此款壓縮器是DIGITECH和dbx合作的結晶,為的是製造世界上最好的壓縮延音效果器。由於使用了曾獲大獎的dbx OVEREASY壓縮技術,絕對壓榨為吉他提供了最好的壓縮和延音效果。你可以擁有從輕延音到搖滾延音,經典的chickin’pickin’或者設定成超大壓縮以獲取從你吉他上落下的最後的音符。最好的壓縮設定來自於壓縮器上良好的音量,反饋,延音和均衡調節。
Main Squeeze有配置錄音室等級dbx® OverEasy™線路,改良傳統壓縮/延音效果的不自然斷音現象,等化線路方便調整輸出音質,立體聲輸出設計,CIT™ Cabinet Modeling音箱模擬線路的特點。
The Main Squeeze™ compressor/ sustainer pedal avoids those choppy compression release and sustain problems found on other pedals. It does this by incorporating studio-quality dbx® OverEasy™ compression technology that provides near-transparent compression, and delivers long, real-sounding sustain for your guitar. And you no longer have to grit your teeth hoping a ragged release doesn’t suddenly chop up the tail of a sustained note, or have to endure a compression that makes notes sound thin and lifeless. You even get an EQ control so you can perfectly tune your compressed sound, which is especially useful for guitar. Controls feature Level, Attack, EQ, and Sustain. Outputs feature Amp Out, Mixer Out.