sink. In the 8th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conferences on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON 2011), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, June 27-30, 2011.
  • Chunsheng Zhu, Laurence T. Yang, Lei Shu, Joel Rodrigues, Takahiro Hara, Sleep Scheduling Towards Geographic Routing in Duty-Cycled Sensor Networks. In the 7th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor System (DCOSS 2011), Barcelona, Spain, June, 27-29, 2011.
  • Yuanfang Chen, Mingchu Li, Lei Wang, Zhuxiu Yuan, Weiping Sun, Chunsheng Zhu, Ming Zhu, Lei Shu, A Proportional Fair Backoff Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Wireless Network Algorithm and Theory (WiNA 2009) in conjunction with the 6th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS 2009), Macau SAR, China. October 12-15, 2009.
  • Lei Shu, Zhuxiu Yuan, Takahiro Hara, Lei Wang, Yan Zhang, Impacts of Duty-Cycle on TPGF Geographical Multipath Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2010). Beijing, China, June 16-18, 2010.
  • Weiwei Fang, Feng Liu, Zhen Liu, Lei Shu, Shojiro Nishio, Reliable Broadcast Transmission in Wireless Networks Based on Network Coding. In the 3rd International Workshop on Wireless Sensor, Actuator, and Robot Networks (WiSARN 2011) in Conjunction with the 30th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (Infocom 2011), Shanghai, China, April 10-15, 2011.
  • Lei Shu, Zhangbing Zhou, Manfred Hauswirth, Danh Le Phuoc, Peng Yu, Lin Zhang, Transmitting Streaming Data in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks with Holes. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2007 acceptance rate: 21%), Oulu, Finland. December 12-14, 2007.
  • Lei Shu, Jianwei Niu, Takahiro Hara, Manfred Hauswirth, Shojiro Nishio, Integrating Weather Information with Body Sensor Networks for Health Monitoring. In Proceedings of the 6th International ICST Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNets 2011), Beijing, China, November 7-8, 2011.
  • Lei Shu, Jie Yang, Sungyoung Lee, ETRI: A Dynamic Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 2004 International Workshop on Embedded Real-Time Systems Implementation (ETRSI 2004 acceptance rate: 22%), in Conjunction with the 25th IEEE International Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2004), Lisbon, Portugal. December 5-8, 2004.
  • Jianwei Niu, Yazhi Liu, Lei Shu, Bin Dai, A P2P Query Algorithm based on Betweenness Centrality Forwarding in OpportunisticNetworks.InProceedings of International Conference on Communications (ICC 2013), Budapest, Hungary, June 9-13, 2013.
  • Jianwei Niu, Wenfang Song, Lei Shu, Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Bandwidtha-daptive Application Partitioning for Execution Time
    and Energy Optimization. In Proceedings of International Conference on Communications (ICC 2013), Budapest, Hungary,
    June 9-13, 2013.
  • Chunsheng Zhu, Laurence T. Yang, Lei Shu, Joel Rodrigues, Takahiro Hara, A Geographic Routing Oriented Sleep Scheduling Algorithm in Duty-Cycled Sensor Networks. In International Conference on Communications (ICC 2012), Ottawa, Canada, June 10-15, 2012.
  • Chunsheng Zhu, Laurence T. Yang, Lei Shu, Trung Q. Duong, Shojiro Nishio, Secured Energy-Aware Scheduling Algorithm in Duty-cycled Sensor Networks. In International Conference on Communications (ICC 2012), Ottawa, Canada, June 10-15, 2012.
  • Cheng Jin, Lei Wang, Lei Shu, Yuyao Feng, Xueqing Xu, A Fairness-aware Smart Parking Scheme Aided by Parking Lots. In International Conference on Communications (ICC 2012), Ottawa, Canada, June 10-15, 2012.
  • Nguyen-Son Vo, Trung Q. Duong, Lei Shu, Bit Allocation for Multi-source Multi-path P2P Video Streaming in VoD Systems over Wireless Mesh Networks. In International Conference on Communications (ICC 2012), Ottawa, Canada, June 10-15, 2012.
  • Yuanfang Chen, Lei Shu, Mingchu Li, Ziqi Fan, Lei Wang, Takahiro Hara, The Insights of DV-based Localization Algorithms in the Wireless Sensor Networks with Duty-cycled and Radio Irregular Sensors. In International Conference on Communications (ICC 2011), Kyoto, Japan, June 5-9, 2011.
