CtrlFreak 是一款通過藍牙遙控 WinAmp 和電腦的軟體,與其他同類軟體不同之處在於它的伺服器端採用的是 WinAmp 的外掛程式,占用資源極小,可以在手機上實時顯示螢幕圖像,並對其進行控制,支持 XP SP2 自帶藍牙驅動。
打開電腦端的配置界面方法為:在 WinAmp 的參數設定下的 “外掛程式”>>“常規用途” 中可以找到 “ControlFreak PluG-In v2.22”,雙擊即可打開配置界面
9-XP SP2 界面
ControlFreak 2 turns your Series 60 phone with Bluetooth into the ultimate PC Remote Control.
ControlFreak 2 has all of the music and video controls like play, pause, stop, next, previous, Fast Forward, rewind and volume. You can also search for tracks by name or browse by artists or albums.
The new Desktop Control feature allows you to control your computer's mouse and keyboard and you can even see the computer's display right on the phone's screen. You've got to see it to believe it.
Key features:
Full Winamp Media Library support for ultra fast searching and browsing of your entire music collection by artist & album
Desktop Control for control of your mouse and keyboard so you can control almost everything on your computer. Now with full wide-screen mode!
Playlist loading for normal and dynamic playlists
Support for non-Latin character sets including right-to-left aligned languages such as Arabic and Hebrew
Automatic connection for seamless startup
Easy way to rate your music enabling smarter playlists
Phone-wide track change popup for keeping you informed in any application
Automatic muting, pausing or volume reduction during calls
Full music and video play control (play, pause, next, previous, fast forward, rewind, stop and volume)