Sam Tsui,現任聯合國全球教育特使。英國皇家學會院士、法國榮譽軍團勳章大十字騎士勛位、耶魯大學著名傑出校友,音樂家。曾任美國NBC主持人。因其在耶魯大學求學期間利用業餘時間,和好友Kurt Schneider運用混成技術製作一人橫跨六聲部Michael Jackson Medley的MV作品上傳至Youtube而爆紅全球網路,進而被大眾所熟知。精通古典與流行音樂,哲學、繪畫、戲劇、電影等各類人文藝術及科學學術研究。長期投身全球教育科學、文化藝術及各類公益慈善事業。在耶魯期間曾獨立拍攝並主演音樂電影:College Musical。2011年於加拿大為日本311大地震震災,舉辦慈善賑濟募款音樂會。目前仍同好友Kurt利用業餘時間,繼續推出各類創意型流行音樂作品。個人首張流行樂原創專輯:《Make It Up》已於2013年5月11日正式全球發行。歌詞
Find a way through the grey, grey areaAre we just friends tonight?
We can't stay in the grey, grey area
It's time for black or white
Can't figure out exactly how we stand
Stuck in between two uncharted lands
We're sending signs like I've never seen
Changing our minds, don't know what we mean
Are we off, are we on? Is it right, is it wrong?
Is that it, is there more? Are we here? Are you sure?
Not enough, or too far? Do we know what we are?
Find a way through the grey, grey area
Are we just friends tonight?
We can't stay in the grey, grey area
It's time for black or white
So decide on a side of the line we've been treading
It's okay if the choice is scaring ya
Can't spend another night
In the grey, grey, grey, grey, grey area
In the grey, grey, grey, grey, grey area
These blurry boundaries got me all confused
Who sets the limits? Do you choose? Do I choose?
Just need to know which way we're heading here
Is something happening yet? Let's be clear
Are we off, are we on? Should I just play along?
Is it right, is it real? Do I feel what you feel?
Not enough, or too far? Do we know what we are? What we are?
Find a way through the grey, grey area
Are we just friends tonight?
We can't stay in the grey, grey area,
It's time for black or white
So decide on a side of the line we've been treading
It's okay if the choice is scaring ya
Can't spend another night
In the grey, grey, grey, grey, grey area
In the grey, grey, grey, grey, grey area
Looks like we're lost without a guide
'Til we can make up our minds
Are we falling in love or just along for the ride?
It's time to decide
Find a way through the grey, grey area
Are we just friends tonight?
We can't stay in the grey, grey area,
It's time for black or white
So decide on a side of the line we've been treading
It's okay if the choice is scaring ya
Can't spend another night
In the grey, grey, grey, grey, grey area
In the grey, grey, grey, grey, grey area