Color temperature is a characteristic of visible light that has important applications in photography, videography, publishing and other fields. The color temperature of a light source is determined by comparing its chromaticity with a theoretical, heated black-body radiator. The temperature (usually measured in kelvin (K)) at which the heated black-body radiator matches the color of the light source is that source's color temperature; for a black body source, it is directly related to Planck's law.
在天文領域中,色溫度(colour temperature),表征天體在某一波段的連續譜能量分布的物理量,又稱分光光度溫度。它與天體的顏色有關,故稱色溫度。在某一波段中,如果天體的連續譜的形狀(能量隨波長的分布)同溫度為Tc的絕對黑體輻射譜相近,則Tc就定義為該天體在這一波段的色溫度。同一天體的連續譜在不同波段往往可以對應於不同的色溫度。當天體和絕對黑體的輻射特性相近時,色溫度可以相當精確地表示該天體發出輻射的那一層的實際溫度。在天體分光光度測量中,往往用較差測量方法獲得色溫度,即將所測天體在某一波段的連續譜與另一已知色溫度的天體的連續譜進行比較,並按一定程式進行歸算獲得。在天體光度測量中,如已測得某天體在UBV測光系統中的色指數(B-V),則該天體在4300~5500埃波段範圍內的色溫度可由下列公式算出:
Color temperature
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