  • Fei Tong, Wan Tang, Rong Xie, Lei Shu, Young-Chon Kim, P-MAC: A Cross-Layer Duty Cycle MAC Protocol Towards Pipeline Feature for Wireless Sensor Networks. In International Conference on Communications (ICC 2011), Kyoto, Japan, June 5-9, 2011.
  • Nguyen-Son Vo, Trung Q. Duong, Lei Shu, Xu Du, Hans-Jurgen Zepernick, Wenqing Cheng, Cross-Layer Replication Strategy Optimized Video Streaming over Wireless Mesh Networks. In International Conference on Communications (ICC 2011), Kyoto, Japan, June 5-9, 2011.
  • ZhangBing Zhou, Walid Gaaloul, Feng Gao, Lei Shu, Sami Bhiri, Samir Tata. Service Protocol Replaceability Assessment in Mediated Service Interactions. In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2011), Kyoto, Japan, 2011.
  • Fei Tong, Minming Ni, Lei Shu, Jianping Pan, A Pipelined-Forwarding, Routing-Integrated and Effectively-Identifying MAC for Large-Scale WSN. In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communication Conference (Globecom 2013), Atlanta, GA, USA, December, 9-13, 2013.
  • Jianwei Niu, Shaluo Huang, Lei Shu, Ivan Stojmenovic, Activities Information Diffusion in Chinese Largest Recommendation Social Network: Patterns and Generative Model. In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communication Conference (Globecom 2013), Atlanta, GA, USA, December, 9-13, 2013.
  • Chunsheng Zhu, Victor M. Leung, L.T. Yang, Xiping Hu, Lei Shu, Collaborative Location-based Sleep Scheduling to Integrate Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Cloud Computing. In IEEE (Globecom 2013) International Workshop on Cloud Computing Systems, Networks, and Applications. Atlanta, GA, USA, December, 9-13, 2013.
  • Xiaohua Wu, Yuexing Peng, Chunjing Hu, Hui Zhao, Lei Shu, A Secret Key Generation Method Based on CSI in OFDN-FDD System. In IEEE (Globecom 2013) International Workshop on Trusted Communications with Physical Layer Security. Atlanta, GA, USA, December, 9-13, 2013.
  • Jinfang Jiang, Guangjie Han, Huihui Xu, Lei Shu*, Mohsen Guizani, LMAT: Localization with a Mobile Anchor Node Based on Triangulation in Wireless Sensor Networks. In the IEEE Global Communication Conference (Globecom 2011), Houston, Texas, USA, December, 5-9, 2011. (corresponding author)
  • Lin He, Yiying Zhang, Lei Shu, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, Myong-Soon Park, Energy Efficient Location-dependent Key Management Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks. In the IEEE Global Communication Conference (Globecom 2010), Miami, Florida, USA, December 6-10, 2010.
  • Longhui Ma, Lei Wang, Lei Shu, Jing Zhao, Suran Li, Ning Ding, NetViewer: A General Visualization Tool for Wireless Sensor Networks. In the IEEE Global Communication Conference (Globecom 2010), Miami, Florida, USA, December 6-10, 2010.
  • Taye Mulugeta, Lei Shu, Manfred Hauswirth, Min Chen, Takahiro Hara, Shojiro Nishio, Secure Two Phase Geographic Forwarding Routing Protocol in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. In the IEEE Global Communication Conference (Globecom 2010), Miami, Florida, USA, December 6-10, 2010.
  • Zhuxiu Yuan, Lei Wang, Cheng Meng, Chulei Liu, Trung Q. Duong, Lei Shu, Capacity and Delay for Redundant Multiple Source Routing by Theoretical Analysis in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Heterogeneous, Multi-Hop, Wireless and Mobile Networks (HeterWMN 2010) in conjunction with the IEEE Global Communication Conference (Globecom 2010), Miami, Florida, USA, December 6-10, 2010.
  • Yuanfang Chen, Mingchu Li, Lei Shu, Lei Wang, Trung Q. Duong, The Scheme of Mitigating the Asymmetric Links Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Sensor Integration Technology (ASIT 2010) in conjunction with the IEEE Global Communication Conference (Globecom 2010), Miami, Florida, USA, December 6-10, 2010.
