黃彥林 ,1988年南京大學本科畢業,1991年9月畢業於中國地質科學院套用礦物學專業,獲得碩士學位。2004年獲中科院上海矽酸鹽研究所獲博士學位,獲2002年度中科院嚴東生獎。2004-2005年韓國國立釜慶大學博士後。1991年到2001年在國家非金屬資源工程技術研究中心工作,副研究員,礦物材料研究室主任。其間先後主持或者參與完成了多項國家縱向科研項目,包括國家科技攻關項目、河南省重大科研項目、國土資源部重大項目和國土資源大調查項目;主持項目獲地礦部科技進步三等獎一次。2005年10月任職蘇州大學材料與化學化工學部教授,博士生導師。2006年3月至今任職韓國國立釜慶大學訪問教授。參與完成1項國家自然科學基金重大項目和2項面上項目;獲中國發明專利授權1項,第一作者發表SCI論文100多篇。
1.Suyin Zhang, Yosuke Nakai, Taiju Tsuboi, Yanlin Huang, Hyo Jin Seo, Luminescence and microstructural features of Eu-activated LiBaPO4 phosphor. Chem. Mater.23(5) ( 2011) 1216–1224
2.Fuping Du, Yosuke Nakai, Taiju Tsuboi, Yanlin Huang, Hyo Jin Seo, Luminescence properties and site occupations of Euions doped in double phosphates Ca9R(PO4)7(R =Al, Lu), J. Mater. Chem.,21, (2011) 4669–4678.
3.Juan Lü,Fuping Du, Rui Zhu, Yanlin Huang[sup] *, Hyo Jin Seo, Phase formations and tunable red luminescence of Na2CaMg1-xMnx(PO4)2(x=0.05-1.0),J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21(41), 16398–16405.[/sup]
4.Suyin Zhang, Yosuke Nakai, Taiju Tsuboi, Yanlin Huang ,Hyo Jin Seo, TheThermal Stabilities of Luminescence and Microstructures of Eu-Doped KBaPO4and NaSrPO4with β-K2SO4Type Structure,Inorg. Chem.,50 (7), (2011) 2897-2904
5. Yanlin Huang, Yosuke Nakai, Taiju Tsuboi, Hyo Jin Seo, The new red-emitting phosphor of oxyfluoride Ca2RF4PO4:Eu(R=Gd, Y) for solid state lighting applications,Optics Express, 19(7), (2011) 6303–6311.
6.Fuping Du, Rui Zhu, Yanlin Huang[sup] *, Ye Tao, and Hyo Jin Seo, Red luminescence spectra and structures ofEuions doped in Ca9LiGd2/3(PO4)7crystals,Dalton Transactions, 2011, 40, 11433-11440.[/sup]
7.Xigang Wang, Yanlin Huang *,Hyo Jin Seo, A new long-lasting phosphorescence phosphors of Zrand Euco-doped SrMg2(PO4)2,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,158 (2011) 171–175
8. Yanlin Huang, Jiuhui Gan, Rui Zhu, Xigang Wang, and Hyo Jin Seo,Luminescence investigation of Eu-activated Sr5(PO4)2SiO4,Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Volume 158, (2011) J334-J340
9. Yanlin Huang , Suyin Zhang, Pengjiang Wei, Hyo Jin Seo, the luminescence properties of Ybions doped in NaBaPO4crystal,J. Electrochem. Soc., 158(5), (2011) H465-H470
10. Yanlin Huang , Hyo Jin Seo, The Spectroscopy and Micro-Structure of EuIons Doped Double Perovskite Ba3Y2WO9,J. Electrochem. Soc.,158(7), (2011) J215-J220
11. Yanlin Huang , Hyo Jin Seo, Luminescence of Euions in CsMgPO4phosphor,J. Electrochem. Soc, 158(8) (2011) J260-J263
12.Xigang Wang, Fuping Du, Donglei Wei, Yanlin Huang, Hyo Jin Seo, The new blue-emitting phosphor of Eu-doped Ca2Sr(PO4)2, J. Electrochem. Soc.,158 (8) (2011) J264-J268.
