



1997.9-2001.7 西安石油大學機械電子工程學士

2001.9-2004.7 西安石油大學機械電子工程碩士

2004.9-2008.7 西安交通大學機械電子工程博士

2009.3-2011.4 電子科技大學電路與系統博士後

2012.3-2013.3 韓國國立全北大學電子與信息工程博士後



1.主要研究對象為感應電機、永磁同步電機、永磁直流電機控制技術,磁場定向控制理論、直接轉矩控制技術,弱磁控制,PWM 整流器控制技術,同時也做過BLDCM 和PMSM 方面的產品開發工作;







2.2012年12月,中央高校青年教師基本科研業務費,電動汽車新型複合電源系統及其H_inf 控制,主持;




6.動力電池組生產線開發 深圳智優電池集成技術有限公司,2012年,主研;

7.智慧型型紫外光子的電暈測試設備研製 成都凱邁科技有限公司,2013年,主研;




[1] Bo Long, Shin Teak Lim,Zhi Feng Bai, Ji Hyoung Ryu, and Kil To Chong*. Energy Management and Control for Electric Vehicle, Using Hybrid Power Source in Regenerative Braking Operation, Energies. Volume: 7 Issue 7, Pages:4300-4315, JULY-2014. (SCI.)

[2] Bo Long, Ji Hyoung Ryu, Shin Teak Lim and Kil To Chong*. Design and Control of a Multi-Functional Energy Recovery Power Accumulator Battery Pack Testing System for Electric Vehicles, Energies. (SCI:000336216300014.)

[3] Bo Long, Ji Hyoung Ryu, Kil to chong*. Energy-Regenerative Braking Control of Electric Vehicles Using Three-Phase Brushless DC Motor,Energies,Volume: 7 Issue 1, Pages:99-114, JAN-2014. (SCI: 000336183300007.)

[4]Bo Long, Ji Hyoung Ryu, Kil to chong*. Optimal Switching Table Based Sliding Mode Control of Energy Recovery Power Accumulator Battery Pack Testing System, Energies. Volume: 6 Issue 10 Pages: 5200-5218. (SCI: 000330287800015.)

[5]Bo Long, Xian Zang, Lim Shin Teak; Chong Kil To,Design of Energy Recovery Power Battery Pack Testing System,International Review of Electrical Engineering, Volume:7 Issue: 4 Pages: 4672-4683,JUL-AUG 2012 (SCI: 000309638300004).

[6]Bo Long, Felipe P Vista IV, Deok Jin Lee, Chong Kil To*,Minimum time current control of Three-Phase PWM Rectifier with LCL filter Interface, International Review of Electrical Engineering, Volume: 7 Issue: 5, Pages: 5330-5340,AUG-OCT 2012 (SCI: 000314746000009 ).

[7]Bo Long, To Chong Kil. Parameter Design and Power Flow Control of Energy Recovery Power Accumulator Battery Testing System, Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology. Volume 8 Issue 4 Pages: 787-798. (SCI: 000321077100016).

[8]Bo Long, YongWon Chang, Qiangyong Cheng, Kil To Chong*, Power Factor correction controller desgin of inductive loads using magnetic energy recovery switch, International Review of Electrical Engineering,Volume: 7, Issue: 6, Pages: 5951-5960,OCT-DEC 2012, (SCI: 000315313000003).

[9]Bo Long, Kil To Chong*, Modeling and Direct Power Control of Energy Recovery Power Battery Testing System- A New Approach, International Review of Electrical Engineering,Volume: 7, Issue: 6, Pages: 5993-6004,OCT-DEC 2012 (SCI: 000315313000008).

[10] Bo Long,Daeyeong Lim, Kil To Chong*, Design of Transformer-Less High Power Output Battery Testing System Using Three-Level NPC Inverter [J]. International Review of Electrical Engineering,Volume: 7, Issue: 6, Pages: 6104-6115,OCT-DEC 2012, (SCI: 000315313000021).

[11]Bo Long, Ji Hyoung Ryu,Young Won Jang, Kil to chong*, Sliding mode control of energy recovery transformer-less power accumulator battery pack testing system. International Review of Electrical Engineering-IREE, Volume 8, Issue:2, pages: 539-548 (SCI 刊源).

[12]Bo Long, GuoguiFang, Cao bingang*. A Novel Torque Ripple Minimization Algorithm for Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor drive [J]. Journal of shanghai university, 2009Vol. 13(2):155-163.

[13]Guo Guifang, Long Bo, Zhou Shiqiong, Xu Peng, Cao Binggang*. of Power Sources,2010-4-15,Volume 195, Issue 8, Pages: 2393-2398 (SCI : 000273914300034).

[14]LONG BO, Kil To Chong. Unified Energy Recovery, Reactive Compensation and Harmonic Suppression Control of a Three-Level NPC VSI Converter in Integration of Discharging Energy from Power Accumulator Battery Pack into AC Grid. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (Under Review).

[15]龍波,周好斌,曹秉剛*,白志峰. 基於永磁無刷直流電機的電動汽車轉矩脈動控制研究[J].西安交通大學學報, 2007, 第41卷,5期,Pages: 576-579. (EI: 072510662811)