  • Kun Wang, Lei Wang, Can Ma, Lei Shu*, Joel Rodrigues, Geographic Routing in Random Duty-Cycled Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Sensor Integration Technology (ASIT 2010) in conjunction with the IEEE Global Communication Conference (Globecom 2010), Miami, Florida, USA, December 6-10, 2010. (corresponding author)
  • Jianwei Niu, Banghui Lu, Long Cheng, Yu Gu, Lei Shu, ZiLoc: Energy Efficient WiFi Fingerprint-based Localization with Low-Power Radio. In the 2013 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2013), April 7-10, 2013.
  • Can Ma, Lei Wang, Jiaqi Xu, Zhenquan Qin, Lei Shu, Di Wu, An Overlapping Clustering Approach for Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. In the 2013 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2013), April 7-10, 2013.
  • Jianwei Niu, Mingzhu Liu, Lei Shu, Mohsen Guizani, Copy Limited Flooding over Opportunistic Networks. In the 2013 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2013), April 7-10, 2013.
  • Jinfang Jiang, Guangjie Han, Huihui Xu, Lei Shu*, Yan Zhang, A Two-hop Localization Scheme with Radio Irregularity Model in Wireless Sensor Networks. In the 2012 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2012), April 1-4, 2012. (corresponding author)
  • Liyun Zuo, Lei Shu*, Chunsheng Zhu, Zhangbing Zhou, A Resource Evaluation Model Based on Entropy Optimization toward Green Cloud. In the 9th International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge & Grids, Beijing, China, Oct. 3-4, 2013. (corresponding author).
  • Joao M.L.P. Caldeira, Joel Rodrigues, Pascal Lorenz, Lei Shu, Intra-Mobility Handover Enhancement in Healthcare Wireless Sensor Networks. In the 14th IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (HealthCom 2012).Beijing, China, October 10-13, 2012.
  • Jinfang Jiang, Guangjie Han, Lei Shu*, Han-Chieh Chao, Shojiro Nishio, A Novel Secure Localization Scheme Against Collaborative Collusion in Wireless Sensor Networks. In the 7th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference
    (IWCMC 2011), Istanbul, Turkey, July 5-8, 2011. (corresponding author)
  • Zhuxiu Yuan, Lei Wang, Lei Shu, Takahiro Hara, Zhenquan Qin. A Balanced Energy Consumption Sleep Scheduling Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks. In the 7th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2011), Istanbul, Turkey, July 5-8, 2011.
  • Chunsheng Zhu, Laurence T. Yang, Lei Shu, Takahiro Hara, Shojiro Nishio, Implementing Top-k Query in Duty-cycled Wireless
    Sensor Networks. In the 7th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2011), Istanbul,
    Turkey, July 5-8, 2011.
  • Yuanfang Chen, Xiaokang Liu, Lei Wang, Lei Shu, Han-Chieh Chao, A Calibration Scheme Based on Pool Adjacent Violators for Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks, In Proceedings of the 6th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2010). Caen, France, June 28 – July 2, 2010.
  • Chunsheng Zhu, Yuanfang Chen, Lei Wang, Lei Shu, Yan Zhang, SMAC-based Proportional Fairness Backoff Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks, In Proceedings of the 6th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2010). Caen, France, June 28 – July 2, 2010.
  • Yuhui Dong, Guangjie Han, Lei Shu, Hui Guo, Jianwei Niu. Geographic Multipath Routing in Duty-cycled Wireless Sensor Networks
    with Energy Harvesting. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom 2013),
    Beijing, China, August 20-23, 2013.
  • Zhenquan Qin, Jianing Zhang, Lei Wang, Shuai Shao, Ming Zhu, Lei Shu. In Proceedings of IEEE 24th International Symposium on
    Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2013), London, UK, September, 8-11, 2013.
  • Chunsheng Zhu, Victor C.M. Leung, Xiping Hu, Lei Shu, Laurence T. Yang, A Review of Key Issues that Concern the Feasibility of
    Mobile Cloud Computing. In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing
    (CPSCom 2013), Beijing, China, August 20-23, 2013.
  • Chu Du, Zhangbing Zhou, Lei Shu, Xiangyang Jia, Qun Wang, An Effective IoT Services Indexing and Query Technique. In
    Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom 2013), Beijing, China,
    August 20-23, 2013.
