中文名稱:Beatles 1

對於一個Beatles歌迷來說,手頭銀子多的時候才可以考慮買這么一張唱片權作紀念,因為它收錄的曲子想必在你的專輯收藏和其他精選輯里已經出現過n次了。但是對於一個剛開始了解歐美流行音樂歷史的人來說,這張唱片無疑是最佳入門課程。從早期“I Want to Hold Your Hand ”簡單誠摯的快樂到Yesterday,Hey Jude,Let It Be這樣的成熟經典,一應俱全。如果這樣的懂得音樂的披頭士 (Beatles)不能打動你,那你還是回頭聽F4吧。
從“Love Me Do”到“The Long And Winding Road”,這張精選輯橫跨了八年時間,記載了那段搖滾樂的輝煌歲月。這是一張絕對精彩的唱片,對我來說,經歷過那個時代同樣精彩。喬治·馬丁(被譽為"披頭士第五名成員"的製作人)
對許多人而言,披頭士樂隊代表的不只是一個音樂團體,同樣也是一種樂風、一個故事、一個風光的時代。在約翰·列儂逝世即將滿20年的這個時候,中唱上海公司繼《黃色潛水艇》之後,隆重推出了收錄披頭四樂隊自1963年5月至1970年6月,17首在英國、20首在美國拿下的全部冠軍單曲精選輯《1》,獻給所有喜愛Beatles的樂迷們。這張專輯以搶眼的紅色畫上大大的"1"為封面,突顯整張專輯給予人獨一無二的印象。《1》中收錄了27首Beatles樂隊在英國及美國兩地的排行榜上得過第一名的所有歌曲,可謂一網打盡而又絕對超值。唱片中涵概了Beatles樂隊三個時期的佳作;包括了剛出道時期,青春萌動愛情期的Beatles的歌曲如“Love Me Do" 、"I Feel Fine”及“I Want To Hold Your Hand”等之類的清新爽朗的小品;包括了Beatles與THE ROLLING STONES在歌壇上抗衡,以及樂隊受到印度禪師Maharishi的影響後成熟又大氣的作品如,“All You Need Is Love"、 "Yellow Submarine"及“ Hey Jude ”等之類的曲子;當然還包括beatles後期,在大野洋子介入樂隊情況下的作品如,“The Ballad of John and Yoko"、“Let It Be”、“ The Long And Winding Road ”等等。
Proving yet again their willingness to dice 'n' slice their burgeoning legacy into new--if not exactly fresh--product, the Fab Four Minus One have released this single-disc compendium of their No. 1 hits. Though obviously superfluous to the faithful (who may also find themselves quibbling over the precise definition of "No. 1 hit" and the exclusion of seeming contenders like "Please Please Me" and "Strawberry Fields"), newly arrived visitors from the Pleiades star cluster and other neophytes will find it a concise and generous (nearly 80 minutes) single-disc introduction to the band's career-spanning, unparalleled dominance of pop music in the 1960s. But beyond being a mere trophy case of commercial success (and it won't be hard to find critics who'll argue that these singles aren't even the band's best work), it's also a Cliff's Notes take on a remarkable seven-year run of musical evolution, one that stretches from the neo-skiffle of "Love Me Do" through a remarkable synthesis of R&B, rockabilly, Tin Pan Alley, gospel, country, and classical that still defies efforts to effectively deconstruct it. This is the pop monument equivalent of the '27 Yankees and '90s Bulls; it's every bit as obvious and dominating--and just as essential. --Jerry McCulley
01. Love Me Do
02. From Me to You
03. She Loves You
04. I Want to Hold Your Hand
05. Can't Buy Me Love
06. A Hard Day's Night
07. I Feel Fine
08. Eight Days a Week
09. Ticket to Ride
10. Help!
11. Yesterday
12. Day Tripper
13. We Can Work It Out
14. Paperback Writer
15. Yellow Submarine
16. Eleanor Rigby
17. Penny Lane
18. All You Need Is Love
19. Hello Goodbye
20. Lady Madonna
21. Hey Jude
22. Get Back
23. The Ballad of John & Yoko
24. Something
25. Come Together
26. Let It Be
27. The Long and Winding Road