13. Yanlin Huang, Jiuhui Gan, Hyo Jin Seo,Luminescence investigation of Eu-activated Sr5(PO4)2SiO4phosphor by combustion synthesis, J. Am. Ceram. Soc.,94(4) (2011) 1143–1148
14.Jiayu Wang, Yanlin Huang and Yadong Li, Hyo Jin Seo, The reduction and luminescence characteristics of Sm doped in Ba3BP3O12 crystal, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 94(5) (2011)1454–1459
15.Suyin Zhang, Yanlin Huang*, Yosuke Nakai, Taiju Tsuboi, Hyo Jin Seo, the luminescence characterization and thermal stability of Eu ions doped NaBaPO4 phosphor, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. (2011), 94(9), (2011) 2987–2992.
16.Rui Zhu, Yanlin Huang, Hyo Jin Seo, The luminescence properties ofEu[sup] J. Am. Ceram. Soc.(2011),94[10] 3380-3385 (2011).[/sup]
17.Yadong Li, Jiayu Wang, Yanlin Huang*, Temperature-Dependent D0-F0 Luminescence of Sm Ions Doped in Alkaline Earth Borophosphate Glass, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 93(3) (2010), 722~726.
18.Suyin Zhang, Yanlin Huang*, Weifang Kai, Liang Shi, Hyo Jin Seo,Tunable Red Luminescence of Mn-Doped NaCaPO4, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters , 13(2), (2010),J11~J14
19.Haiyan Ding, Yanlin Huang*, Liang Shi, Hyo Jin Seo, Site-Selective Excitation and Luminescence Properties of Eu Ions Doped in SrZn2(PO4)2. J. Electrochem. Soc., 157(3), ( 2010), J54~J58.
20.Suyin Zhang, Yanlin Huang*, Hyo Jin Seo, The Spectroscopic Properties and Structural Occupation of Eu Sites in LiMgPO4, J. Electrochem. Soc., 157 (5), (2010) J186~J190
21.Suyin Zhang, Yanlin Huang*, Hyo Jin Seo, “The spectroscopy and structural sites of Eu ions doped KCaPO4 phosphor”, J. Electrochem. Soc. , 157 (7), (2010) J261~J266.
22. Yanlin Huang,Hao Lin, Hyo Jin Seo, "Luminescence properties and local structures of Eu in EuBaB9O16 crystal". J. Electrochem. Soc., 157(12), (2010) J405~J409.
23. Yanlin Huang, Jiayu Wang, Hyo Jin Seo, "The irradiation induced valence changes and the luminescence properties of samariumionsin Ba2SiO4" . J. Electrochem. Soc. ,Volume 157, Issue 12, pp. J429-J434 (2010).
24.Rui Zhu, Yanlin Huang, Hyo Jin Seo, Ared-emitting phosphorof Eu-based borotungstate Eu3BWO9for white light emitting diodes, J. Electrochem. Soc.,Volume 157, Issue 12, pp. H1116-H1120 (2010).
25.Yonggang Cao, Ye Tao, Yanlin Huang*,Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of Eu-Doped NaCaPO4 Nano-Particles under VUV-UV Excitation , Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.10,(2010), 2223~2227
26.Donglei Wei, Yanlin Huang*, Jin Soo Kim, Liang Shi, Hyo Jin Seo,Electrical Properties of Ca9ZnLi(PO4)7 Ceramics Prepared by Reactive Pressureless Sintering, Journal of Electronic Materials , 39(4) (2010), 441~446.
27. Yanlin Huang, Liang Shi, Eun Sik Kim, Hyo Jin Seo, Site-selective spectroscopy and crystallographic sites of Eu ions doped in Gd2BaZnO5, Journal of Applied Physics. 105, (2009) 013512
28. Yanlin Huang, Liang Shi, Xuebin Qiao, Hyo Jin Seo,Radiation-Induced Effects and Valence Changes of SamariumIons in Sr3Sm(PO4)3, J. Electrochem. Soc.,156, ( 2009),J230-J234
29.Yanlin Huang,Hyo Jin Seo, Multisite Structure of PbWO4:EuCrystals Investigated by Site-Selective Laser-Excitation Spectroscopy, J. Phys. Chem. A, 113( 2009), 5317–5323