  • Shuzhen Xu, Mingchu Li, Yuanfang Chen, Lei Shu, Gu Xin, A Cooperation Scheme based on Reputation for Opportunistic Networks. In the International Conference on Computing, Management and Telecommunications (ComManTel 2013), Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, January 21-24, 2013.
  • Ziqi Fan, Yuanfang Chen, Lei Wang, Lei Shu, Takahiro Hara, Removing Heavily Curved Path: Improved DV-Hop Localization in Anisotropic Sensor Networks. In the 7th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN 2011), Beijing, China, December 16-18, 2011.
  • Suran Li, Lei Wang, Lei Shu, Zhenquan Qin, A Study on Relationship Migration among Social Networking Providers. In the 7th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN 2011), Beijing, China, December 16-18, 2011.
  • Xiaokang Liu, Lei Wang, Zhuxiu Yuan, Yuanfang Chen, Lei Shu, Chunsheng Zhu, Mitigating Radio Irregularity Impact: An RSSI Calibration Method for Range-Free Localization in Sensor Networks. In the 7th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN 2011), Beijing, China, December 16-18, 2011.
  • Lei Shu, Jin Wang, Hui Xu, Jinsung Cho, Sungyoung Lee, Connecting Sensor Networks with TCP/IP Network. In Proceedings of the 2006 International Workshop on Sensor Network (IWSN 2006 acceptance rate: 14%), in Conjunction with the 8th Asian Pacific Web Conference (APWeb 2006), Harbin, China. January 16-18, 2006.
  • Xiaoling Wu, Lei Shu, Jin Wang, Jinsung Cho, Sungyoung Lee, Energy-efficient Deployment of Mobile Sensor Networks by PSO. In Proceedings of the 2006 International Workshop on Sensor Network (IWSN 2006 acceptance rate: 14%), in Conjunction with the 8th Asian Pacific Web Conference (APWeb 2006), Harbin, China. January 16-18, 2006.
  • Jianwei Niu, Yazhi Liu, Lei Shu. Message Dissemination in Delay-Tolerant Networks with Probabilistic Encounters. IEEE 21st International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Infrastructures (WETICE2012), Toulouse, France, 25-27 June 2012, pp.: 330 – 335.
  • Lin Zhang, Manfred Hauswirth, Lei Shu, Zhangbing Zhou, Vinny Reynolds, Guangjie Han, Multi-priority Multi-path Selection for Video Streaming in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2008), Oslo, Norway. June 23-25, 2008.
  • Xiaoling Wu, Yu Niu, Lei Shu, Jinsung Cho, Yongkoo Lee, Relay Shift Based Self-Deployment for Mobility Limited Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2006 acceptance rate: 31%), Wuhan, China. 2006.
  • Mingyang Sun, Weifeng Sun, Lei Shu, Mingchu Li, Lei Xue, FoSSicker: A Personalized Search Engine by Location-Awareness. In the 1st International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2012), Maui, Hawaii, USA, January 30 – February 2, 2012.
  • Wei Cai, Min Chen, Takahiro Hara, Lei Shu, GA-MIP: Genetic Algorithm based Multiple Mobile Agents Itinerary Planning in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 5th International Wireless Internet Conference, (WICON 2010). Singapore, March 1-3, 2010.
  • Lei Shu, Manfred Hauswirth, Long Cheng, Jian Ma, Vinny Reynolds, Lin Zhang, Sharing Worldwide Sensor Network. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on SensorWebs, Databases and Mining in Networked Sensing Systems (SWDMNSS 2008), in conjunction with the IEEE/IPSJ Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT 2008), Turku, Finland. July 28 – August 1, 2008.
