0 器質性精神障礙(Organic mental disorders)
1 精神活性物質或非成癮物質所致精神障礙(Mental disorders due psychoactive substances or non- addictive substances)
2 精神分裂症(分裂症)和其他精神病性障礙(Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders)
3 心境障礙(情感性精神障礙)(Mood (affective) disorders)
4 癔症、應激相關障礙、神經(Hysteria, Stress-related disorders, Neurosis)
5 心理因素相關生理障礙(Physiological disorders related to psychological factors)
6人格障礙、習慣與衝動控制障礙、性心理障礙(Personality disorders, Habit and impulse disorders,Psychosexual disorders)
7 精神發育遲滯與童年和少年期心理發育障礙(Mental retardation, and disorders of psychological development with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence)
8童年和少年期的多動障礙、品行障礙、情緒障礙(Hyperkinetic, Conduct, and Emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence )
9其他精神障礙和心理衛生情況(Other mental disorders and psychological health conditions)