

齊鵬, 1983年就讀于山東海洋學院(後更名為青島海洋大學)海洋系海洋氣象專業,1990年青島海洋大學(後更名為中國海洋大學)理學碩士畢業並任教於大連海事大學,1992年晉升為講師。2003年7月按引進人才加盟中科院海洋研究所至今,現任海洋所研究員崗位,研究生導師。





l 承擔中科院戰略先導專項課題中的“黑潮與中國近海水交換的通量與過程”下面的“黑潮流系多時空尺度變化規律研究”(2014-2017),契約經費125萬元。

l 承擔海洋公益性行業科研專項經費項目子課題“呂宋海峽溫鹽流垂直結構和輸送特徵分析及潛標觀測業務化系統技術”(2011-2014),契約經費230萬元。

l 承擔海洋公益性行業科研專項經費項目子課題“印度洋海域海浪資料同化研究”(2010-2013),契約經費75萬元。

l 承擔中國科學院知識創新工程重大項目子課題“中尺度物理海洋過程的聲學信息與動力學信息的比較研究”(2008-2012),契約經費60萬元


1. Qi P., L. Cao. The establishment and test of the EnOI assimilation module for WAVEWATCH III, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology

2. Cao L., Y. Hou & P. Qi. Altimeter significant wave heights data assimilation in South China Sea using Ensemble Optimal Interpolation, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology

3. Qi P., L. Cao. Assimilation of Altimeter Significant Wave Height Data into a Third-Generation Spectral Wave Model Using Ensemble Optimal Interpolation

4. Cao L., P. Qi. 2015. Application of ensemble optimal interpolation method in wave assimilation in north Indian Ocean. Advances in Marine Science

5. Cao L., P. Qi. 2014. Background error analysis of waves and preliminary evaluation of assimilating forecasts in north Indian Ocean. Marine Forecasts

6. Qi P., X. Fan. 2013. The establishment and test of WAVEWATCH III data assimilation module. Marine Sciences

7. Qi P., A. Wang, L. Cao. 2013. A data assimilative model hindcast of typhoon waves in the South China Sea. Marine Sciences

8. Qi P., X. Fan. 2013. The impact of assimilation of altimeter wave data on wave forecast model in the north Indian Ocean. Marine Forecasts

9. Geng W., Y. Hou, P. Qi, et al. 2013. Seasonal variation and dynamic mechanism of the origination of the Kuroshio. Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica

10. Yu H., X. Li & P. Qi. 2012. Design and implementation of acquisition and transmission network system for meteorology real-time data based on dual-redundancy Ethernet communication. Ocean Technology

11. Si, G., Y. Hou, P. Qi, et al. 2010. Characteristics of nonlinear internal waves observed in the northern South China Sea. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology

12. Zhao X., Y. Hou, P. Qi. 2010. Interpretation of sea surface wind interannual vector EOFs over the China seas. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology

13. Liu Z., Y. HOU, P. Qi, et al. 2010. Observations of Kuroshio intrusion into the South China Sea. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology

14. Hou Y., Y. Duan, G. Chen, P. Qi, et al. 2010. Statistical distribution of nonlinear random wave height in shallow water. Science China-Earth Sciences

15. Zhao W., Y. Hou, P. Qi, et al. 2009. The effects of monsoons and connectivity of South China Sea on the seasonal variations of water exchange in the Luzon Strait

16. Chen G., Y. Hou, X. Chu, P. Qi, et al. 2009. The variability of eddy kinetic energy in the South China Sea deduced from satellite altimeter data. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology

17. Hou Y., M. Li, G. Song, G. Si, P. Qi, et al. 2009. Distribution of the nonlinear random ocean wave period. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology

18. Qi P. 2008. Chapter 6: Coupled RANS/Boussinesq scheme for efficient solutions of wave action on coastal structures. Ocean Engineering Research Advances

19. Zhao X., Y. Hou & P. Qi. 2007. Study on temporal and spatial characteristics of sea surface wind in China seas. Chinese High Technology Letters

20. Song G., Y. Hou, P. Qi. 2006. Wind vector retrieval using dual polarization imagery of ASAR. Progress in Natural Science

21. Qi P., Y. Hou. 2006. Mud mass transport due to waves based on an empirical rheology model featured by hysteresis loop. Ocean Engineering

22. Qi P., Y. Hou. 2006. A VOF-based numerical model for breaking waves in surf zone. Chinese Journal of Oceanography and Limnology

23. Zhao X., Y. Hou, M. Li & P. Qi. 2006. Analysis on monthly-averaged distribution of sea surface wind and wave over the seas southeast of Asia using ERS-2 scatterometer data. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology

24. Qi P., S. Wang & Y. Hou. 2004. Numerical modeling of water waves interaction with a soft mud bed. China Ocean Engineering

25. Qi P., Y. Hou & Y. Wang. 2004. A 2D/3D coupled model for wave forces on moored ships in harbor. Journal of Hydrodynamics

26. Qi P. 2003. Numerical modeling of wave attenuation on soft mud beds

27. Qi P., Y. Hou. 2003. Numerical wave flume study on wave motion around submerged plates. China Ocean Engineering

28. Qi P., Y. Wang & W. He. 2003. Time-domain model for wave forces on a ship moored against a quay in a harbor. Journal of Tsinghua University

29. Qi P., Y. Wang. 2002. Hydraulic modeling of a curtain-walled dissipater by the coupling of RANS and Boussinesq equations. China Ocean Engineering

30. Qi P., Y. Wang & Z. Zou. 2000. 2-D composite model for numerical simulations of nonlinear waves. China Ocean Engineering

31. Qi P., Z. Zou, Y. Wang & D. Qiu. 2000. 3-D composite model for numerical simulations of nonlinear waves. Proceedings of the 10th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Seattle, USA, May



