Good Year

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good year 音譯的牌子是固特異,美國的輪胎大牌。生產工裝鞋及登山鞋,其透底扎線的款式也叫 good year款式。 美國固特異輪胎橡膠公司始建於1898年,至今已有百餘年的歷史。固特異公司是世界上最大規模的輪胎生產公司,總部位於美國俄亥俄州阿克隆市,公司主要在28個國家90多個工廠中生產輪胎、工程橡膠產品和化學產品。如今固特異在全世界的員工達到80,000多人。 1898年的美國,路上通行的交通工具形形色色,從馬匹、馬車直到誕生不久的汽車,但他們都迫切需要一種能緩衝路面衝擊力的墊子。於是弗蘭克希柏林兄弟買下了俄亥俄州阿克隆市東部的一間硬紙板廠,開始製造橡膠製品。為了紀念1839年發明“硫化”的查爾斯固特異先生,兄弟倆將公司取名“固特異輪胎與橡膠公司”,並選擇“飛足”為商標,取其優美、迅捷之意。


1898年: 固特異輪胎橡膠公司成立
1908年: 固特異為世界上首款量產汽車福特T系列提供原配輪胎
1965年: 創造陸路時速960公里世界紀錄的火箭車使用的是固特異輪胎
1970年: 人類首次登入月球所乘太空車裝備的是固特異輪胎
1985年: 固特異成為最早為商用飛機提供子午線輪胎的供應商
1992年: 固特異推出了Aquatred輪胎----首款專為濕滑路況設計的輪胎
1994年: 固特異成為第一個在中國投資建廠的國外知名輪胎商,成立大連固特異輪胎有限公司
1998年: 固特異創造F1賽事368次冠軍紀錄,至今仍是位居第二的輪胎品牌獲勝次數的三倍猶多
2005年: 固特異宣布投資1800萬美元在大連投資生產“缺氣保用”輪胎,成 為第一家在中國製造“缺氣保用”輪胎的輪胎公司



作 者/Author:Peter Mayle,Ridley Scott,Rico Torres 著
出 版 社/Publisher:Newmarket
出版時間/Publication Date:2006-10-16
頁 數/Pages:144
裝 幀/Format:平裝


The official tie-in to the movie directed by Ridley Scott, starring Russell Crowe and Albert Finney—a Twentieth Century Fox release. Love, laughter, wine, and the glorious landscape of Provence abound in this movie from director Ridley Scott, who conceived the idea for this story with his Proven?al neighbor Peter Mayle. Mayle then went on to write the novel on which the movie is based. The film's stars, Russell Crowe and Albert Finney, and its talented international cast and crew are beautifully portrayed in these pages, which also include an exclusive Q&A with Scott and Mayle, passages from the Marc Klein screenplay, a synopsis of the story, and fascinating behind-the-scene notes about the filmmaking, winemaking, and Provence. Includes over 130 beautiful production photos and illustrations. A Good Year tells the story of Max Skinner (Crowe), a London-based investment expert who inherits a small wine estate in the Luberon from his bon vivant uncle, and must take a break from daily warfare in the City to settle things. Max wants to sell and run, but once in Provence, his plans fall apart. The benevolent spirit of his late Uncle Henry (Finney), a lovely and feisty restaurant owner (Marion Cotillard), a mysterious young American (Abbie Cornish), a passionate winegrower (Didier Bourbon), and the magical region itself all conspire to keep Max at Chateau La Siroque, where he ultimately discovers the man he might have been.


Ridley Scott is the director of Gladiator, Thelma and Louise, Black Hawk Down, and Kingdom of Heaven. Peter Mayle is the author of many novels, including A Year in Provence and Toujours Provence. Marc Klein also wrote the screenplay for Serendipity.