  • Xufeng Zhu, Lei Shu*, Haiming Zhang, Anxiong Zheng, Guangjie Han, Preliminary Exploration: Fault Diagnosis of the Circulating-water Heat Exchangers based on Sound Sensor and Non-destructive Testing Technique. In the 8th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom 2013), Guilin, China, August 14-16, 2013. (corresponding author) (EI)
  • Mulan Pang, Lei Shu*, Jianjian Lu, Xufeng Zhu, Joel Rodrigues, A Case Study: Monitoring Heat Exchangers Based on Vibration
    Sensors and Nondestructive Testing Technique. In the 8th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom 2013), Guilin, China, August 14-16, 2013. (corresponding author) (EI)
  • Aihua Qian, Guangjie Han, Xun Li, Jinfang Jiang, Lei Shu, Performance Evaluation of Localization Algorithms in Large-scale Underwater Sensor Networks. In the 8th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom 2013), Guilin, China, August 14-16, 2013. (EI)
  • Jun Xia, Guangjie Han, Jia Chao, Tongqing Liu, Lei Shu, Analyzing the Performance of Localization Algorithms in Underwater
    Sensor Networks. In the 8th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom 2013), Guilin,
    China, August 14-16, 2013. (EI)
  • Chunsheng Zhu, Lei Shu, Takahiro Hara, Lei Wang, Shojiro Nishio, Research Issues in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks. In the 5th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom 2010), Beijing, China, August 25-27, 2010.
  • Lei Shu, Zhangbing Zhou, Antonio Aguilar, Manfred Hauswirth, Stream Data Gathering in Wireless (Multimedia) Sensor Networks within Expected Lifetime. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Mobile Multimedia Communications Conference (MobiMedia 2007), Nafpaktos, Greece. August 27-29, 2007.
  • Long Cheng, Canfeng Chen, Jian Ma, Lei Shu, Hongyang Chen, Laurence T. Yang, Residual Time Aware Forwarding for Randomly Duty-Cycled Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2009), Vancouver, Canada. August 29-31, 2009.
  • Jin Wang, Lei Shu, Jinsung Cho, Young-Koo Lee and Sungyoung Lee, A Load-balancing and Energy-aware Clustering Algorithm in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks, The 1st International Workshop on RFID and Ubiquitous Sensor Networks in conjunction with the 2005 International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2005 acceptance rate: 30%) Nagasaki, Japan, 6-9 December 2005.
  • Jie Yang, Lei Shu, Xiaoling Wu, Jinsung Cho, Sungyoung Lee, ETRI-QM: Reward Oriented Query Model for Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 2005 IFIP International Conference on Embedded & Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2005acceptance rate: 30%), Nagasaki, Japan. December 6-9, 2005.
  • Min Chen, Victor C.M. Leung, Lei Shu, Han-Chieh Chao, On Multipath Expanding for Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Future Generation Communication and Networking (FGCN 2009), Jeju Island, Korea, December 10-12, 2009.
  • Lei Shu, Yan Zhang, Laurence T. Yang, Yu Wang, Manfred Hauswirth, Geographic Routing in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Future Generation Communication and Networking (FGCN 2008 acceptance rate: 25%.), Sanya, Hainan, China. December 13-15, 2008.
  • Lei Shu, Chun Wu, Yan Zhang, Jiming Chen, Lei Wang, Manfred Hauswirth, NetTopo: Beyond Simulator and Visualizor for Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Future Generation Communication and Networking (FGCN 2008 acceptance rate: 25%.), Sanya, Hainan, China. December 13-15, 2008.
  • Wen Shen, Guangjie Han, Lei Shu*, Joel Rodrigues, Naveen Chilamkurti, A Novel Energy Prediction Approach for Intrusion Detection in Cluster-based Wireless Sensor Networks. In the 1st International Conference on Green Communications and Networking (GreenNets 2011), Colmar, France, October 5-7, 2011. (corresponding author)
  • Lei Shu, Manfred Hauswirth, Lei Wang, Yan Zhang, Jong Hyuk Park, Cross-Layer Optimized Data Gathering in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of 12th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE 2009), Vancouver, Canada. August, 29-31, 2009.
  • Jiaqi Xu, Lei Wang, Can Ma, Lei Shu, K-OCHE: An Overlapping Multihop Clustering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks with Environmental Energy Harvesting. In the 6th China Wireless Sensor Networks Conference (CWSN 2012). Huangshan, Anhui, China, Oct. 25-27, 2012.
  • Lei Shu, Zhangbing Zhou, Antonio Aguilar, Manfred Hauswirth, Stream Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks within Expected Lifetime. In Proceedings of Wireless Sensors Enterprise Network (WiSen 2007), Dublin, Ireland, June 2007.
