Dai Yuanben

Dai Yuanben

Dai Yuanben, theoretical physics, a particle physicist.Chinese Academy of Sciences, a fellow at the Institute for Theoretical Physics.China association for the study of high - energy physics.Mainly engaged in particle physics research and in singular potential local and non local potential theory of Regge poles, and after the straton model, the asymptotic behavior of quantum field theory and high energy etc.In the mu meson - proton capture research, firstly, and point out that there is one kind of new selection rules and are calculated and analyzed by the weak effect on the electron anomalous magnetic moment of the impact.To participate in the study of sub - layers model, the hadron structure of covariant calculation; and calculating as a lot of work, discusses the strong role of hadrons, the paper studies the non - relativistic quark model in a series of problems.


Dai Yuanben, theoretical physics, a particle physicist at Dai Yuanben, theoretical physics, a particle physicist at . 1952 graduated from Nanjing University in Nanjing Institute of Physics after 1952 graduated from Nanjing University in Nanjing Institute of Physics after .
teaching assistant, lecturer teaching assistant, lecturer . 1958 1962 at the Institute of Mathematics and a postgraduate in scientific research as the Academy of Mathematics Physics Division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a member of the 1958 1962 at the Institute of Mathematics and a postgraduate in scientific research as the Academy of Mathematics Physics Division of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a member of the .
., a researcher with the institute for theoretical physics in 1961 after graduating in theoretical physics at the Institute's assistant in the Laboratory of Ren, in so far as theoretical aspects of scientific research and in singular potential local and non local potential theory of Regge poles, sub - layer model,high energy quantum field theory of the asymptotic behavior study made important achievements in 1963 after , a researcher with the institute for theoretical physics in 1961 after graduating in theoretical physics at the Institute's assistant in the Laboratory of Ren, in so far as theoretical aspects of scientific research and in singular potential local and non local potential theory of Regge poles, sub - layer model,high energy quantum field theory of the asymptotic behavior study made important achievements in 1963 after .
, Law under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Institute of Mathematics, Theoretical Physics Laboratory, as well as an associate researcher, researcher with the institute for theoretical physics and the directors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in mathematical physics, a member of the , Law under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Institute of Mathematics, Theoretical Physics Laboratory, as well as an associate researcher, researcher with the institute for theoretical physics and the directors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in mathematical physics, a member of the . mainly engaged in theoretical work in this field; mainly engaged in theoretical work in this field; .
1970 from 1978 to 1987 at the Institute of Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences and engage in collaborative research work 1970 from 1978 to 1987 at the Institute of Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences and engage in collaborative research work . since October 1978 as a researcher with the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and worked as the Director of the Academic Committee,PhD tutor Dai Yuanben since October 1978 as a researcher with the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and worked as the Director of the Academic Committee,PhD tutor Dai Yuanben .
or or . Seventh CPPCC members in the November 1980 election to the Academy of Mathematics Physics Division learned that the mu meson Seventh CPPCC members in the November 1980 election to the Academy of Mathematics Physics Division learned that the mu meson .
ministries of proton capture research, firstly, and point out that there is one kind of new selection rules and are calculated and analyzed by the weak effect on the electron anomalous magnetic moment of layer ministries of proton capture research, firstly, and point out that there is one kind of new selection rules and are calculated and analyzed by the weak effect on the electron anomalous magnetic moment of layer . attend sub - model of the study, the hadron structure of covariant calculation; and calculating as a lot of work, discusses the strong role of hadrons, the paper studies the non - relativistic quark model in a series of problems about attend sub - model of the study, the hadron structure of covariant calculation; and calculating as a lot of work, discusses the strong role of hadrons, the paper studies the non - relativistic quark model in a series of problems about .
layer sub - model of research, obtained the National Prize for Natural Sciences layer sub - model of research, obtained the National Prize for Natural Sciences . quantum aspects,Using the renormalization - group method to calculate and study a variety of field theory in particle physics of electromagnetic form - factors and large angle scattering of the announcing thesis is near in the valley of quantum aspects,Using the renormalization - group method to calculate and study a variety of field theory in particle physics of electromagnetic form - factors and large angle scattering of the announcing thesis is near in the valley of .
. soliton in a way, the sub - layer of the composite model of leptons, Chern - Simons theory of spontaneous symmetry breaking and heavy hadron properties such as the in - depth research and obtained a series of original achievements soliton in a way, the sub - layer of the composite model of leptons, Chern - Simons theory of spontaneous symmetry breaking and heavy hadron properties such as the in - depth research and obtained a series of original achievements .
main achievements are as follows: "Singular Critical Potential scattering amplitude of Lei's actions were", "non - localized with the potential of the scattering matrix of the complex angular momentum of the analyticity" of the strongly interacting particles structure model ","non - Abelian gauge theory, the shape factor of the high energy behavior of sixth order is calculated" main achievements are as follows: "Singular Critical Potential scattering amplitude of Lei's actions were", "non - localized with the potential of the scattering matrix of the complex angular momentum of the analyticity" of the strongly interacting particles structure model ","non - Abelian gauge theory, the shape factor of the high energy behavior of sixth order is calculated" . 1980 was elected academician of CAS Academic Divisions () 1980 was elected academician of CAS Academic Divisions () .
Dai YuanbenDai Yuanben

