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出版社: 上海教育出版社; 第1版 (2006年7月1日)
平裝: 160頁
開本: 16開
ISBN: 7544407403
條形碼: 9787544407403
尺寸: 26 x 18.8 x 0.8 cm
重量: 281 g


作者:(美)保克 譯者:唐越




1 Getting Help with Math在數學學習上尋求幫助
2 Visualizing Percentages構想百分率
3 Are We There Yet?我們到了嗎?
4 The tangram Puzzle七巧板之謎
5 Calculators and Repeating Decimals計算器與循環小數
6 Will Roman Numerals Return?羅馬數字會歸來嗎?
7 The Digits of Pi丌的位數
8“Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally”“請原諒我親愛的莎莉姑媽”
9 The Oldest Math Puzzle早古老的數學謎題
10 Four out of Five Doctors Recommend…五分之四的醫生推薦……
11 Not All Pyramids Are Square不是所有的錐體都是四稜錐
12 Numbers with Personality具有個性的數字
13 The“Right”Angle“正確的”角(直角)
14 A Theorem Most Proved被證明最多次的定理
15 Distances and Light Years距離與光年
16 Sherlock Holmes Solves a Math Problem
17 The Fastest Answer最快的解答
18 Proving Fermat’S Last Theorem證明費馬最後定理
19 Working with Interest Rates計算利息率
20 The Bridges of K~nigsberg七橋問題
21 The Better Buy更實惠地購物
22 Bits and Bytes位與位元組
23 Shapes That Cover覆蓋物的形狀
24 Using Exchange Rates使用匯率
25 Why Equations Don’t Have Answers為何等式沒有答案
26 How Much Do You Save?你節省了多少?
27 Beyond the Domino從多米諾骨牌說開去
28 Prime and Composite Numbers質數與複合數
29 Random Numbers隨機數
30“Monday’s Child Is Fair of Face”“周一出生的孩子擁有漂亮的臉蛋”
31 Making a Budget做預算
32 The QuadragenarIan in the quadrangle方院中四十多歲的人
33 Converting Measurements度量單位換算
34 Storing a Million Dollars at Home將一百萬美金藏在家中
35 Patching Things Up with Your Bank與你的銀行達成和解
36 Playi ng Havoc with Generations混亂的輩份
37 If This Is San Francisco.It Must Be Yesterday
38 Working Through a Math Puzzle解出一道數學謎題
39 Happy 22nd Birthday,Great—Great-Uncle Mike!
40 Riding the Stock Market Roller Coaster投資股票市場如坐過山車
41 The Binary Number System二進制數字型系
42 Buying and Maintaining an Economy Car購買和養護一輛經濟型車
43 Adding 1 00 Numbers in Minutes在數分鐘內把一百個數字加起來
44 George Washington’S Birthday喬治·華盛頓的生日
45 Who Drinks Mineral Water?誰喝礦泉水?
46 Getting out of Credit Card Debt擺脫信用卡債務
47 Thinking in the Metric System用公制思考
48 Winning Combinations組合中的勝出幾率
49 What a Coincidence!直巧!
50 Avoiding Supermarket Booby Traps避免超市的購物陷阱
51 Get Me to the Airport on Time準時送我到機場
52 Brother,Can You Spare$1 00,0007兄弟,你拿得出十萬美金嗎?
53 The Golden Rectangle黃金矩形
54 Double or Nothing雙倍或沒有
55 Can We iGet Rid of Some Zeros?可以去掉幾個零嗎?
56 Birthday Twins同一天生日
57 Geometry on the Floor地板上的幾何學
58 Good for Nothing?毫無價值7
59 Two Types of Spirals兩類螺旋形
60 Just Like Jack and the beanstalk就像傑克和仙豆的故事
61 The Toss ofa Coin拋硬幣
62 Drawing on the Definition根據定義作圖
63 Zeno’s Paradoxes芝諾悖論
64 A Creative Leap創造性的飛躍
65 What’s Rational About That?那有什麼合理的?
66 Precision and Common Sense精確與常識
67 What’s It Worth to You?對你而言其價值有多大?
68 A Visual Illusion視覺假象
69 equilateral and equiangular等邊與等角
70 Looking Across for Answers看對角,找答案
71 Only Length Times Width?就是長度乘以寬度嗎?
72 Making Patterns with Numbers用數字構圖
73 The Impossible Equation不成立的等式
74 Just Rolling Along向前滾動
75 Putting the Pieces Together拼接


