Nightwish(夜願,港台譯名“日暮頌歌”)是一支成立於1996年來自芬蘭的劇院金屬(美聲金屬)樂隊。樂隊大多數歌曲的詞由鍵盤手托馬斯·霍洛帕尼所撰寫,前任女主唱塔雅·圖侖尼的聲音使得夜願揚名國際。在2005年10月塔雅·圖倫尼被開除後,他們找到了Anette接任,並且也增加了貝斯手馬可·希耶塔拉的聲部。夜願的音樂風格除了劇院金屬和新金屬,還有其他音樂元素。托馬斯曾經形容他們的音樂為“用女聲表現的旋律金屬”。2012年10月,樂隊主唱Anette Olzon宣布離隊,前After Forever主唱Floor Jansen成為樂隊主唱,並且英國作曲家,愛爾蘭肘風笛、錫哨演奏者Troy Donockley成為固定成員.歌曲信息
Nightwish與Scrooge McDuck的前世今生!!芬蘭交響/力量金屬樂隊夜願靈魂人物、主創Tuomas Holopainen以唐老鴨的叔叔——史高治·麥克老鴨傳奇為藍本的配樂唱片預告片首播!!這張絢爛瑰麗的配樂唱片將於近日發布,傳奇之旅就此開始!!歌詞
to be rich is to still rememberto treasure your first dime
to have a chance to say farewell
story of your life
time of solitude and strife
freedom of the northern road
hoping many miles to go
promises to keep
countless gold fields to reap
to be rich is to seek
to relive the memory
far off lands, quests of old
self respect, true grit
never care my forture my wife
to seek is to be rich
all the strangers on your path
crossroads that lead us from home
the cooling hymn for soulful yuletide heart
all the songs of widerness
the truth in which you fall
they are your lost troves,but that's what you recall
story of your life
time of solitude and strife
freedom of the northern road
hoping many miles to go
promises to keep
countless gold fields to reap
to be rich is to seek
to relive the memory