  • Lei Shu, Xiaoling Wu, Hui Xu, Jie Yang, Jinsung Cho, Sungyoung Lee, Connecting Heterogeneous Sensor Networks with IP based Wire/Wireless Networks. In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS 2006). Gyeongju, Korea. April 26-28, 2006.
  • Lei Shu, Hui Xu, Xiaoling Wu, Lin Zhang, Jinsung Cho, Sungyong Lee, VIP Bridge: Integrating Several Sensor Networks into One Virtual Sensor Network. In Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Internet Surveillance and Protection (ICISP 2006), France. August 27-29, 2006.
  • Lei Shu, Xiaoling Wu, Jie Yang, Sungyoung Lee, Maximizing System Value among Interested Packets While Satisfying Time and Energy Constraints. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Networking (ICN 2005 acceptance rate: 38.1%), Reunion Island, 2005.
  • Lei Shu, Jinsung Cho and Sungyong Lee, Integrating Wireless Sensor Networks with All IP Based Internet for Next Generation, Graduate Workshop on Networking (GWN 2005) held in conjunction 10th Advanced Network Workshop, KAIST, Daejon, Korea, October, 20, 2005.
  • Yiying Zhang, Xi Luo, Laurence T. Yang, Lei Shu, Weiwei Fang, Myong-Soon Park, A Compensation-based Reliable Agent Architecture in Instant Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2009 acceptance rate: 23%), Seoul, Korea. June 25-27, 2009.
  • Hui Xu, Manwoo Jeon, Lei Shu, Yu Niu, Jinsung Cho, Sungyoung Lee, Impact of Practical Models on Power Aware Broadcast Protocols for Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS 2006). Gyeongju, Korea. April 26-28, 2006.
  • Hui Xu, Manwoo Jeon, Lei Shu, Jinsung Cho, Sungyoung Lee, Localized Power Aware Broadcast Protocols with Directional Antennas for Wireless Networks with Practical Models. In Proceedings of International Workshop on Wireless Communications in Distributed Sensor Networks (WCDSN 2006), in conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing (SUTC 2006 acceptance rate: 24%.), Taichung, Taiwan. June 6, 2006.
  • Xiaoling Wu, Lei Shu, Min Meng, Jinsung Cho, Sungyoung Lee, Coverage-driven Self-deployment for Cluster Based Mobile Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2006), Seoul, Korea.
  • Hui Xu, Manwoo Jeon, Lei Shu, Jinsung Cho, Sungyoung Lee, Localized Broadcast Oriented Protocols with Mobility Protection for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Next Generation Teletraffic and Wire/Wireless Advanced Networking (NEW2AN 2006 acceptance rate: 35%), St. Petersbug, Russia. May 29 – June 2, 2006.
  • Hui Xu, Manwoo Jeon, Lei Shu, Xiaoling Wu, Jinsung Cho, Sungyoung Lee, Localized Energy-Aware Broadcast Protocol in Wireless Network with Directional Antenna, International Conference on Embedded Software and System 2005 (ICESS 2005), Xi’an, China
  • Xiaoling Wu, Lei Shu, Jie Yang, Hui Xu, Jinsung Cho, Sungyoung Lee, Swarm Based Sensor Deployment Optimization in Ad Hoc Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Embedded Software and System (ICESS 2005), Xi’an, China.
  • 專書論文

  • Yuanfang Chen, Lei Shu, Lu Chen, GPS-free Indoor Localization for Mobile Sensor Networks. In Wireless Sensor Networks: Theory and Applications, edited by I. M. M. El Emary and S. Ramakrishnan, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 2012. ISBN: 9781466518100.
  • Trung Q. Duong, Nguyen-Son Vo, Hans-Jurgen Zepernick, Xu Du, Lei Shu, Replication Strategies for Video On-Demand over Wireless Mesh Networks: A Cross-Layer Optimization Approach. In Using Cross-Layer Techniques for Communication Systems: Techniques and Applications, Eds. H. F. Rashvand and Y. S. Kavian, IGI Global, USA. 2011.
  • Kai Lin, Lei Shu, Lei Wang, AI-Sakib Khan Pathan, Data Gathering with Multi-Attribute Fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Advancements in Distributed Computing and Internet Technologies: Trends and Issues, IGI Global, 2010.
