DJ:Cut Copy

專輯:Fabriclive 29
堪稱英倫最具前衛與質感的Night Club及舞曲廠牌Fabric,這次旗下的Fabriclive系列所推出最新的《Fabriclive 29》請到來自澳洲墨爾本的三人樂隊Cut Copy主理,這次我們即將聽見在紐澳當地憑著融合Post Punk與Disco的《Bright Like Neon Love》此首張專輯獲得相當高的評價,且對於音樂的獨特性及革命性可說是與Mylo、Franz Ferdinand等輩並駕齊驅的樂團DJ Mix。而音樂風格上《Fabriclive 29》中除了Cut Copy的作品外還可發現Goldfrapp、Daft Punk 、Soulwax、Ciccone Youth

、Roxy Music等音樂單位,也可說是獨立搖滾、80年代電子樂與當代電氣樂團的一大融合。
1. I Wish You Were Gone [ Joakim ]
2. Future Unlimited [ Cut Copy ]
3.DiscoClown [ Munk ]
4. Hello Empty Room / Future Unlimited [ Who Made Who / Cut Copy ]
5. Get Dancey [ Ny Pony Club ]
6. Bang Bang [ In Flagranti ]
7. Slide In DFA Remix ] [ Goldfrapp ]
8. Dead Eyes Opened [ Extended Mix ] [ Severed Heads ]
9. Out TheDoor[ Super Discount Remix ] [ Who Made Who ]
10. Face To Face [ Daft Punk ]
11. Truth And Lies [ The Presets ]
12. Work On You [ Mstrkrft ]
13. Stop [ Casco Pres. BWH ]
14. Your Retro Career Melted [ Ursula 1000 Urgent / Nervous Remix ] [ The Faint ]
15. ETalking[ Tiga`s Disco Drama Remix ] [ Soulwax ]
16. Into The Groovey [ Ciccone Youth ]
17. Waters Of Nazareth [ Erol Alkan`s Durrr Durrr Durrrrrr Re-Edit ] [ Justice ]
18. Eisbar [ Grauzone ]
19. The Acid Never Lies [ Riot In Belgium ]
20. Shadows [ Midnight Juggernauts ]