Girl Singing in the Wreckage

《Girl Singing in the Wreckage》是Black Box Recorder演唱的一首英文歌曲,出自專輯《England Made Me》中,由EMI百代唱片公司於1999年07月20日發行。


hut旗下的著名低調樂隊auteurs的靈魂及前衛人物luke haines與兩個畢業於戲劇學院的年輕人sarah和john組建了這支玩票式樂隊:black box recorder。 從auteurs最近的那張惡毒的專輯“after murder park”的黑色噪音里掙脫的luke,在音樂表層上不知不覺地陷入一種微妙、細膩、蜜糖般沉著文靜的情趣中去,而更多的原因在於"兩個臨時"演員“——john唯美而保守的和諧吉他點弦與sarah沉悶疲倦、冷靜得有些駭人並固襲默守的嗓音所賦予的特性,這亦是這張唱片卒聽似是源自4ad的原因——標準英式的對於沉著從容而易使人心迷神亂的情節的釀造,厭世並避世的幽雅的童話故事及絕望瘋癲的金斯勃格與不安的葉芝的融合體。


It's my primary instinct to protect the child

Girl singing in the wreckage

My dress is torn, my hair is wild

Girl singing in the wreckage

Girl Singing in the Wreckage Girl Singing in the Wreckage
Girl Singing in the Wreckage Girl Singing in the Wreckage

My first car, my early boyfriends

Girl singing in the wreckage

Wet weekends, new years eve parties

Girl singing in the wreckage

Hour after hour after hour (x2)

Hour after hour after hour (x2)

My 18th birthday, I'll die of boredom

Girl singing in the wreckage

My private world is smashed right open

Girl singing in the wreckage

My 1st trip, my expectations

I had a dream that it would end like this

No destiny, No destination

You hit the ground and then it stops

Hour after hour after hour (x2)

Hour after hour after hour (x2)

Hour after hour after hour (x2)

I miss my hometown, it's nothing special

Call my parents let them know I've arrived

My primary instinct is to protect the child

Send the postcard from the airport


England Made Me

歌手:Black Box Recorder

語言:英語 流派:Pop