  • Yiying Zhang, Lin He, Lei Shu, Takahiro Hara, Shojiro Nishio, Security Issues on Outlier Detection and Countermeasure for Distributed Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks. In Advancements in Distributed Computing and Internet Technologies: Trends and Issues, IGI Global, 2010.
  • Guangjie Han, Lei Shu, Chuan Zhu, Joel Rodrigues, Research on Precise Localization Based on Trilateration for Indoor Sensor Networks. In Advancements in Distributed Computing and Internet Technologies: Trends and Issues, IGI Global, 2010.
  • 學術兼職

  • Editor in Chief, EAI-Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems Since 2013-
  • Editor in Chief,IEEE CommSoft E-letter Since 2012-
  • Associate Editor, Security and Communication Networks (SCI indexed), Wiley, Since 2013-
  • Editorial Board,IET Networks, Since 2011-
  • Associate Editor,International Journal of Communication Systems(SCI indexed), Wiley, Since 2012-
  • Associate Editor,Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies(SCI indexed), Since 2011-
  • Editorial Board,Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks(SCI indexed), Since 2011-
  • Editorial Board,Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing(SCI indexed), Wiley, Since 2011-
  • Editorial Board,International Journal of Sensor Networks(SCI indexed), Indersicence, Since 2011-
  • Editorial Board,Journal of Communications(EI indexed), Since 2010-
  • Editorial Board,IET Communications(SCI indexed), Since 2010-
  • Editorial Board,KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)(SCI indexed), Since 2010-
  • Editorial Board,Journal of Internet Technology(SCI indexed), Since 2010-
  • Editorial Board,International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence (SCI indexed), Since 2010-
  • Program Co-Chair, International Conference on High Performance Compilation,Computing and Communications HP3C 2014
  • Program Co-Chair,Second International Conference on Security in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems SNDS 2014
  • Track Co-Chair, ComManTel2014 Conference ComManTel 2014
  • Publicity Co-Chair,The 2014 International Conference on Computer,Information and Telecommunition Systems CITS 2014
  • Program Co-Chair, The 3rd International Conference on Consumer Electronics,Communications and Networks CECNET 2013
  • Program Chair ,The 2nd International Workshop on Mobile,Multimedia,Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks MMASN 2013
  • Special Session Co-Chair, PIMRC 2013
  • Symposium Co-Chair, 8th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China CHINACOM 2013
  • Publicity Co-Chair,The 2013 International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems CITS 2013
  • Program Co-Chair,2013 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication SystemsSPECTS 2013
  • Program Co-Chair, International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications ICNC 2013
  • Track Co-Chair, International Conference on Computing Management & Telecomunitions ComManTel 2013
  • Publicity Co-Chair,2012 Third International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies WPMC 2012
  • Track Co-Chair,The 8th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference EIDWT 2012
  • Symposium Co-Chair,2012 International Conference on Communications and Information Technology (ICCIT) IWCMC 2012
  • Track Co-Chair,ICCIT 2012
  • Publicity Co-Chair,The 2014 International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems CITS 2012
  • Publicity Co-Chair,International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications ICNC 2012
  • Symposium Co-Chair, Multimedia Over Wireless Symposium, The 8th International Wireless Communications & Mobile ComputingIWCMC 2012
  • TPC Co-Chair, The 7th International Symposium Wireless Pervasic Computing ISWPC 2012
  • Symposium Co-Chair, Symposium on Ad Hoc and Sensor NetworkingICC 2012
  • Publicity Co-Chair,The 2012 International Conference on Computer, Information, and Telecommunication Systems,CITS 2012
  • Publicity Co-Chair, The International Conference on Computing, Networking and CommunicationsICNC 2012
  • Publicity Co-Chair,The 9th IEEEinternational Conference on Pervasive intelligence and Computing(PICom 2011) PICom 2011
  • Track Co-Chair,The 2-nd International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies (EIDWT-2011) EIDWT 2011
  • Symposium Co-Chair,International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference IWCMC 2011
  • Publicity Co-Chair,The Sixteenth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication(ISCC’11) ISCC 2011;
  • Special Session Co-Chair,CAMAD 2011
  • Symposium Co-Chair, Multimedia Over Wireless Symposium, The 7th International Wireless Communications & Mobile ComputingIWCMC 2011
  • Publicity Co-Chair, The 16th IEEE Symposium on Computers and CommunicationsISCC 2011
  • Special Session Co-Chair, The 16th IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modelling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and NetworksCAMAD 2011
  • Publicity Co-Chair, The 9th International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and ComputingPICom 2011
  • Program area chair, The 2nd International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web TechnologiesEIDWT 2011
  • Workshop Co-Chair,The 5th International Conference on Multimedia InformationNetworking and Security MINES 2010
  • Publicity Co-Chair,The Fifth International Conference on Body Area Networks BodyNets 2010Since 2010-
