Gloriana的兩位男生,從小就有極高的音樂天分,在5歲時開始學習鋼琴演奏。Tom在當地一位小有名氣的爵士樂手的指點下開始學習吉他,並在高中的時候建立了自己的樂隊.Mike也在此時組建了自己的樂隊,兄弟倆經常帶著各自的的樂隊在當地進行演出。後來隨著舉家遷至北卡羅來那州的威靈頓市,兄弟倆相繼進入北卡羅納大學。後來,他們一起背著吉他來到鄉村音樂的聖地納什維爾,繼續自己的音樂探索。當他們聽到了Rachel Reinert在MySpace上的歌曲,對她大生好感,立即寫信邀請他來參加,最終他成為樂隊第三位成員。 Cheyenne Kimball在納什維爾與Gossin兄弟和Rachel Reine相遇,毅然放棄了自己個人的音樂事業。四個頗具音樂造詣與天賦的大孩子一拍即合。Gloriana應運而生。
2009全美音樂獎(American Music Awards)頒獎禮於美國當地時間11月22日在洛杉磯諾基亞中心舉辦。鄉村組合Gloriana獲T-Mobile獎。
Tom Gossin (Vocals, Guitar)

He was taking classical piano lessons by the time he was 5 years old. He began studying with a local jazz musician at age 10 and picked up the guitar at 12. After his high school graduation, he moved to Wilmington, North Carolina, with two band mates seeking a welcoming place to pursue a career in music. He was a guitar major at the University of North Carolina Wilmington until a teacher encouraged him to pursue his dream of songwriting and performing. Tom dropped out and began playing music 200-250 nights a year. Mike and Tom eventually formed a duo and made their way to Nashville, they met Rachel and Cheyenne and Gloriana was born.

Mike Gossin
(Vocals, Guitar)
He began playing drums at age 8 and guitar at 12. In high school he won a citywide battle of the bands before leaving to join his brother Tom in Wilmington, NC. He first fronted his own band before joining a group with Tom and their older brother Steve. In 2007, Mike and Tom decided it was time for a change and headed to Nashville to develop their songwriting skills and grow as musicians. It wasn't long before they met Rachel and Cheyenne and recorded demos that were sent to Emblem Records.
Rachel Reinert

She was born in Sarasota, Florida, spent her early years in Marietta, Georgia, and went to high school in Santa Ana, California. Falling in love with music at an early age, she was enrolled at a performing arts school in 7th grade. She picked up the guitar and began turning her poetry into song lyrics. A teacher who recognized her potential helped her record demos, and a friend with a Nashville connection led her to a publishing deal when she was just 15. Rachel traveled back and forth to Nashville and finally moved there, developing her craft by co-writing and performing at writers' nights until joining forces with Tom, Mike and Cheyenne.
Cheyenne Kimball
(Vocals, Mandolin, Guitar)

She was born in Jacksonville, North Carolina, but spent much of her childhood in Frisco, Texas. She saw Tom, Mike and Rachel at a gig and approached them about joining the band. From that moment on, Gloriana was formed.
說起gloriana的最後一位,也是樂迷心中最具影響力的一位Cheyenne Kimball。這名十幾歲就背著吉他到處遊蕩的天才少女,十二歲就榮獲“全美最具天賦兒童”的稱號。“Jewel的妹妹”、“幼小版Sheyl Crow”、“會唱歌的Aslee Simpson”,這就是外國媒體對Cheyenne Kimball的形容。2006年,十六歲的Cheyenne Kimball便發行了他自己的首張專輯《The Day Has Come》。