Research Achievements

1963, 1 January 1 January 1964, the theory of Regge poles, 1963, 1 January 1 January 1964, the theory of Regge poles, . auspices in 1965 on 1 January 1966 from Jan. 1, the layer structure of the sub - model of hadrons,
participation on 1 January 1974 1 January 1975, gauge theory, the shape factor of the high energy behavior, under the auspices of the participation on 1 January 1974 1 January 1975, gauge theory, the shape factor of the high energy behavior, under the auspices of the . 1 January 1982, and after the straton model, the Second Prize of National Natural Science Commission, Natural Science Prize, second class 1 January 1982, and after the straton model, the Second Prize of National Natural Science Commission, Natural Science Prize, second class .
1 January 1987, interactions, and M. G.
Dai Yuanben

Science Council

Mr. Dai Yuanben engaged in physical work of the 50th Anniversaries of the 80th birthday of academic seminar, organized by the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Dai Yuanben Mr is built by the members of the Group of the Preparatory Committee for the Dai Yuanben Mr is built by the members of the Group of the Preparatory Committee for the .
1978 National Science Conference, the Chinese Academy of Sciences started and began preparations for the renowned physicist, Dai Yuanben participation mechanism is provided to the Institute, the research establishment, the talents cultivation and other aspects of work of 1978 National Science Conference, the Chinese Academy of Sciences started and began preparations for the renowned physicist, Dai Yuanben participation mechanism is provided to the Institute, the research establishment, the talents cultivation and other aspects of work of . decisions since 1985, the ITP become open, Dai Yuanben served three consecutive terms by the opening of the academic committee of decisions since 1985, the ITP become open, Dai Yuanben served three consecutive terms by the opening of the academic committee of .
consistently was one of the key labs, the policies of the Office, with the leadership team together,Academic and give full play to the role of the Committee, the ITP activity consistently was one of the key labs, the policies of the Office, with the leadership team together,Academic and give full play to the role of the Committee, the ITP activity . Expo was held at the same time, since Mr. Dai's has put together a group of peers, will open the annual academy meeting Kaicheng theoretical physics community to discuss common problems, is the place, the role of the United Nations within theoretical physics action
Washington Heights, is first read out a statement of Sciences presidium chairman Lu Yongxiang, comrade, the letter Washington Heights, is first read out a statement of Sciences presidium chairman Lu Yongxiang, comrade, the letter . Next Director Wu Yue Liang Dai Yuanben introduced by Mr. in theoretical physics and the contribution of his thought,Zhu Zhongyuan, a researcher with the yuan was introduced in this academic achievement
number College Lu Qikeng Academician introduced his introduced him and Dai Yuanben, together with the work of the Institute of High Energy Physics and Chen Sheng, director of the introduced Dai Yuanben on promoting the development of high energy physics in the contribution of the high - energy physics XIAN Dingchang academician, spoke with Mr. Dai and his classmates and do some research of the story, En Guang Zhao, a researcher tells Mr Dai in theoretical physics by the work of several stories, Tsinghua University Kuang Yu Ping introduced Academician Dai Yuanben particle physics at Tsinghua University on the work of the Centre Peking University professor Gao Shou Chong, heald Academician Zhang of the Institute of Physics, TAO Li Lu, a professor of Confucianism and the public,Northwestern Hou Bo Yu, Xing Dingyu, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Academician Lu Tan, Iowa University of USA, Yang Lin, a professor also were in the General Assembly on the tells the story of Mr. Dai worked with them and the case, Dai Yuanben of postgraduate, postdoctoral representatives at the meeting, statements were made by
Dai Yuan in this meeting and the final address in reply to a brief, first of all like to thank you for attending this seminar are born Dai Yuan in this meeting and the final address in reply to a brief, first of all like to thank you for attending this seminar are born . said he, with his Chinese counterparts to physicists as the work of more than half a century, are the subject of the predecessors of the concern and help of colleagues, was widely supported but also access to everyone's friendship, expressed his thanks to said he, with his Chinese counterparts to physicists as the work of more than half a century, are the subject of the predecessors of the concern and help of colleagues, was widely supported but also access to everyone's friendship, expressed his thanks to .
for the next half century,China has been in physics, especially in the academic environment and conditions after the reform and opening - up have a considerable improvement, especially recently years China's government has increased funding for basic research, basic research ranks have swelled, the emergence of young scholars, China appeared a physical to participate the international competition and often they're going to be a situation in which for the next half century,China has been in physics, especially in the academic environment and conditions after the reform and opening - up have a considerable improvement, especially recently years China's government has increased funding for basic research, basic research ranks have swelled, the emergence of young scholars, China appeared a physical to participate the international competition and often they're going to be a situation in which . Dai Yuanben himself saw the coming of the Chinese Physics of this progress, I'm very comfortable in Dai Yuanben himself saw the coming of the Chinese Physics of this progress, I'm very comfortable in .
expressed the belief that the Chinese Physics levels were likely to be in a short period and reached a peak expressed the belief that the Chinese Physics levels were likely to be in a short period and reached a peak .
Dai YuanbenDai Yuanben

Related To The Book

Author: Dai Yuanben ISBN: 703014751 Press: scientific publication date: 2005 - 7 - 1 at full - price: RMB 68. 0 meta - interactions (Second Edition) Author: Dai Yuanben ISBN: 703014751 Press: Science Press Release Date: 2006 - 12 original price: RMB 68.
Dai Yuanben