  • Symposium Co-Chair,5th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China CHINACOM 2010
  • Workshop Co-Chair,10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology CIT 2010
  • Workshop Co-Chair, The 2010 International Conference on?Multimedia Information NEtworking and SecurityMINES 2010
  • Symposium Co-Chair, The 5th International Conference on Communications and Networking in ChinaCHINACOM 2010
  • Publicity Co-Chair, The Fifth International Conference on Body Area NetworksBodyNets 2010
  • Workshop Co-Chair, The 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information TechnologyCIT 2010
  • Publicity Co-Chair,The 8th International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing PICOM 2009
  • Publicity Co-Chair,International Conference on Scalable Computing and Communications / Eighth International Conference on Embedded Computing EmbeddedCom 2009
  • Publicity Co-Chair,THE 7th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and ubiquitous Computing(EUC-09) EUC-2009
  • Publicity Co-Chair, The 8th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Intelligence and ComputingPICOM 2009
  • Publicity Co-Chair, The 7th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous ComputingEUC-2009
  • Publicity Co-Chair, The 8th International Conference on Embedded ComputingEmbeddedCom 2009

  • TPC學術兼職
  • The fifth International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems BROADNETS 2008
  • The fifth International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference IWCMC 2009
  • The sixth International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems BROADNETS 2009
  • The 20th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications DEXA 2009
  • 2009 Fourth International Conference on Communications and Networking in China Chinacom 2009
  • The 5th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities Tridentcom 2009
  • International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security MINES 2009
  • The 6th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems MASS 2009
  • The 12th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering CSE 2009
  • The 5th Annual International Wireless Internet Conference on Network Track WICON 2010
  • The 6th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities Tridentcom 2010
  • The 21th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications DEXA 2010
  • The 12th IEEE International Conference on Scalable Computing and Communications ScalCom 2010
  • The 15th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications DASFAA 2010
  • The 5th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China Chinacom 2010
  • The 6th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference IWCMC 2010
  • The 5th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China Chinacom 2010
  • The 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing UIC 2010
  • The 2010 IEEE 72nd Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2010-Fall
  • The 2010 International Conference on Multimedia Information NEtworking and Security MINES 2010
  • The 6th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications WiMob 2010
  • The fifth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing 3PGCIC 2010
  • The 10th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology CIT 2010
  • The 2010 IEEE Global Communications Conference Globecom 2010
  • The 2010 IEEE International Conference on E-Health Networking, Applications and Services HealthCom 2010
  • The 5th International Conference on Body Area Networks BodyNets 2010
  • The Radio Wireless Week RWW 2010
  • The International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications ICUMT 2010
  • The IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC 2011
  • The 13th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering: Advanced Networking and Applications Track CSE 2010
  • IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (Network Track) WCNC 2011
  • The 20th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication Networks ICCCN 2011
  • The 2011 International High Performance Computing & Simulation Conference HPCS 2011
  • The 5th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems CISIS 2011
  • The 2011 IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference, Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks Track: VTC2011-Spring
  • The 2011 IEEE Wireless & Optical Communications Conference WOCC 2011
  • The 2011 IEEE Global Communications Conference Globecom 2011
  • The 7th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities Tridentcom 2011
  • The 20th Annual Wireless and Optical Communication Conference WOCC 2011
  • The 3rd Workshop on Grid and P2P Systems and Applications GridPeer 2011 in conjunction with ICCCN 2011
  • The 7th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems DCOSS 2011
  • The 8th International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems MASS 2011
  • The 8th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing UIC 2011
  • The 16th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications ISCC 2011
  • The 7th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications WiMob 2011
  • The 6th International Conference on Body Area Networks BodyNets 2011
  • The International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications ICNC 2012

  • 熱門詞條
