Don't Think Of Me

Don't Think Of Me

《Don't Think Of Me》是歌手Dido演唱的一首歌,所屬專輯是1999年發行的《No Angel》。




Don't think of me


So you're with her 終於,你選擇了她

and not with me 而不是我

I hope she's sweet 我希望她是那樣的甜美

and so pretty 以及美麗

I hear she cooks delightfully 我聽說她那樣的討人喜歡

a little angel beside you 我相信她一定像天使般伴你左右

So you're with her 因此你選擇了她

and not with me 而不是我

Oh how lucky one man can be 喔,這個怎樣幸運的一個男人啊!

I hear your house 我聽說你們的小屋

is small and clean 小而乾淨

Oh how lovely with your homecoming queen 喔,這個多么讓人愛戀的女主人啊!

Oh how lovely it must be 喔,她一定是那樣的讓人愛戀

When you see her sweet smile baby 親愛的,當你瞥見她甜蜜的微笑

Don't think of me 請一定不要再想起我

When she lays in your warm arms 當她躺在你的溫暖的臂彎時

Don't think of me 請一定不要再想起我

So you're with her 終於,你選擇了她

and not with me 而不是我

I know she spreads sweet honey 我知道她散播著她的甜蜜

In fact your best friend 事實上,你最好的朋友

I heard he spent last night with her 我聽說她昨晚與他在一起

Now how do you feel 現在,你的感覺會是怎樣?

When you see her sweet smile baby 親愛的,當你瞥見她甜蜜的微笑

Don't think of me 請一定不要再想起我

When she lays in your warm arms 當她躺在你的溫暖的臂彎時

Don't think of me 請一定不要再想起我

And it's too late and it's too bad 現在,一切都太晚了,一切都太糟了

Don't think of me 請一定不要再想起我

Oh it's too late and it's too bad 現在,一切都太晚了,一切都太糟了

Don't think of me 請一定不要再想起我

Does it bother you now all the mess I made 現在你正憤怒著我製造的這一切混亂嗎?

Does it bother you now the clothes you told me not to wear 現在你正厭煩著我穿著你不讓我穿的外衣嗎?

Does it bother you now all the angry games we played 現在你正懊惱著我們導致的一切讓人憤怒的結局嗎?

Does it bother you now when I'm not there 現在你正不安著我不在你身邊嗎?

When you see her sweet smile baby 親愛的,當你瞥見她甜蜜的微笑

Don't think of me 請一定不要再想起我

When she lays in your warm arms 當她躺在你的溫暖的臂彎時

Don't think of me 請一定不要再想起我

And it's too late and it's too bad 現在,一切都太晚了,一切都太糟了

Don't think of me 請一定不要再想起我

Oh it's too late and it's too bad 現在,一切都太晚了,一切都太糟了

Don't think of me 請一定不要再想起我


全名: Dido Florian Cloud De Bounevialle O'Malley Armstrong

生日: 1971年12月25日


出生地: 英國倫敦

Dido(蒂朵)是英國四人超級EPIC-HOUSE / TRIP-HOP電子樂隊“FAITHLESS(無信念樂隊)”中的客席女主唱。Dido 6歲進入音樂學校就讀接受正統音樂訓練,其優異的表現讓她在18歲時就已經拿到了鋼琴 、小提琴的碩士學位並參與英國古典樂團的巡迴表演。


